Category 1: Education & Research (ER)
Sustainability courses
Summary of Calendar Courses by Department
Departmentsustainability-focus / sustainability-related / Comments
Anthropology / 4 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
Biology / 8 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Chemistry / 4 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Commerce/Business Administration / 4 /
- use term “sustainability development” in COMM 755 - Management of Technology, but this is only one element of the course
Computer Science / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
Economics / 4 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Education / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
English / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Environmental Planning / 1 / 9
Environmental Science and Engineering / 26 /
- use term “sustainable planet” in ENSC 435/635 - Soil Biological Processes and the Environment, but this is only one element of the course
Environmental Studies / 11 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
First Nations Studies / 9 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Forestry / 8 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Geography / 19 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Health and Human Science / 3 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
History / 5 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
International Studies / 1 / 13
Mathematics / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
Northern Studies / 1 / 3 / 1 course
Natural Resources Management / 17 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies / 17 /
- use term “sustainability” in NRES 731 - Soil Ecology, but this is only one element of the course
Nursing / 2 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Outdoor Recreation and Tourism / 17 /
- use term “sustainable development” in ORTM 403/603 - International Dimensions of Recreation and Tourism, but this is only one element of the course
Philosophy / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
Physics / 3 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Political Science / 9 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Psychology / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
Social Work / 1 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
Women's Studies / 0 /
- sustainability term not used in any course title or description
- no sustainability related courses
TOTAL / 4 / 196 / = 200 sus courses
Sustainability-focused Courses
- ENPL 301 - Sustainable Communities: Structure and Sociology
- INTS 335 - Global Environmental Challenge: Sustainability
- NORS 331 - Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar North 1
- ORTM 200 - Sustainable Recreation and Tourism
Sustainability-related Courses
Course number & titleANTHROPOLOGY
- ANTH 312 - Human Adaptability
- ANTH 316 - Social Theory & Structure of Contemporary Canadian Society
- ANTH 413 - Topics in Environmental Anthropology
- ANTH 613 - Topics in Environmental Anthropology
- BIOL 110 - Introductory Ecology
- BIOL 304 - Plants, Society and the Environment
- BIOL 411 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 413 - Wildlife Management
- BIOL 421 - Insects, Fungi and Society
- BIOL 601 - Conservation Biology
- BIOL 602 - Fisheries Management
- BIOL 605 - Wildlife Management
- BIOL 611 - Insects, Fungi and Society
- CHEM 110 - Chemistry of Everyday Life
- CHEM 302 - Environmental Chemistry I
- CHEM 400 - Topics in Environmental Chemistry
- CHEM 408 - Environmental Chemistry II
- COMM 315 - International Accounting
- COMM 332 - Business and Professional Ethics
- COMM 735 - Law, Governance and Ethics
- COMM 755 - Management of Technology
- ECON 305 - Environmental Economics
- ECON 331 - Forestry Economics
- ECON 425 - Trade and the Environment
- ECON 625 - Trade and the Environment
- ENPL 205 - Environment and Society
- ENPL 208 - First Nations Community and Environmental Planning
