The meeting was called to order at 8:00PM by Council President DiGiulio who read the Open Public Meetings Act Statement as prescribed by law. Notice was advertised in The Record on July 21, 2006 and September 2, 2006, stating this meeting would be held on Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 8:00 PM in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey.
Notice of this meeting is posted on the Municipal Bulletin Board. The minutes of this meeting shall be available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
Salute to the Flag.
Present: Councilmembers Alderisio, DiGiulio, Hermansen, Kidd, Larson, and Roth
Absent: Councilman DaPuzzo
Also present were the Business Administrator Brian Campion, Township Attorney Terry Paul Bottinelli, Township Engineer’s Associate Michael Kelly, Township Utility Engineer Gerard Spiesbach, and Deputy Municipal Clerk Janis Fox.
Hermansen reported that the Board of Education thanked Council for letting them know about the bus situation due to the closing of the Cleveland Bridge.
Kidd stated he received a phone call from a resident concerned about children getting the bus with the closing of Olney Road. The children use to get on the bus at Olney road and now have to walk down to the bottom of Stephens Lane. Kidd instructed the resident to address this with the Board of Education.
Roth said he attended the opening of the new building at the Museum. The present exhibit on the American Revolution is extraordinary and will be on display until December 16, 2006. The people who renovated this new building did a wonderful job and should be congratulated for the exhibit.
Roth said on September 10, 2006 he attended the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. He thanked the Police Department, Fire Department, Emergency Services, the Mayor who gave a wonderful speech and Council President DiGiulio who did likewise, and the Department of Public Works who did a great job in making the day happen.
DiGiulio said she also attended the opening of the Museum and the march when the men came through town. The march was well attended. The Museum and display at Havemeyer House was unbelievable. DiGiulio urged everyone to bring their children to see the Museum.
DiGiulio announced that the Ambulance Corps. is having a booth at Mahwah Day and are having a drive for goody boxes. They have a list of items for people to bring for our service men.
DiGiulio reiterated who Roth thanked, and also thanked the Municipal Clerk’s office for putting together the program for 9/11, the Council, Administration, and said everyone helped in coordinating this emotional ceremony.
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Alderisio echoed the sentiments of Roth and DiGiulio on the Library and Mahwah Historical Society as it was a professional exhibit.
Alderisio said he also attended the 9/11 Ceremony but was disappointed that more residents did not show up for the memorial.
Alderisio congratulated the Department of Public Works for doing a curb replacement on Franklin Turnpike and Airmount Avenue and said they did a great job.
Mayor Martel stated he also attended the 9/11 ceremony and thought it was very well done, especially the comments made by DiGiulio and Roth. The Mayor said he received phone calls from some attendees, and they expressed how tastefully done it was.
Mayor Martel said he attended the Ribbon Cutting at the Museum with other Council people. The company that did the work did a wonderful job. He hopes more people will take advantage of going to the Museum and see what work has been done as the Township should be proud of this building.
Mayor Martel stated on September 13, he, the Business Administrator and the Township Engineer met with the Department of Transportation and discussed the Route 17/Corporate Drive turn that the Township wants repaired and modified. The Mayor asked the Department of Transportation about the situation of the weigh station. The Department of Transportation said they have picked another site within the Township of Mahwah but do not know when this will be built. They also discussed the Route 17/Route 287 area and the traffic that it causes, especially on Friday evenings. The Department of Transportation said they were not aware of any problems. The Business Administrator said there had been some federal funding set aside to investigate this project. The Department of Transportation said they will look into this.
Mayor Martel stated they also discussed dangerous situation of the Home Depot entrance and exit off Route 17.
The Business Administrator added that the primary discussion with the Department of Transportation was about the intersection of Route 17 and Corporate Drive. It seems they will be able to get a short term solution to improve the radius of Route 17.
The Business Administrator said the property on Airmount Avenue that Council authorized to be sold will be auctioned off on September 26, 2006.
Larson asked the status on the Cleveland Bridge. The Business Administrator said the Township Engineer is working with the County and the contractor doing the repairs to restore the bridge to the prior weight limits. The contractor is scheduled to do repairs on September 18th. The Bridge should be closed for approximately for one week. The Business Administrator stated the County
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Engineer’s office has worked out an agreement with a Property Owner for use of his property by the residents between 7:00AM and 11:00PM.
Larson asked if the Cleveland Bridge is new. The Business Administrator said it was a historic structure.
On a motion by Roth, seconded by Hermansen, the meeting was opened to the public at 8:20PM. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Albert Kidd of 851 Darlington Avenue, said he noticed from the newspaper that the Township is selling five fire trucks and buying an ambulance. The Business Administrator said there were four fire trucks auctioned as they have not been in service for a number of years. Mr. Kidd is concerned there is no economizing on expenses.
Mr. Peter Cassotis of 107 South Mahwah Road said he knows the money for the property being sold on Hilltop Road and Airmont Avenue will be earmarked for to offset the cost of the McBride property. He asked if any thought has been given for the money being received to take a due diligence study on the McBride property to see how much it will cost for development. The tax payers should know how much they will have to spend when this project gets off the ground.
