Operating Support Grant for OrganizationsFiscal Year 2019

The Operating Support Grant’s online application follows the outline below. The outline acts as a guide for writing the grant and articulates grant specific attachments. When submitting the hard copy of the grant packet, collate the grant packet in the order of the grant outline. (*) Required Fields

NOTE: For the application to be eligible for consideration, all question items must have a response, even if the response is N/A.

SECTION 1 - ORGANIZATION PROFILE:( * - required field )

1.A. Organization's Name:

1.B. Do you have a physical (non PO Box) address in the City of Alexandria?







1.C. Has your address changed in the last 12 months?



1.D. Contact Person for this Grant:


1.E. Email Address:( a copy of your application will be sent to this email address ) :

1.F. Telephone (day):

1.G. Telephone (evening):

1.H. Organization's Website:

1.I. VA Tax Exempt Number:

1.J.a. Founding Date:

1.J.b. Date on which IRS issued letter of determination for a nonprofit.

1.K. What is your Fiscal Year Start and End Date:(must be within the grant period July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 )



1.L. Please note the organization's Fiscal Year.

Calendar Year (Jan. - Dec. 31)

Fiscal Year (Jul. - Jun. 30)

Fiscal Year (Oct. - Sept. 30)

Other, pls. specify:

1.M. Provide a brief description on your grant request - what will the funding be used for? (Please review online the list of ineligible activities supported by this grant ). 100 word limit.

1.N. What is the organization's mission and vision? (100 word limit)

1.O. What are the organization’s top three recent accomplishments?(300 words)

1.P. At least 50% of the arts organization’s public artistic activities must have been held in the City of Alexandria during the last year and at least 50% are projected to be held in the City of Alexandria for the grant year.



I declare that I am authorized to act for the above applicant. I submit this grant application to the City of Alexandria and confirm that the information contained herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.




2.A. Organizational Budget: (Total Cash Income from most recently completed Fiscal Year).

2.B. Organizational Budget:(Total Cash Income Budgeted during the grant period).

2.C. Grant Request Amount: (Up to $12,500)

2.D. What Percentage of your Budget is this request? (Not to exceed 20%)

2.E. Have you received a grant from the City of Alexandria in the past three years?



2.F. If yes, were you able to meet your funding obligations? (200 word limit)

2.G. If you were not able to meet your funding obligation, what Fiscal Year was this and what was the reason? (200 word limit)

SECTION 3 - ARTISTIC CONTENT:3. ARTISTIC3.A ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES AND GOALS3.A.1. Describe the organization’s goals and desired outcomes, and how the activities and programs during the grant period will help to achieve these goals. Be specific and reference the Program Calendar. (500 words)

3.A.2. Select which of the below goals from the City’s Arts and Culture Plan your organization helps achieve.

Achieve equity, inclusion and access for the arts, cultural and creative endeavors.

Facilitate opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

Support and foster a sustainable and diverse community of the arts.

Be a convener and facilitator for artistic cultural expression.

3.A.3. Describe how the organizations above stated goals and activities align with the selected goals from the Arts and Culture.(400 word limit)

3.B. INNOVATION AND ORIGINALITY:3.B.1. What makes the organization different from other groups doing similar work in the City of Alexandria? (300 words)

3.C WORK SAMPLES:3.C.1. Describe how and why the content of the uploaded work sample(s) best represent(s) your organization. Describe how this work delivers excellence and achieves stated goals.(300 word limit)

SECTION 4 - IMPACT AND ENGAGEMENT:4.A. Expected number of individuals served by this request during the grant period:

4.B. How will the organizational activities during the grant period, provide opportunities for citizens of the City of Alexandria to engage with the arts in a meaningful way? (400 words)

4.C. Describe the methods used to track participation in arts activities and document the impact of the arts activities on individuals. Describe changes implemented to ensure the organization’s continued growth as a result of your evaluation processes.(300 words)

4.D. Describe how your organization’s activities promote inclusion, diversity, equity and access. Demonstrate the organization’s intentional efforts and commitment to ensuring parity in audiences, participants, staff and board. (400 words)

