WATTS TOWNSHIP, July 5, 2012

The Watts Township Board of Supervisors met in regular session at the Watts Buffalo Community Center at 7:00 PM. Present were Karl Raudensky, Frank Poust, Pat Gutheil, and several residents.

The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved with corrections. Raudensky/ Guitheil


Leffler- Diesel Fuel, not Fuel Oil

Workshop to review Act 537 RFP’s


Zoning Officer: Phone calls and questions about placing a new business at a commercial Property on 11/15

The SEO: No Report

Engineer: Guardrail quotes were very high. Some questions were raised about the Township’s liability for payment to have the guardrails replaced. The secretary will contact the cop and set up a meeting to get a better understanding of what we need to do for reimbursement

Fire Company: Not Present

Old Business:

Many interested parties have responded with questions about our RFP. The secretary has been in contact with several, answering questions and allowing them to come in for to make copies as needed.

The status of the cul-de-sac at Notch Dead End- Mr. Hoffman and the Supervisors had a discussion about his land. He is discussing matters with his brother and will contact us.

UCC COG update: Will speak with Linus about it

The security system is in the office and waiting to be installed.

Wolfington Bus: The secretary will call Todd Bradjovich about the letter we are to have received.

New Business:

A man was caught cutting out an air conditioner at the New Buffalo Restaurant. A citizen recommended a “neighborhood watch”.

Our contacts have been informed of our new email. Most are using the new email, only a few still using the old email.

The New Buffalo Alliance, Hill Church and Wesley Church will hold a Community Day on Saturday August 4.


$4,000 was spent by the Roadmaster. Chairman Poust stated that the appropriate way to pay bills is to have them approved, not to come in with high bills. There will be 2- 5ton loads of blacktop needed for next month. The board authorized this purchase.

A citizen questioned why it needed to be brought to the board prior to work being done and why more materials would not be made available. The board said that it was not stated that more materials would not be made available. However, the Roadmaster should get a list of what may need to be purchased so there is a general idea of how much will be spent each month.

Mr. Jorich was present for his Rivermist Subdivision plans. He stated that he didn’t know about Mr. Walker’s issues with the bonding. Chairman Poust reminded Mr. Jorich that he had neglected to turn in his paperwork by the deadline set. Mr. Jorich then asked the Board for a recommendation. The Board gave no recommendations and reminded Mr. Jorich that the secretary has made contact and received no response from him. Discussions led to Mr. Jorich submitting a hand written request for a 30 day time extension which stated July 23 as his deadline to turn in his paperwork and pay his bills.

Planning Commission:

SALDO: Was given to Secretary, PC met last month to review it.

PLAN NAME Date submitted Date for approval/disapproval

  1. River Mist 210-27-10(DEP) 8/1/12 Motion: Extension with stipulation that bond work be in by July 23, 2012. Raudensky/Gutheil. All in favor
  2. River Mist 310-27-10(DEP) 8/1/12 Motion: Extension with stipulation that bond work be in by July 23, 2012. Raudensky/Gutheil. All in favor
  3. Kiley Assoc7-13-11 12-5-12 Motion:Rescind denial, approve resubmittal with $200 fee, and plans and reviews remain applicable. Poust/Raudensky. All in favor
  4. Gary/Charnette Wilt 11-9-11 10/12/12 Motion: To accept extension. Gutheil/Raudensky. All in favor

Financial Report:
As of May 2, 2012
General Account
Checking CD # 2887 (10-24-12)
$ 48,305.03.05% $ 123,404.95—.40%
Liquid Fuels Account
$ 76,631.25--.34%
Bills Approved: Raudensky/Gutheil, unanimous
Date / Check # / Paid To / Debit / Credit / Reason
7/5/2012 / 3986 / Blue Ridge / $39.95 / June
7/5/2012 / 3987 / Hempt Bros / $1,978.37 / Stone/Patch
7/5/2012 / 3988 / Madden Engineering / $16.25 / June
7/5/2012 / 3989 / Advance Publications / $11.45 / Ad for Mtg Change
7/5/2012 / 3990 / PPL Electric Utilities / $63.41 / June
7/5/2012 / 3991 / Stephanie Dorman / $403.85 / June
7/5/2012 / 3992 / IM Supplies / $147.87 / Parts
7/5/2012 / 3993 / Century Link / $5.21 / Catch up-June
7/5/2012 / 3994 / Chase Card Services / $215.37 / June(Fuel)
7/5/2012 / 3995 / Pat Gutheil / $88.72 / Spring Clean up Hours
7/5/2012 / 3996 / Janet Peters / $45.70 / June Taxes
7/5/2012 / 3997 / New Buffalo Fire Company / $748.61 / June Taxes
7/5/2012 / 3998 / Pat Gutheil / $114.90 / PSATS Mileage/Food
7/5/2012 / 3999 / Pat Gutheil / $118.15 / PSATS Conf Attendance
7/11/2012 / 4000 / Kelly Riggs / $783.93 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4001 / William McMillan / $553.41 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4002 / PA SCDU / $222.49 / Payment
7/11/2012 / 4003 / Karl Raudensky / $219.17 / Labor
7/11/2012 / 4004 / Kelly Riggs / $22.51 / Supplies
7/25/2012 / 4005 / Kelly Riggs / $626.07 / Labor
7/25/2012 / 4006 / William McMillan / $489.20 / Labor
7/25/2012 / 4007 / PA SCDU / $222.49 / Payment
7/25/2012 / 4008 / Century Link / $56.32 / July
7/25/2012 / 4009 / IM Supplies / $147.87 / July Running
8/1/2012 / 4010 / Janet Peters / $18.86 / July Taxes
8/1/2012 / 4011 / New Buffalo Fire Company / $274.78 / July Taxes
8/1/2012 / Credit / $147.87 / Credit-Overpayment on acct.
8/2/2012 / Deposit / $2,277.88 / Taxes, Copies, DJ
8/1/2012 / 4019 / Stephanie Dorman / $403.85 / July
Total / $8,038.76 / $2,425.75
$54,125.34 / $49,108.47

Good and Welfare:

Adjournment: Motion Gutheil/Raudensky. All in favor

The Board met in executive session with their Solicitor on July 10, 2012 to discuss various legal matters. No action was taken by the Board.