- ENPL 305 - Environmental Impact Assessment
- ENPL 313 - Rural Community Economic Development
- ENPL 401 - Environmental Law
- ENPL 409 - Advanced First Nations Community and Environmental Planning
- ENPL 415 - Ecological Design
- ENPL 609 - First Nations Community and Environmental Planning
- ENPL 619 - Ecological Design
- ENSC 150 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
- ENSC 201 - Weather and Climate
- ENSC 202 - Introduction to Aquatic Systems
- ENSC 302 - Energy Development
- ENSC 308 - Northern Contaminated Environments
- ENSC 312 - Boundary - layer Meteorology
- ENSC 325 - Soil Physical Processes and the Environment
- ENSC 406 - Environmental Modelling
- ENSC 412 - Air Pollution
- ENSC 417 - Designing Solutions in Environmental Engineering
- ENSC 418 - Environmental Measurement and Analysis
- ENSC 425 - Climate Change and Global Warming
- ENSC 435 - Soil Biological Processes and the Environment
- ENSC 451 - Groundwater Hydrology
- ENSC 452 - Reclamation & Remediation of Disturbed Environments
- ENSC 453 - Environmental Resource Management and Decision Making
- ENSC 454 - Snow and Ice
- ENSC 604 - Waste Management
- ENSC 607 - Environmental Modelling
- ENSC 612 - Air Pollution
- ENSC 618 - Environmental Measurement and Analysis
- ENSC 625 - Climate Change and Global Warming
- ENSC 635 - Soil Biological Processes and the Environment
- ENSC 651 - Groundwater Hydrology
- ENSC 652 - Reclamation & Remediation of Disturbed Environments
- ENSC 653 - Environmental Resource Management and Decision Making
- ENSC 654 - Snow and Ice
- ENVS 101 - Introduction to Environmental Citizenship
- ENVS 306 - Human Ecology
- ENVS 309 - Women and Environmental Studies
- ENVS 311 - Northern Perspectives
- ENVS 325 - Global Environmental Change: Science and Policy
- ENVS 326 - Natural Resources, Environmental Issues and Public Engagement
- ENVS 414 - Environmental and Professional Ethics
- ENVS 498 - Special Topics
- ENVS 601 - Energy Development
- ENVS 602 - Environmental and Natural Resources Issues and Ethics
- ENVS 612 - Air Pollution
- FNST 203 - Introduction to Traditional Environmental Knowledge
- FNST 217 - Contemporary Challenges Facing Aboriginal Communities
- FNST 249 - Aboriginal Resource Planning
- FNST 280 - Aboriginal Medicine I - Harvesting and Preservation
- FNST 281 - Aboriginal Medicines II - Administering and Ethics
- FNST 282 - Aboriginal Health Philosophy
- FNST 304 - First Nations Environmental Philosophy and Knowledge
- FNST 411 - Advanced Topics: Religion/Philosophy
- FNST 606 - Indigenous Issues in International Perspective
- FSTY 201 - Forest Plant Systems
- FSTY 209 - Forest Biology and Silvics
- FSTY 305 – Silviculture
- FSTY 307 - Disturbance Ecology and Forest Health
- FSTY 310 - Forest Economics
- FSTY 407 - Forest Products
- FSTY 408 - Forest Practices and Management
- FSTY 415 - Forest Soils
- GEOG 100 - Environments and People: The Geography of Natural Hazards
- GEOG 101 - Human Geography
- GEOG 200 - Geography of BC
- GEOG 203 - Geography of Canada
- GEOG 301 - Cultural Geography
- GEOG 302 - Geography of Russia
- GEOG 303 - Recreational Geography
- GEOG 305 - Political Geography
- GEOG 306 - Geography of International Development
- GEOG 309 - Geographies of Migration and Settlement
- GEOG 322 - Economic Geography of Northern BC
- GEOG 401 - Resource Geography
- GEOG 402 - Geography of the Circumpolar North
- GEOG 403 - Aboriginal Geography
- GEOG 422 - Geography of the World Economy
- GEOG 601 - Resource Geography
- GEOG 602 - Geography of the Circumpolar North
- GEOG 603 - Aboriginal Geography
- GEOG 622 - Geography of the World Economy
- HHSC 430 - Toxicology and Environmental Health
- HHSC 605 - Health in Developing Countries
- HHSC 630 - Advanced Toxicology and Environmental Health
- HIST 360 - An Introduction to Environmental History
- HIST 390 - Aboriginal People in Canada
- HIST 391 - Aboriginal People in the United States
- HIST 421 - Topics in Environmental History
