Town of Raymond Town Board

Regular Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2009

1.)Roll Call: Chairman Gary Kastenson called the regular meeting to order at 7:30p.m. Present were Spvrs. Dave Lecus, Kevin Cantwell, and Paul Ryan. Spvr. Wayne Loppnow was absent. Also present was Clerk Kari Morgan, Treasurer Karen Kastenson, Engineer Chris Stamborski of R.A. Smith National and approximately eight(8) residents.

2.)Payment of Bills: Paid for and authorized in the amount of $44,301.78

3.)Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Treasurer Karen Kastenson as follows: General: $237,746.64; Money Market: $3,371.75; Reserve (Equipment): $27,081.88; Reserve (Land): $22,736.17. Spvr. Lecusmoved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to approve as presented carried 4/0.

4.)Minutes of Previous Meeting: August 10, 2009: Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr.Ryan to approve the August 10, 2009 minutes, carried 4/0.

5.)Set Agenda: Spvr. Lecus suggested anything that Engineer Stamborski has to deal with should be moved up. Engineer Stamborski stated that he is fine leaving the items where they currently are.

6.)Fire Department:

  1. Correspondence: Chief Babe stated that they are going to do the MDA fill the boot program again this year. Hwy. K and the West frontage and Hwy. K and Hwy. 45 from 8a.m. to noon. Stone Creek Crossing’s dry hydrant is up and running. Chief Babe stated that he would like to have a meeting with the board concerning the budget and the direction he is going to go in. A consensus of the board agreed to hold the meeting on Monday, August 31, 2009 at 7:30p.m.
  2. Discussion/Decision on Cell Phone Use Policy: Chief Babe stated that he thinks they need to have costs reflective of this. The board concurred that this will also be discussed at the special meeting on August 31st.Discussion/Decision on Updating Cell Phone for Chief: Chief Babe stated that the phone with internet is $25 per month and the cost of the phone will not be much because he is due for an upgrade. Spvr. Lecus suggested this be placed on next Monday’s special meeting agenda as well.
  3. Discussion/Set Timeline for Fire Chief Applications: Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to require applications due by the last meeting in November, carried 4/0.


  1. Discussion/Possible Decision on Spot Inspections during 3 Mile Road Paving: Engineer Stamborski explained that the spot inspections will be present during the proof roll to help set the elevation and to double check during the paving to make sure that they are as good as they can be. His proposal is to use construction staff from his office to conduct the inspections. His concern is that the town spends a lot of money on the roads and they should make sure they are getting what they are paying for. Ch. Kastenson discussed this issue with Chris. Ch. Kastenson stated that if there are some soft spots, the town employees are going to have to do them. Engineer Stamborski stated that in general, he feels that the key areas are going to be on the outside with some minor ones in the filling area. Ch. Kastenson stated that the engineer would know instantly during the proof roll where the spots will be. Engineer Stamborski stated that tentatively they will be proof rolling after lunch, but he will call. Ch. Kastenson stated that if they have to leave John at work until after 4:00p.m. to verify the proof roll, they should do that. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to authorize R.A. Smith to do the spot inspections with the assistance of the DPW, carried 4/0. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to allow Spvr. John Ertl to put in overtime if need be to make sure that the proof rolls are done, carried 4/0. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Ryan to have the DPW handle the undercuts, carried 4/0.
  2. Discussion/Decision on Amount to be Spent on New Loader: Ch. Kastenson explained that the old end loader had a major breakdown. The cost to repair will be $12,000 and it is not worth much more than this. The DPW has gotten prices on some new end loaders. Ch. Kastenson read the prices. There were four quotes. Ch. Kastenson stated that before the board makes a decision, they should hold this over for two weeks, have the DPW search harder and look for a demo. He explained that until they check every avenue, they should not make a decision to go out and purchase a new one. Spvr. Cantwell stated that they first need to pick out the one that they would prefer and then look for that make/model. He explained that he was finding some on the used market for cheap. DPW employee AlbertHagemanexplained that the town is borrowing a loader from Muskego right now. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to allow one of the DPW employees to travel to look at a used piece of equipment if they find one and they will make a decision at the next regular meeting. Albert explained that they need a 4 in 1 bucket and he could not find one on the internet used. Spvr. Cantwell stated that if they gave him specifics on what they are looking for, he will help them find it. Motion carried 4/0. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to hold over until the next meeting, carried 4/0.

