Town of Woodbury Select Board
ApprovedMeetingMinutes – April 10, 2017 Select Board Meeting
Select Board Members Present: Michael Gray-Chair, Guy Rouelle,Thomas “Skip” Lindsay,
Town Officers Present:Brandy Smith-Town Treasurer; Diana Peduzzi-Town Clerk;
Town Employees:None
Members of the Public: Vail Leach
Media: John Pepe-HCTV
Michael Gray called the meeting to order at 6:00P.M.
Adjustments to Agenda:
Due to the nature of the discussion, Michael thought it prudent to addVail Leach to the Executive Session.
Public Comment:
There was no Public comment.
Approve Bills to the Town:
Michael introduced a motion to approve the bills to the Town, Skip seconded the motion,and the motion was approved unanimously.
Approve the Minutes from the March 27, 2017Select Board Meeting:
Michael introduced a motion to approve themeeting minutes from the March 27, 2017 Select Board meeting; Skip seconded the motion, and the motion was approved unanimously.
Approve the Minutes from the April 4, 2017 Special Select Board Meeting:
Michael introduced a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the April 4, 2017 Special Select Board meeting; Guy seconded the motion, and the motion was approved unanimously.
Approve the Minutes from the March 20, 2017 Site Visit and Hearing to Discontinue a Section of TH 39:
Michael introduced a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the March 20, 2017 Site Visit and Hearing to discontinue a Section of TH 39, Skip seconded the motion and the motion was approved unanimously.
Town Treasurer’s Report:
Brandy distributed the April 10, 2017 bi-weekly financial reports for review and they were accepted without questions.
Brandy commented on:
- an $18K quarterly payment made to the Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department
- Delinquent Taxes due to the Town have shown a steady decrease
- The Town has begun to receive pre-payment of 2018 property taxes
Brandy informed the Board that she attended a day-long MS Excel training program taught by Knowledgewave in their Williston computer lab.
Town Clerk’s Report:
Diana presented the following documents:
- A Liquor License permit for the Woodbury Store for signature
- Four Overweight Permits
- A Green-up Day Grant for signature
- The Annual VTransFinancial Plan for maintaining Woodbury’s roads
Old Woodbury Country Store-Hazardous Mitigation Grant (HMG) Project Update:
Diana sent a “Request for Qualifications” to three Engineering firms, Doug Newton, Chase and Chase, and Don Marsh Engineering to determine their ability and willingness to create stream alteration plans as part of the overall HMG project. Michael noted the presumed work would alter the stream by removing the water flow restrictions and rework the stream bank as needed. Note this work is part of the HMG Grant and not funded directly by the Town.
A project planning meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 20. At this meeting, the Phase 2 contractor hopes to gain access to the property and finish the remaining Phase 1 tasks.
Road Foreman/Road Crew Ads for Positions: Job Descriptions; Interim Set-up:
Michael noted the remaining Road Crew members, Greg Parkhurst and David Pike, are staying and Greg Parkhurst would be supervising overall road maintenance. David Pike will remain on a part time basis working two days a week unless an emergency arises that requires additional workdays. Michael noted the long-term goal is to hire a full time road crew employee and subsequently engage the services of a part time employee for the winter months. Guy wondered if the Town is advertising for a road foreman or a road crew worker. Skip remarked that the plan is to advertise for both positions. However, which position is filled will be based on the successful applicant’s credentials.
Michael reported that Greg Parkhurst is willing to do a fair amount of managing the road crew. Greg is willing enter the equipment usage and maintenance log information on to the road crew’s lap top computer. Greg requested that internet access be provided at the Town Garage to order parts online and have the ability to respond to and send emails. Skip will investigate a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connection installed cost and monthly fee for this purpose.
The East Hill Road Grant was discussed. The original plan was to have the road crew complete most of the work. (Note the Town’s match for the $20,000 Grant is $5,000 and work must be completed by December 31, 2017. Grant documentation may be reviewed at the Town Offices). However, due to the uncertainty in terms of hiring another crew member, Greg asked that the work be contracted out. Michael noted some of the work has been completed and a portion of the material was purchased last year. Guy remarked that the best path forward is to solicit bids from three contractors for this work. Michael will ask Greg for contact information of three contractors. Subsequently, Guy will complete a simplified bid document and solicit cost estimates from them.
