February 9, 2015
Present:Mayor Carney / Absent:
Councilman Weekes
Councilman Kramer
Councilman Hawver
Mayor Pro Tem Williams
Councilwoman Hawver
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Admin. Ranger and Attorney Sara Watkins.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Honors & Recognition
Additions to the Agenda
Approve Agenda / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carney. Mayor Carney welcomed everyone.
All Council members and staff were present. Mayor Carney led the Council/Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Weekes moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Councilman Weekes moved to approve the Consent agenda. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
a) Approve Study Minutes of 1/12/2015.
b) Approve minutes of 1/12/2015 Regular Council Meeting.
c) Approve those Claim Checks dated through January 23, 2015 Second Payment check# 17537 through 17541 & 3 ACH Payment Dep. Of Revenue, AWB, Deluxe Business Forms. 1 Manual check #5368. Claim checks dated February 9, 2015 check No. 17548 through 17578 and 1ACH Payment Arco Fleet. Total amount of $40,761.05
d) Approve those Payroll Checks dated through January 30, 2015 in the amount of $32,029.64 Check # 17543, through 17547, 3 EFT’s Aflac, DRS & IRS.
Planning Commission/ / No report
Gang Commission/ / No report
Sheriff’s Report/John Duran
Public Hearing
Unfinished Business
New Business
Resolutions & Ordinance
Executive Session
Other Business
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
Rick Carney, Mayor / Chief Durand, provided the Yakima County Sheriff’s monthly report including bar graphs and contract time patrolling the Town. The report showed 18 calls in the month of January, 2015.
Councilman Kramer attended the meeting, and there was a presentation made by Bill Clements, the regional manager for Pacific Power who talked about bringing a coal power line to the valley.
a) Railroad Avenue Extension: Discussed earlier during Study Session. No further discussion was desired.
b) (DWSRF) Loan projects: Reservoir and Water Valve replacement. Discussed earlier during Study Session. No further discussion was desired.
c) Bonlow Drive Extension Phase II: Staff is waiting on the SEPA and Shoreline application.
d) Department of Ecology Application Grant Loan was discussed.
a) Planning Commission has two Vacancies.
b) Depot Advisory Committee: The Town received two applications for the advisory committee. Councilwoman Hawver moved to appoint Gail Welch to be member of the advisory committee. Seconded by Councilman Kramer. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Hawver moved to appoint Mary Rennie to be a member of the advisory committee. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
a) Proposed Resolution No. 2015-2: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept the 2014 Reservoir and water valve improvements as complete and allow for 100% payment, less retainage, to the contractor. Councilman Williams moved to approve resolution No. 2015-2. Seconded by Councilman Weekes. Motion carried unanimously.
b) Proposed Resolution No. 2015-3: A resolution of the Town of Naches, Washington, authorizing the Mayor to accept the Railroad Street Extension Improvements as complete and allow 100% payment, less retainage, to the contractor. Councilman Williams moved to approve resolution No. 2015-3. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
With no other business to discuss before Council, Councilman Williams moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Kramer. Motion carried unanimously.
Elvira Birrueta, Clerk