Mr. Mike DeLuca of 11 Parsons Court thanked the Council for acting on the request for the bike path from Lydia Lane to the Shopping Centre. The problem he has now is the horrible lighting in this bike path area and is concerned for the safety of the children.
On a motion by Roth, seconded by Hermansen the meeting was closed to the public at 8:30PM.
All in favor. Motion carried.
On a motion by DiGiulio, seconded by Roth, Council went into closed session at 8:36PM for the
purpose of discussion of Personnel – Sick Leave Extension and Monthly Litigation Reports.
Roll call vote: Alderisio, yes; DaPuzzo, absent; Hermansen, yes; Kidd, yes; Larson, yes; Roth,
yes; DiGiulio, yes.
On a motion by DiGiulio, seconded by Larson, Council returned to open session at 9:40PM . All
in favor. Motion carried.
Any Councilmember with questions on the Bills and Claims was asked to contact Administration prior to the Public Meeting.
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ENGINEERING (Boswell-McClave)
1a. Wyckoff Avenue and Forest Road Intersection Improvements; Project Update
The Township Engineer’s Associate said they are still reviewing the pavement issue with the County. The County is aware of the Township’s concern with the pavement. The contractor is addressing punch list items and cleaning up staging areas next week. They will also begin small drainage improvement on Franklin Street.
The Township Engineer’s Associate said the County has hired a contractor to rehab the Cleveland Bridge to bring it up to the weight limit or posting before it was determined this was structurally unsound. The work is scheduled to begin on September 18th and they expect to have it completed by September 22nd. They have explored different possibilities of accessing the Deer Haven Community. They will access through property owned by Scott Baxter. There will be
limitations since he has a horse farm there. There will be no access between 11:00PM thru 7:00AM. The Deer Haven Community has to be made aware of this. They have made arrangements for emergency vehicles.
DiGiulio asked Hermansen to notify the Board of Education to make sure they know about this.
1b. Written Status Report
The Township Engineer’s Associate said they had a meeting with the Department of
Transportation for the purpose of making them aware of the Route 17/Corporate Drive
intersection being moved forward. The DOT reviewed their process with us. This is a five stage
Process and they are currently in Stage 2. Construction may begin next fall.
Roth asked if the Municipal Stormwater Regulation Plan was completed by September 8th. The
Township Engineer’s Associate expects the plan submitted to the County by September 19th.
Roth asked who is installing the signs at the Young World Day School and what is the problem
getting these signs installed. The Township Engineer’s Associate said the owner of the School
is responsible and the Engineer’s have just received confirmation from the state that the
blinking school speed limit signs were approved. He instructed the property owner to contact a
contractor. Roth said he feels Young World School is holding this up and should there be
another meeting. The Township Engineer’s Associate said they want it done also and had to
wait for a document from the state.
DiGiulio said the speed limit is still not 25 mph. The Township Engineer’s Associate said the
County will reduce the speed limit when the signs are installed.
Hermansen asked if the design of the Police Department, Fire Company No. 1 and Winters
Building Parking Lot will be completed by September 15, 2006. The Township Engineer’s
Associate said it will be completed by September 15th and project will not be bid until late
winter this year.
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2a. Written Progress Report
Well 18A: The Township Utility Engineer said they have retained a contractor and applications
for well drilling permits are being completed. They anticipate well drilling will begin in the next
few weeks.
Stage 5 Sanitary Sewer System: The Township Utility Engineer said the Technical
Memo has been delayed for two weeks. When they get the survey information a Quality
Control on the survey information will be conducted. A number of discrepancies were detected
and the information had to be given back to the surveyor for re-verification. This will not impact
the end schedule and the preliminary design is still proceeding. They will also have a
preliminary cost estimate of the overall costs.
Distribution System Plan: The Township Utility Engineer said this is due by October 1st and
they are on schedule with this. The disinfectant concentration has been established and the
ranking will be completed in a few days and then there will be the internal review.
Alderisio asked how the Hydraulic Analysis on the pumping station is coming. The Township
Engineer said it is pretty well formulated and populated. They are getting the information they
need from the Water Department. When they get this information they will run some actual
Roth asked if the Township Utility Engineer provided there final letter to Council on Tudor
Rose. The Township Utility Engineer answered the letter is in the process of being finalized.
3a. Authorization to Award Bid MTB #06-22: DPW Materials and Supplies
Alderisio asked for clarification on Item 40L, page 11.
Resolution shall be voted on in the Public Meeting.
3b. Report; Bid #MTB-06-25: Police Building Renovations
The Business Administrator explained bids went out once and were rejected. Bids went out
a second time and Council has results of second bid. There is a minimum, intermediate and
maximum project. The lowest bidder was $200,000 less than the others, but over the budgeted
$1.76 million. The decision by Administration was to go with the intermediate project and to
accomplish this there are not sufficient funds. To go forward with this recommendation we
an additional $550,000.00 would need to be added which would come from the Municipal
Escrow Account funds. The Bond Ordinance would have to be amended an additional $300,000.
Hermansen asked since the two bids were over could the bids be negotiated. The Business