Biology 3
Final Examination – Study Guide
What is Homeostasis, negative feedback and positive feedback?
Give examples of negative and positive feedback
Compare and contrast the three type of Muscles
Compare and contrast types of Connective tissues?
What are the two types of cells in nervous tissue?
Epithelial tissues: where are they found and how do they differ….
Functions of all eleven organ systems of the body?
Parts of Urinary System: Structure of the nephron and where filtration, reabsorption and secretion happen
Human Circulatory System
In a picture identify the 16 structures of the heart
Do humans have an open or a closed circulatory system.
What we inhale and what we exhale
What is the purpose of diffusion in nutrient up take and how does that work.
How is oxygen delivered to the cells of the human body
Do we have an open or a closed circulatory system?
What organisms have an open circulatory system?
What is the difference in the function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries,veins, venules
Veins or Arteries or Capillaries carry blood away from the heart or blood toward the heart?
The four chambers, which receive blood and which pumps blood away from the heart.
Two circuits of the heart
Side of the heart that is oxygenated verses deoxygenated.
What is a heart murmur ?
Whats the function of a valve, the SA node,
What is the hearts cycle, and what are the waves in an EKG,
What is normal pulse and blood pressure?
In blood pressure what is normal systole and normal diastole
Whats hypertension, hypotension and heart rate. .
Which has low pressure veins, capillaries, arteriolesvenules
Role of White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
What is plaque and what disease does it cause.
What is leukemia, atherosclerosis, anemia
The Respiratory System
What passes through Bronchus, trachea, pharynx, esophagus and what is the epiglottis and its role
In respiratory system where does gas exchange occurs
In a picture identify the trachea, bronchioles, alveoli
What is the diaphragm, and intercoastal muscles, alveoli
How does transport of Oxygen involve hemoglobin.
What is the purpose of iron and what is anemia
What health affects does Cigarette smoking cause.
The Human Digestive system
What is Digestion verses churning and mastication?
What is mechanical digestion vs chemical digestion?
What type of muscle is found in the digestive system and how do they work?
What is peristalsis?
Enzymes in digestion, What does each do and where does each work?
Trypsin, amylase, pepsin, proteases, sucrose, lipase, maltase ( Which breaksdown a)starch, b) protein, c)Fats)
What is the difference in an alimentary canal and a gastrovascular cavity.
What are all the organs of the alimentary canal and in what orderdo they occur?
What is the role of each of these organs?
Identify the oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx, stomach, sphincter muscle and what role each plays indigestion?
What three things are in gastric juices in the stomach and what are they for?
What is heartburn and what causes it?
What is an ulcer and what two things cause it? What would a doctor prescribe for an ulcer?
What is gastric bypass and why is it done?
Identify the duodenum in the small intestine, why is it important? What’s the purpose of pancreatic juices, bile and digestive juices?
Three important things secreted by the pancreas?
Role of liver and gallbladder and what molecule is bile important in the digestion of
Which vitamins are the fat soluble verses water soluble, choose A, B, C, D, E, K?
What are essential amino acids
See body mass index, what number represents obesity?
How many Americans are obese?
Human Reproduction
Which is involved in sexual or asexual reproductionA) fissionB) gametes c) fragmentation d) budding e)zygote
What is a Hermaphrodites ?
Female anatomy: On a figure identify oviduct, cervix, uterus (endometrium and myometrium), ovaries. What happens in each of these structures…?
Where in a woman's reproductive tract does fertilization most often take place?
How does the human egg move through the oviduct?
Where in uterus does the embryo implant?
What is and what causes Menstruation
What is purpose of HCG and LH hormone
What is ovulation
What is oogenesis, and where does it occur
In human females,
What does the ovarian cycle controls in a female and what hormones are involved.
What hormone stimulates follicle growth
What hormone stimulates egg release (ovulation)
What does the mentral cycle control in a female and what hormones are involved
When she menstruates levels of which hormone is low
What hormones cause the endometrial lining to grow….?
What would happen if an embryo failed to secrete HCG?
Which STDs are caused by a virus?
Which STDs are caused by a bacteria
Contraceptives:What is the rhythm methods, tubal ligation, vasectomy, diaphragm, condom, spermacides, MAPs, RU486, oral contraceptives, Differences in reliability
Parts of sperm cell (head, flagella, acrosome, mitochondria) what is the purpose of the parts?
Parts of the egg and purpose
Distinguish between zygote, blastula and blastuation, gastrula and gastrulation and embryo
What is formed from these three germ layers A) ectodermB) endodermC) mesoderm?
What is formed as a result of programmed cell death?
In Male Anatomy study a figure of the male
What is the purpose of the testis, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate gland and seminal vesicle.
What substances are produced in the glands.
Where do sperm form and then mature.
Where does spermatogenesis occur in the testis and what is formed
What is gestation, conception, fertilization, development,pregnancy
Where does A) fertilization B) implantation occur,
Purpose of the four components of the placenta ( yolk sac, amnion, chorion, allantois, umbilical cord) what the purpose of placenta.
Which has happened by the end of each trimester
the sex can be determined?
called a fetus?
Has all organs
Most rapid growth
What is in vitro fertilization?
Purpose of Oxytocin, Insulin, Glucagon, ADH, FSH, LH HCG