4.E. Describe your organization’s most significant collaborations and partnerships with other organizations and groups within the City of Alexandria in the last three years. (300 words)



5.A.1. Final Cash Income for organization’s most previous completed Fiscal Year:

5.A.2. Final Cash Expenses for organization’s most previous completed Fiscal Year:

5.A.3. Please provide an overall narrative explanation of the budget. Describe how the amounts allocated to the budget line items advance the organization’s programs and/or mission, goals. (600 words) Note any significant shifts in income and/or expenses from year to year. Explain any income or expenses listed in the “other” category on the budget worksheet that are greater than $1,000. Indicate any additional information you think the grants panel should know about the organization’s financial position and/or Fiscal Year budget.

5.A.4. If the organization’s most recently completed Fiscal Year budget indicated a deficit, explain the circumstances of that deficit and what actions have been taken to balance the budget in the current Fiscal Year. If this question does not apply to you, enter “N/A” in the response field.(200 words)

5.B. MANAGEMENT5.B.1. Expected number of full-time employees paid by this grant or in part. Include full-time equivalent of part-time employees:

5.B.2. Expected number of volunteer hours supporting the organization during the grant period:

5.B.3. Provide a brief explanation of the organization’s short-term and long-range planning process and how this grant will help in achieving this. (300 words)

5.B.4. If your organization does not receive full funding of your request, describe how your organization will be able to fulfill the obligations of the grant i.e., what changes will need to be made to the operations, programs, services or event?(300 word limit)


Attach the organization's letter of determination for the non-profit status as a 501c 3 organization: (File size must be less than 2MB)
Proof of Organizational Residency in the City of Alexandria. Attach the first page of the organization's most recently filed Form 990:(File size must be less than 2MB )
Organizational budget for grant year (use this budget worksheet Operating Support Grant Budget Form).
Profit and Loss Statement from most recently completed fiscal quarter:(File size must be less than 2 MB)

Balance sheet from most recently completed fiscal year.

List of Key Personnel with Bios (Artistic/Managing/Executive Directors, Arts Educators, etc.)Paragraph for each, not resume(s) with addresses of personnel(save as one PDF, then upload. File size must be less than 2 MB)
List of Board Members with roles (Treasurer, Secretary, etc) with Bios.(save as one PDF, then upload. File size must be less than 2 MB)
Upload program calendar(use theProgram Calendar of Eventstemplate).


Supportive Materials 1: Up to three internally produced materials such as brochures, marketing materials, etc. (save as one PDF, then upload. File size must be less than 2 MB)​​​​​

Supportive Materials 2: Up to three Externally provided support materials such as press/reviews, letters of support, social media feeds, etc. (save as one PDF, then upload. File size must be less than 2 MB)


Work Samples and Image Identification List . (save as one PDF, then upload. File size must be less than 2 MB)

Work Samples are critical to each application and are carefully considered during application review. Work samples best represents the work of the organization and the realization of its mission.


Visual Arts Organizations: Submit 20 digital images of different works.
Create an Image Identification List of images submitted. Arrange the list in the order you wish to be viewed. For each image, include the artist’s name, artwork title, medium, size, year completed. Digital files should be numbered to correspond with the Image Identification List. If you would like to include video files (in addition to the 20 images) upload the files to an online source (youtube, vimeo, etc) and include the links in the Image List.*

Performing Arts Organizations (Dance /Theater): Submit two video recordings of peformances.
Performing Arts Organiztaions (Music): Submit two audio or video recordings of performances.
(Optional – Submit up to 10 digital still images of performances/productions)

Create a File Identification List of work submitted. Arrange the list in the order you wish the files to be viewed. For each file, include the performance title, year performed, and brief description of the work. Digital files should be numbered to correspond with the Image Identification List. Video files should be uploaded to an online source (youtube, vimeo, etc.) and include the links in the image list. If performance starts mid-video, please list the start and finish time you wish the reviewer to watch.*

*If videos require a login to view, provide necessary login information in the image/file list.


Relevant Plans: (File size must be less than 2 MB)


Thank You!