ActivitiesUseful Information
Requests for patronage
Requests for patronage
General Principles
ICOMOS patronage is non-material support that may be granted each year to a limited number of events/activities that correspond to ICOMOS’ aims and objectives. It is granted to demonstrate the organization’s moral endorsement of an exceptional activity.However, ICOMOS is neither financially nor legally responsible, and no financial undertaking nor any further commitment is linked to the granting of patronage.
ICOMOS patronage may be granted toa range of activities, such as producing cinematographic and audiovisual works, publishing books, organizing congresses, meetings and conferences, training courses, awarding prizes, competitions, festivals, specialist fairs or shows, and other national and international events.
Patronagemust be limited in time. It may be granted to one-off or regularly repeated activities. In the latter case, a new request for authorisation is required for each repeated activity.
Events or activities proposed for patronage should be:
•promoted preferably by bodies and associations and not by private individuals.
•non-profit making. Profit-earning initiatives are automatically excluded. In exceptional circumstances, patronage will be considered for events promoted by commercial/for-profit organisations. Such activities, however, must be deemed to be of high value to furthering the cause of cultural heritage.
•of direct relevance to ICOMOS’ current priorities as reflected in its programme of activities, and must also help to raise public awareness of the organisation’s objectives.
Patronage cannot be grantedto:
•known figures
•permanent activities
•activities/projects that are evolving continuously
There are two levels for ICOMOS patronage:
•Patronage granted by ICOMOS National Committees for activities of national scope or by ICOMOS International Scientific Committees for activities in their field of work;
•Patronage granted by ICOMOS international for activities of significant international or regional scope.
How to request ICOMOS patronage
•If the activity is of national scope or only concerns the specific field of work of one of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees, the applicant is requested to contact directly the relevant ICOMOS National or International Scientific Committee.
•If the activity is of significant international or regional scope, a written request must be sent by email to secretariat [at] (in English or French). Requests for patronage are examined and decided on by the ICOMOS Executive Committee twice a year (March and October/November) – applications must therefore be received with sufficient time to allow their handling.
The written request, signed by the head of the organisation, should include the following information/answer the following questions:
•Name/Scope/Nature of the organiser (e.g. public authorities, public institution, civil-society body, university, etc.…)/ Full contact details (Address/Phone/Fax/Email/Website/Person in charge)
•Mission Statement/Description of the organiser (include copy of constitution/latest annual and financial report/list of board of directors etc.)
•Have you already been in contact or worked in co-operation with any ICOMOS Committees? If yes, please specify.
•Has ICOMOS patronage been granted to you in the past? If yes, please specify.
•Information on the event/activity (Title/Place/Date/Nature/Funding sources/Drafts of programme or brochure, etc.)
•Details on other patrons who have been approached and/or have accepted to give their patronage.
•Describe how the activity/event furthers the aims and activities of ICOMOS?
•Describe your expectations of the patron and time commitments involved. How will ICOMOS be involved at the scientific level? Which events would ICOMOS have to attend and in what role? Are participation costs of ICOMOS representative(s) at these events covered?
•Visibility of the patronage: On which communication materials will the patronage and the logo of ICOMOS be mentioned?
If your patronage is granted, the responsible body will receive an official notification from the ICOMOS International Secretariat, which sets out the general conditions for the use of ICOMOS’s name and logo and the electronic files with the logo (see p. 327). Ifa request is declined, the responsible body will also receive a notificationfrom the ICOMOS International Secretariat, explaining the reasons why the request has not been accepted.
The ICOMOS name and logo may for no reason whatsoever be used for anything other than the initiative for which they have been authorised. Draft copies of programmes, promotional material, etc. intended for printing and or broadcast dissemination should be emailed to ICOMOS before publication.
ICOMOS reserves the right to withdraw patronage at any time.
Reporting to ICOMOS
The objective for ICOMOS in granting its patronage is to extend its outreachand impact. At the end of your activity, the responsible body will be asked to send an evaluation reportto ICOMOS in terms of the visibility, outreach and impact that the activity has achieved. This report should be accompanied by examples of materials and documents that have been produced and bear the name and logo of ICOMOS.
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