California Department of Education
SBE-002 (REV 05/2005) / info-sdob-sfpd-apr06item01
State of California / Department of Education
Information memorandum
Date: / April 6, 2006
TO: / Members, STATE BOARD of EDucation
FROM: / Dr. William Ellerbee, Deputy Superintendent
School and District Operations Branch
SUBJECT: / Annual Report Regarding Progress Toward Reaching Annual Numerical Goals in the Elimination of the Multitrack Year-Round Education Concept 6 Calendar by Lodi and Los Angeles Unified School Districts Pursuant to California Education Code Section 37684, Chapter 901, Statutes of 2004 (Assembly Bill 1550).

Concept 6 is a multitrack year-round calendar that divides the student population into three tracks of which two tracks attend the school at one time. The Concept 6 calendar provides the maximum increase in the number of students that can attend a school, but limits the number of instructional days to 163 instead of the required 180 (Education Code Section 37670). The lost days of instruction are made up by adding additional minutes to each school day.

Education Code Section 37684, which was added by Assembly Bill 1550, part of the Williams settlement, prohibits the use of Concept 6 calendars after July 1, 2012 and requires any district that is operating a school on a Concept 6 multitrack year-round calendar to report each January to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI), who shall report to the State Board of Education (SBE), on the progress made in reaching the annual numerical goals to eliminate the use of the Concept 6 calendar as established in its comprehensive action plan (CAP).

The SBE approved the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and Lodi Unified School District (LUSD) CAPs on July 6, 2005. Both districts reported to the SSPI on the progress made in reaching their annual numerical goals as required by Education Code Section 37684.

As of January 31, 2006, both of the districts have met or exceeded their original goals to eliminate the use of Concept 6 as established in the districts’ CAP. LAUSD’s 2005-06 goal was to have 192,852 resident enrollees attending a total of 88 Concept 6 schools. As of January 31, 2006, the district has a resident enrollment of 183,040 (attachment 1) attending a total of 85 Concept 6 schools exceeding its resident enrollment goal by 9,812 and Concept 6 schools by three. LUSD met its goal of opening six schools on modified traditional calendars and removing 4,319 students of the original 6,385 off the Concept 6 calendar. LUSD has three schools remaining on Concept 6 (attachment 2).


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Attachment 1: List of Concept 6 Schools in the Los AngelesUnifiedSchool District

(3 pages)

Attachment 2: List of Concept 6 Schools in the LodiUnifiedSchool District (1 page)


Attachment 1

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List of Concept 6 Schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District

This is a list of 2005-06 Concept 6 schools in the Los AngelesUnifiedSchool District, showing actual resident enrollment and uncertified 2005-06 CBEDs. Resident enrollment is the number of grade level appropriate pupils who live in a school’s attendance area and attend that school, participate in a transportation program (other than magnet), or participate in the open enrollment program. In this case, students attending a school on a permit are ‘returned’ to their neighborhood school but not magnet students. The 2005-06 California Basic Data System (CBEDS) is the actual enrollment of the school.

School / Resident Enrollment / Uncertified 2005-06 CBEDs
135th Street Elementary / 988 / 913
49th Street Elementary / 1,297 / 1,279
Adams Middle / 1,769 / 1,962
Allesandro Elementary / 412 / 399
Bell Senior / 5,396 / 4,737
Belmont New PC #12 / 211 / 240
Belmont Senior / 6,846 / 4,941
Berendo Middle / 4,072 / 3,248
Bryson Elementary / 936 / 1,065
Burbank Middle / 2,107 / 1,947
Cahuenga Elementary / 2,422 / 1,333
Camellia Elementary / 1,386 / 1,243
Carver Middle / 3,291 / 2,888
ColdwaterCanyon Elementary / 1,151 / 1,144
Commonwealth Elementary / 1,572 / 957
Dena Elementary / 644 / 739
Drew Middle / 2,768 / 2,499
Edison Middle / 2,361 / 2,446
ElizabethLearningCenter / 2,494 / 2,599
Esperanza Elementary / 1,132 / 1,025
Fair Elementary / 1,520 / 1,490
Fishburn Elementary / 1,090 / 1,007
Fletcher Drive Elementary / 868 / 816
FoshayLearningCenter / 4,062 / 3,526
Franklin Senior High / 2,936 / 2,958
Fremont Senior High / 6,148 / 3,736
Fries Elementary / 1,245 / 1,187
Gage Middle / 3,873 / 3,621
Garfield Senior High / 4,806 / 4,620
Gratts Elementary / 931 / 921
Gridley Elementary / 1,133 / 991
Gulf Elementary / 1,377 / 1,331
HarborCity Elementary / 789 / 717
Harrison Elementary / 1,104 / 1,005


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Hazletine Elementary / 1,251 / 1,186
Heliotrope Elementary / 815 / 941
Hobart Blvd. Elementary / 1,606 / 1,652
Hollywood Senior High / 2,822 / 2,898
Hughes Elementary / 1,419 / 1,398
Huntington Park Senior High / 4,900 / 4,582
Jefferson New Elementary #7 / 525 / 448
Jefferson Senior High / 3,026 / 2,993
KindergartenLearningAcademy / 252 / 207
King Middle / 2,592 / 2,497
Kittridge Elementary / 1,098 / 1,038
LafayettePark Elementary / 287 / 273
Langdon Elementary / 1,877 / 1,382
Latona Elementary / 439 / 397
Le Conte Middle / 2,213 / 1,969
Loma Vista Elementary / 1,305 / 1,337
Loreto Elementary / 599 / 603
Los AngelesAcademy Middle / 3,084 / 2,953
Los Angeles Elementary / 1,025 / 971
Los Angeles Senior High / 5,653 / 4,343
Main Street Elementary / 1,458 / 1,419
Manual Arts Senior High / 5,241 / 3,760
Marshall Senior High / 4,312 / 4,393
Menlo Elementary / 1,217 / 1,193
Miramonte Elementary / 2,029 / 1,941
Monroe Elementary #2 / 838 / 570
Monroe Senior High / 4,587 / 4,105
Montara Avenue Elementary / 674 / 743
Nimitz Middle / 3,506 / 3,500
North Hollywood Senior High / 4,136 / 3,869
Parmelee Elementary / 1,410 / 1,303
Pio Pico Elementary / 2,128 / 2,036
Plummer Elementary / 1,445 / 1,207
Polytechnic Senior High / 4,834 / 4,389
PrimaryAcademy / 482 / 451
Reed Middle / 1,988 / 1,997
Roosevelt Senior High / 4,892 / 4,753
Roscoe Elementary / 1,170 / 1,050
Rosemont Elementary / 1,271 / 1,174
Russell Elementary / 1,375 / 1,267
San Fernando Senior High / 4,218 / 4,147
San Gabriel Elementary / 1,004 / 955
South Los Angeles High #1 / 3,602 / 3,030
Strathern Elementary / 1,223 / 1,160
Sun Valley Middle / 3,223 / 2,788
SylvanPark Elementary / 1,176 / 1,127


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Van Nuys Elementary / 976 / 881
Virgil Middle / 4,621 / 2,806
Weigand Elementary / 518 / 487
White House Primary / 0 / 251
Wilton Place Elementary / 1,662 / 1,531
Total / 183,141 / 163,881


Attachment 2

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This is a List of 2005-06 Concept 6 Schools in the LodiUnifiedSchool District showing 2005-06 uncertified CBEDs enrollment.

School / 2005-06 Uncertified CBEDs
Lakewood Elementary / 598
Erma Reese Elementary / 737
George Washington Elementary / 617
Total / 1,952