August 12, 2014
The Regular Meeting of the Somers Town Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ben Harbach at the Somers Town Hall, 7511 12TH Street.
Present: Chairman Ben Harbach, Supervisors Michael DeLuca, George Stoner & Richard Heinisch. Also present: Town Administrator William Morris, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer/Accountant Janet Cushing. Excused: Supervisor Judy Schantek & Attorney Jeff Davison.
All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent and Approval of Minutes of Town Board meeting on July 22, 2014, Special Town Board meeting on July 17, 2014, Building Report & Vouchers dated 07-31-14, 08-07-14 & 08-12-14
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve Minutes of the Town Board meeting on July 22, 2014, Special Town Board meeting on July 17, 2014, Building Report payment of Vouchers dated 07-31-14, 08-07-14 & 08-12-14, second by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Received & Filed: Fund for Lake Michigan re Grant; State of WI re Notice of Revenue Sharing Payment
Citizen Comments
Ron Grimes, 3145 72nd Ave spoke about the repaving projects on 104th Ave, 27th St and 28th Street between the City of Kenosha and the Town of Somers. He spoke about the Cooperative Plan (Section 17) and the agreement as to how projects and payments are to be done. He spoke about the Fund For Lake Michigan Grant and that supervisors were not sure about the exact nature of the work to be done with this grant. He stated that a project process sheet should be developed. He spoke about the Hwy E easement (10 min). Cark Kirkorian, 502 9th Place, stated that there was no notice of this meeting, the previous work session, or the planning commission meeting in the Kenosha News. He asked about the damage to the public works pickup truck. He stated that no smoking rules are still not being enforced. He warned the board about playing games with Steve Mills. (4 min). Larry Fliess, 11515 1st St, Commander of VFW Post 2751, gave a $1000.00 donation from the VFW for the walkway at Veterans Park. (1min).
Supervisor’s Comments
Sup. Stoner contacted the Sheriff’s Department about the excessive noise complaints. There
were 2 incidents, with no citations issued. Red Valve, the company that supplied the valves for the lift station has an article about the Town of Somers and the use of their valves that is going nationally. He explained the damage to the pick-up truck and that is was an accident. He stated that smoking complaints needed to be put in writing and given to the Fire Chief to pass on to the Fire Commission as they have jurisdiction over fire department personnel. Sup. DeLuca thank all for coming. He agreed that there needs to be more organization and documentation on projects. He said that the smoking rules either need to be enforced or changed. Sup. Heinisch thank all for coming and for their comments. He stated that his e-mail was still not working properly and that the problem is being addressed. Chairman Harbach stated that the new Fire Chief started on Monday. He thanked John Sorensen for his work for the past nine months. 47th Avenue has been repaved.
Plan Commission Recommendation
a) Public Hearing & action on request by Kenneth Hassler, Hassler Properties LLC, 4812 63rd Ave., Kenosha, WI 53144 (Owner/Agent) requesting a rezoning from R-3 Urban Single-Family Dist. to R-2 Suburban Residential Dist. On Tax Parcel #80-4-222-342-0131, 4810 64th Avenue, located in the NW ¼ of Section 34, T2N, R22E, Town of Somers, Kenosha County, WI.
No one spoke at the public hearing and the hearing was closed.
Sup. DeLuca moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation, seconded by Sup. Heinisch. Motion carried 4-0.
Approve Appointments of Vern Kotten & Margie Hannes to Park Committee
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the appointments of Verne Kotten and Marjie Hannes to the Park Committee, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Approve Carthage College Lift Station RFP
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the Carthage College Lift Station RFP with corrections, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Approve AT&T Relocation of buried cable at CTH “H” & 12th Place
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the AT&T Relocation of buried cable at CTH “H” & 12th Place, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Approve Developer’s Agreement with United Hospital System, Inc.
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the Developer’s Agreement with United Hospital System, Inc. with corrections, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Tabled: Resolution No. 14-008 Citizen Comment Guidelines
Sup. DeLuca moved to remove Resolution No. 14-008 from the table, seconded by Sup.
Stoner. Motion carried 4-0. Chairman Harbach read Resolution No. 14-008. Sup. DeLuca moved to approve Resolution No. 14-008, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Approve Garbage/Recycling RFP
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the Garbage/Recycling RFP with corrections, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion passed 4-0.
Approve Salt Order in the amount of $12,690
Sup. DeLuca moved to approve the salt order in the amount of $12,690, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Motion carried 4-0.
Authorize Edquist Hwy E Relief Sewer Easement Payment in an amount not to exceed $13,650
Chairman Harbach read a letter addressed to Town Administrator Morris from Ronald Edquist.
Sup. DeLuca moved to authorize Edquist Hwy E Relief Sewer Easement payment in an amount not to exceed $13,650, seconded by Sup. Stoner. Sup. DeLuca asked if this was a permanent easement. The answer was no. Motion failed 2-2 on the following vote: Aye: Sup.
Stoner & Chairman Harbach. Nay: Sup. DeLuca & Sup. Heinisch.
Approval of Operator License: New: Ashly E. Ratz
Sup. Stoner moved to approve the Operator License for Ashly E. Ratz, seconded by Sup. DeLuca. Motion carried 4-0.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Submitted by Janet Cushing, Deputy Clerk-Treasurer/Accountant
These minutes are not official until approved by the Town Board