- HIST 704 - Themes in Environmental History
- INTS 101 - Canada and the World
- INTS 205 - Introduction to International Studies
- INTS 240 - Contemporary Circumpolar North
- INTS 307 - Global Resources
- INTS 309 - Global Science and Technology
- INTS 371 - Globalization
- INTS 377 - Redefining Security
- INTS 410 - Environment and Development in the Circumpolar North
- INTS 470 - International Environmental Policy
- INTS 480 - Pacific Environment
- INTS 640 - Environment and Development in the Circumpolar North
- INTS 670 - International Environmental Policy
- INTS 680 - Pacific Environment
- NORS 101 - Introduction to the Circumpolar North
- NORS 311 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar North 1
- NORS 312 - Lands and Environments of the Circumpolar North 2
- NREM 100 - Field Skills
- NREM 101 - Introduction to Natural Resources Management and Conservation
- NREM 203 - Resource Inventories and Measurements
- NREM 204 - Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries
- NREM 210 - Integrated Resource Management
- NREM 303 - First Nations' Approaches to Resource Management
- NREM 306 - Society, Policy and Administration
- NREM 333 - Field Applications in Resource Management
- NREM 400 - Natural Resources Planning
- NREM 410 - Watershed Management
- NREM 411 - Environmental and Professional Ethics
- NREM 413 - Agroforestry
- NREM 607 - Natural Resources Planning
- NREM 608 - Watershed Management
- NREM 613 – Agroforestry
- NREM 615 - Forest Soils
- NREM 625 - Soil Formation and Classification
- NRES 100 - Communications in NRES
- NRES 703 - Integrated Resource Management
- NRES 712 - Spatial and Temporal Analyses
- NRES 720 - Global Change
- NRES 730 - Disturbance Ecology
- NRES 731 - Soil Ecology
- NRES 732 - Forest Systems and Management
- NRES 750 - Biological and Environmental Fluid Dynamics
- NRES 751 - Processes in Geomorphology
- NRES 770 - Rural and Small Town Geography
- NRES 771 - Law and the Geographies of Justice
- NRES 772 - Geographical Perspectives on Restructuring
- NRES 774 - Dimensions of Outdoor Recreation and Nature-Based Tourism
- NRES 801 - Integrated Environmental Systems I
- NRES 802 - Integrated Environmental Systems II
- NRES 803 - Integrated Environmental Systems III
- NRES 805 - Environmental Research Methods
- NURS 422 - First Nations Health and Nursing
- NURS 604 - The Healing and Well-being of Indigenous Peoples
- ORTM 100 - Leisure in Life
- ORTM 202 - Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism
- ORTM 300 - Rec & Tourism Impacts
- ORTM 301 - Environmental Interpretation
- ORTM 305 - Protected Area Planning and Management
- ORTM 306 - Indigenous Tourism and Recreation
- ORTM 332 - Outdoor Education and Leadership
- ORTM 333 - Field Experience
- ORTM 400 - Conservation Area Design and Management
- ORTM 403 - International Dimensions of Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 412 - Issues and Trends in Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 414 - Polar Tourism and Recreation
- ORTM 433 - Field Experience II
- ORTM 600 - Recreation and Tourism Ecology, Management and Design
- ORTM 603 - International Dimensions of Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 612 - Issues and Trends in Recreation and Tourism
- ORTM 614 - Polar Tourism and Recreation
- PHYS 150 - Physics for Future Leaders
- PHYS 215 - Energy, Physics and the Environment
- PHYS 307 - Selected Topics in Environmental Physics
- POLS 251 - Local Services and Public Policy
- POLS 315 - Contemporary Issues in the Circumpolar World
- POLS 332 - Community Development
- POLS 334 - Society, Policy and Administration of Natural Resources
- POLS 415 - Comparative Northern Development
- POLS 434 - Resource Communities in Transition
- POLS 601 - Resource Politics
- POLS 615 - Comparative Northern Development
- POLS 634 - Resource Communities in Transition
- SOCW 622 - Hunger/Welfare/Food Security
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