Town of Milo Minutes

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

6 Pleasant Street December 6, 2016

Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Paula Copeland, Peter Hamlin, Wilma Stanchfield, Isabelle Warren and Damien Pickel.


6:30 PM Call to Order– by Peter Hamllin, Chairman Pro Tem


Isabelle made the Motion to approve the Minutes of October 25th and November 1st with corrections. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Damien read a resignation letter from David Pullen for the Cemetery Trust Advisory Committee.

Isabelle made the Motion to accept the resignation letter from David Pullen with regret. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.

Betty informed the Board that Bob Hussey is asking the Board to send a Thank You Card to Walter Lougee for the flags that he has donated to the town. The Board agreed.

Damien read a letter from Penquis requesting to keep their organization in mind for any possible donations.

Betty had a letter from Ellen Moore requesting to carry-over her vacation days since she has been busy learning the new job and working on the 2017 Budget to take any days. The Board agreed that this is more of a personnel issue and Damien can handle this. Damien stated that he also has a similar request from Robbie Cook due to situation at the Police Department. He will handle these requests. Damien stated that his own vacation will just be lost. He is not requesting to carry-over any days.

Brenda Kelley requested that the Board think about doing a Corporate Membership with Kiwanis. This will be $102 and would allow any town employee to attend a Kiwanis Meeting if they were interested. The Board will consider this offer.


Meg Callaway and Patricia Oh from Age Friendly Network (AFN) spoke to the Board regarding their program for the elderly. Damien will be filling out the application to join the network.

Brenda Kelley wanted to thank Damien for the rock that he and Ron Desmarais brought down to the bank as she requested. It is perfect. Also the sign at the Business Park is great. She stated that this community really works together and she is glad to be a part of this.



Library – Jerry Cole stated that the Library received a $20,000 donation from a local person who had moved away. Neil Hamlin is handling this donation through a trust. They have been able to purchase new computers with screens, scanners, printers and will be getting the windows painted next spring. The old computers went to the Middle School. The Board requested that Damien send a Thank You Card to the donator.

Rochelle informed the Board that the winter hours are now 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM until April and then will be returning to 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM for the summer.

Fire Department – Kenny Demers stated that the Ladder Truck has been done. The guy showed Kenny how to maintain the cables. The work for the ladder truck is ongoing.

Health Officer –He wanted to remind everyone to get their flu shot.

Treasurer – Ellen informed the Board that the Tipping at PERC has been met. There is approximately $900,000 in the bank and taxes have started coming in for the December due date.

Public Works – Glenn stated that they have been busy sanding. He plans on hiring a temporary driver to cover Dale’s position.

Police Department – Damien has been helping with starting a program called Operation HOPE (Heroin Opiate Prevention Effort). It is based on the Glouchester Mass model in which those addicted can come in to the Police Department, relinquish their drugs without fear of arrest and they will receive help to get into treatment. This model has been adopted by several cities and towns in Maine. Since adopting this model, Glouchester has seen a dramatic decline in drug related crimes and the quality of life has improved greatly. Damien is hoping this will be the same for Milo. He is also receiving donations of blankets, toiletries, snacks and drinks, which are needed for the initial care of those seeking help. He would like to have the Town open a bank account specifically for donations for this program. Treatment centers are mostly down south or out of state. They don’t accept Mainecare but do offer scholarships for beds. Any money donated would go towards payment for these treatment centers if someone does not have funds or private insurance.


Richard Mullins spoke to the Board regarding the Cemetery Trust Fund. The Committee had a meeting on December 5th with Josh from Camden. The Committee was given 3 options to consider. After discussion, the Committee would like to do the safe option which is 50% bonds and 50% stocks. This can be changed at any time.

Paula made the Motion to accept the recommendation of the Committee and go with the 50/50 option. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.


Damien updated the Board that the State is still against using the bridge on Main Street for ATV access. After some discussion, the Board agreed to not pursue this any further at this time.


Betty presented the Board with 2 Appointments to fill the open positions on the Cemetery Trust Advisory Committee. The Appointments are for Jeff Gahagan and Nancy Harrigan.

Wilma made the Motion to approve and sign the Appointments as presented. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.


Town Manager’s Report:

Damien updated the Board on a few items:

  1. The Budget Committee has been meeting and will complete the individual departments this Thursday. He would like to call a meeting with the Board and Budget Committee on Thursday the 15th to discuss where everything stands.
  2. The Business Park sign has been put up and the businesses have ordered their signs.
  3. He will be meeting with the Planning Board this week to finalized the subdivision of the Bakery lot in the Business Park.
  4. The Derby Shops “purchase” is still in process. We have to prepare to call the Planning Board soon to work on subdivisions that will enable us to apply for Brownfield grants. The deadline for 2017 is fast approaching and we will not make that deadline without rushing things and we decided to slow it down so as not to create any errors. Another town made errors in their application and lost out on 2/3’s of their requested funding. All of the environmental issues are complete and are minimal.
  5. Damien is checking cell phone contracts for a cheaper contract. Our contract has not been updated for many years.
  6. Damien would like to thank the Events Committee and Ricky Bradeen for the Hometown Holidays Parade. They all do a wonderful job.

Holiday Schedule:

Betty spoke to the Board regarding the Holiday Schedule this year. Since Christmas and New Year’s falls on Sunday, the Town Office will be closed the Mondays following the holidays. However, she requested that the Town Office also close on Friday, December 30th to allow them to close the books for year end. This will be Ellen’s first year and it would be good to be able to NDS if needed. The Board approved.

30-day Redemption Letters:

Betty informed the Board that she has 11 properties that remained unpaid for the 2014 taxes. The 30-day Redemption Letters will go out tomorrow. Some people already requested a payment arrangement.

Town Charter Committee Discussion:

Betty informed the Board that Nomination Papers will be available December 19th for Selectmen (1 opening), MSAD #41 Board of Directors (1 opening) and HAD #4 (2 openings). If the Board wanted to have a Town Charter Committee, those papers will also be available at that time. After discussion, the Board agreed that a Town Charter Committee was not needed at this time.


Frank Cochrane asked the Board where the basketball hoops are that were upstairs in the Art Center. Peter informed him that they have been gone for a number of years.


Wilma made the Motion to enter Executive Session at 7:42 PM to discuss a Real Estate Matter under Title 1, MRSA – Subtitle 405 (6)(C). Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.

Wilma made the Motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:13 PM. Second – Isabelle. Passed – unanimously.

Motion: Paula made the Motion to accept purchase for Lot #12 (the remaining acreage). Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Paula made the Motion to adjourn at 8:19 PM. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:


Peter Hamlin, Chairman Pro Tem Betty Gormley, Secretary

Date: ______