8.)Planning Commission

  1. Steve Puschnig, 10325 W. Hwy. G – Land Dist. Permit Renewal: The Planning Commission moved to require Mr. Puschnig to reapply for the permit. Engineer Stamborski stated that he has a copy of the old plan. Spvr. Lecus explained that he cannot follow the old plan because he overfilled. Engineer Stamborski stated that he could have potentially overfilled and explained that in walking the site, there is a lot of soil out there. He thinks he should re-survey the area. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to have this parcel re-surveyed and that Mr. Puschnig applies for a new permit with all costs being placed back on the property owner, carried 4/0.
  2. Steve & Jenny Ray, 348 49th St. – Land Dist. Permit for & Approval of Extension & Burial of 2 – 24” Culverts: The Planning Commission approved this application with the stipulations that they contact the engineer when finished and follow all engineer recommendations. Ch. Kastenson stated that he is not in favor of this. Engineer Stamborski stated that the actual piping itself will not cause problems, but he did want to point out that the more pipes you bury that are not maintained could cause potential problems. Engineer Stamborski stated that there is a separate argument as to who maintains the rights to this. He does feel this is a viable solution to the issue at hand. Engineer Stamborski stated that the easement issue is a valid concern to the town. Ch. Kastenson questioned how they can be assured that they will obtain an easement from Mr. Ray if they allow him to do this. Mr. Ray stated that he was told the town waived their rights to an easement. Ch.Kastenson stated that they were not talking about burying two 24” culverts at this time. Mr. Ray explained that he is paying for all of this. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to approve as recommended by the Planning Commission, carried 3/1. Ch. Kastenson opposed.
  3. Keith & Rika Fehl, 1120 Waukesha Rd. – Lot Line Adjustment: Mr. Fehl stated that they submitted a case to the planning commission to request a lot line adjustment for the two parcels that they own. Mr. Fehl presented his information to the board. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to refer this back to RacineCounty, carried 4/0.
  4. Larry & Gilbert Peterson (Parcel#012042118002000) – Hwy. G – MinorLand Div. & Acceptance of Pre-Development Agreement: Ch. Kastenson stated that the Planning Commission approved this as presented. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to approve the minor land division with the Planning Commission’s recommendations, carried 4/0. Spvr. Ryan moved, seconded by Spvr. Lecus to accept the pre-development agreement, carried 4/0.

9.)New Business

  1. Discussion/Possible Decision on Complaint Received for 7946 Hwy. K: Investigator Dobesh stated that he stopped at this property they have had complaints out there in the past. He stated that the dogs didn’t bark when he sat there. The property owner informed him that he was going to purchase bark collars and put them on the dogs because he didn’t want to lose his license. Investigator Dobesh stated that he is hoping that the bark collars are working. Spvr. Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr. Cantwell to authorize Clerk Morgan to send a letter to the complainant informing him of the investigator’s report, carried 4/0.

10.)Public Comment: Resident Andreas Wegner filed a complaint a few weeks ago on the Puschnig property. He does believe there is a topography problem and a water and drainage problem. Ch. Kastenson stated that Mr. Puschnig will be filing a new permit and the town’s engineer will be involved in the process. Investigator Keith Dobesh gave the town updates on the burglaries going on in the area. He stated that they picked up some wanted people on 124th street. They also cited people for not having their dogs licensed. They had a couple of citations given out for traffic, for a pond without a permit, a junk citation on 43rd street, and a soil disturbance complaint on 7 mile and hwy. 45 received a citation as well. He also stated that there have been four burglaries since June 4th. There was a burglary attempt on 51st street today and the homeowner was home and interrupted it. The homeowner did not answer the door, a couple of minutes later, he looked out his window and saw the burglar trying to kick in his window and then ran. It was a male in his early twenties, he has a crew cut, tattoos on his arm. The description matches up to a previous burglary on 108th street as well. If someone sees a suspicious person walking down the road, they should call the Sheriff’s department right away. He also stated that it really helps them if they get a plate when they see a suspicious vehicle. Ch. Kastenson questioned the junk citations and when they have done it in the past, they would get a 30 day warning prior to issuing a citation. Investigator Dobesh stated that he issues a citation right away because most places are a big mess and due to his time constraints it would be more costly and take more time for them to receive warnings first. Ch. Kastenson explained that he thought the board moved a few years back to have the deputies issue a warning first.

11.)Communication & Announcements: None.

12.)Adjournment: Spvr.Lecus moved, seconded by Spvr.Cantwell to adjourn, carried 4/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:37p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kari D.L. Morgan

Town Clerk

F: Minutes/2009/8.24.09