Michael reported the 2012 F550 truck was back in service after a series of repair issues. A discussion ensued focused on whether the truck should be replaced before next winter. Michael plans to reach out to Gateway Motors, who have completed the most recent repairs on the truck, to get a sense on the truck’s present condition and seek their opinion on replacing the truck. The Town owns the truck and the extended warranty has lapsed. Consensus is that a F550 truck tends to break down after four-five years of use. Further deliberation is needed in order to make an informed decision. Guy will investigate the lease arrangement the State has for their smaller-light duty trucks and report to the Board.
Skip distributed “final drafts” of the Road Foreman and Road Crew Job Descriptions. Skip led the Board through the documents and after some discussion, the Board agreed to a couple of changes. The final documents, including the Job Application, will be available on the Town’s Web Site and at the Town Offices. There will be two advertisements, one for Road Foreman, and one for Road Crew Member with the single most skilled person hired.
Guy remarked that the town’s Personnel Policy should be edited concerning the Road Foreman’s roles, responsibilities, and compensation. Guy noted that the Road Foreman receives a higher wage due to the supervisory nature of the position and because of that the foreman should not receive call-in pay. Plans are to revisit the Personnel Policy prior to hiring a road crew member and make the appropriate changes to make the document less ambiguous.
Guy introduced a job evaluation document that will be used to gauge the road crew’s job performance and compensation. Note the Town presently does not have formal performance evaluation tool.
Skip distributed a new time sheet in MS Excel format that will replace the existing hand written time sheets. Brandy noted the time sheet would work well in documenting road crew hours spent on Better Roads Grants.
Brandy Smith was asked to join the conversation and Guy questioned if Greg Parkhurst has been given signing authority to order/purchase parts and equipment on the Town’s behalf. Brandy commented that as soon as the Board gives her the authority she would alert vendors to Greg’s new position. Brandy will set-up Greg with a Town credit card with a modest credit line for miscellaneous purchases.
Updates and Follow-Ups:
- Better Roads Grants; East Hill and Valley Lake Road
- The East Hill Grant was discussed earlier in the meeting
- Skip reported he has not heard from the State regarding the Valley Lake RoadGrant Application sent on March 17, 2017.
- Mowing Ad
- The Cemetery and Town Property mowing advertisement for bids was sent to local print media.
- Forest Fire Warden
- Skip distributed a “final draft” of the Forest Fire Warden and Deputy Forest Fire Warden job descriptions. Skip remarked that Paul Cerutti has asked that a stipend of $500.00 per year allocated for these positions. This is a change from $20.00 per hour that the Board agreed upon for compensationpreviously. The Board will haveto amend the compensation part of the Wardens’ job descriptions at the April 24, 2017 Board meeting. Michael remarked that the former Warden fielded between 30-40 calls per year for permits, illegal burning and calls for service.
At 7:35 PM, Michael introduced a motion to enter into Executive Session citing Title 01-Chapter 005-Sub Chapter 002-Sections 313(a)(2) for the negotiating or securing of real estate or lease options. Guy seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Michael invited Vail Leach and Diana Peduzzi to join the Executive Session.
After considerable discussion, the Board decided to instruct our Attorney to create and forward to the property owners a formal Purchase and Sales Agreement, a Cover Letter explaining why the Town cannot issuea sole source contract for demolishing the buildings, and the “Letter of Intent” originally sent to the property owners in December 2016.
Michael introduced a motion to come out of executive session at 8:17 PM, Guy seconded the motion, and the motion was approved unanimously.
Michael introduced a motion to adjourn at 8:17 PM; Skip seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Approved Date: April 24, 2017
Michael Gray: Select Board Chair______/S/______
Guy Rouelle: Select Board Member______/S/______
Thomas Lindsay: Select Board Member_____/S/______