APRIL 11, 2012



Supervisor James Armstrong Councilmember Alan Dailey

Town Clerk Donna McBath Councilmember Nathanael Putney

Attorney Charles Nash, Esq., Councilmembers Susan Duffy

Highway Superintendent Timothy Dow

Absent: Financial Advisor: William Dashnaw

Guest: Amanda Purcell, Assessor Stephen Teele, Kassie Cross, Kenneth L. Putney, Patrick J. Green, Arnold Putney

1. Meeting Called to Order for the Town Board Meeting

Supervisor James Armstrong called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Minutes Approvals

A.  March, 2012

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to approve the meeting minutes of March 13, 2012. Ayes – 3 Nays – 0

4. Town Clerk Report March 2012

Councilmember Putney made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Dailey to approve the Town Clerk’s Report for March 2012. Ayes – 3 Nays – 0

5. Approval of Town Justice Reports

Councilmember Putney made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Dailey to approve the Justice Reports for March 2012. Ayes – 3 Nays - 0

6. Approval of Abstracts

Councilmember Putney asked who should be signing the utility voucher. It was agreed upon Supervisor Bookkeeper Nicole Barr should be signing them.

Councilmember Putney asked why the town has New Horizon and Time Warner for internet service and email service. Councilmember Putney said he would check with Scott Skiff to see what it would take to change over email address before anything is canceled.

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to approve the abstracts from March 2012.

a. General / $6,939.63
b. Highway / $29,397.26
c. Water / $309.59
d. Sewer / $1,601.17
e. Library / $1,619.58
Total / $39,867.23

Ayes – 3 Nays – 0

Town Board Minutes / April 11, 2012 / Page 2

7. Highway Superintendent Report

A. Approval of the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds.

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to accept the Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

B.  Mack Truck

Highway Superintendent Dow informed the board the price of the 2013 Mack cab and chassis that he is looking at has gone down. The price started out at $119,000 and has gone down to $106,000. The reason the price reduced is some options has been removed from the truck. Time frame for delivery is late summer. The Highway Department will be installing our box on it.

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to purchase the 2013 Mack cab and chassis tandem dump truck for $106,000.

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

C.  Highway Budget 1989.4

Highway Superintendent Dow stated he had some concern with the highway budget expense account (1989.4) Other Government Support. When fuel is purchased from a vendor the budget line (1989.4) is reduced. In the past when fuel was purchased from the town to the Fire Department or transferred from another department it is placed in Revenue Account (2389) – Misc. Revenue, Other govts. As of April 11, 2012 in budget line (1989.4) there is only $22.84 remaining. That would mean we would not be able to purchase any more fuel for the town vehicles and Fire Department for this year. In the past it was broke. Highway Superintendent Dow was informed that this could not be possible unless there was a resolution passed to place this money into account (1989.4). Councilmember Dailey suggested that we wait until the next meeting to discuss this with Mr. Dashnaw. All agreed.

8. Assessor Report – Steve Teele

Supervisor Armstrong asked Assessor Teele when the books will be closed. Assessor Teele stated by the end of next week.

Assessor Teele stated that he hoped the assessment will stay 85%.

9. Old Business

A. Report on Rabies Clinic

Town Clerk McBath gave a report on the Rabies Clinic that 61 animals were vaccinated and licensed 30 dogs.

B. Sparrowhawk Point

Sharon Cook and Ronda Roethel from American Reality 1 informed the board that they have the contract that needs to be signed. They stated there would be fourteen lots. There would be three 1 acre waterfront lots and one common lot. The remainder would be 5 acre lots available.

10.  New Business

A.  Resignation for Councilmember Roger Shoen

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to accept Roger Shoen resignation as of April 30, 2012. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

Town Board Minutes / April 11, 2012 / Page 3

Con’t Resignation for Councilmember Roger Shoen

Councilmember Duffy asked about a replacement. Supervisor Armstrong informed her, the replacement person would maybe appointed for the remaining of the 2012 year and the person would have to be elected for one year to finish vacant term. The following year they would have to rerun again for another four year term.

It was decided to table this to the May meeting to decide if the board would like to appoint someone and who.

A.  Resolution# 5 – Second Notice Fee for Taxes

Resolution # 5 Of 2012

BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Lisbon hereby approves a penalty of $2.00 to be charged against each tax parcel requiring a second notice.

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to approve a penalty of $2.00 to be charged against each tax parcel requiring a second notice.

Roll Call Vote: Supervisor: James Armstrong, Councilmember Alan Dailey, Councilmember Nathanael Putney, Councilmember Susan Duffy; all ayes

B.  Parking for Town Business Only

Town Clerk McBath asked for the board to approve of asking the County Highway Department to put up signs on the Town Hall side stating “Municipal Parking Only”. All agreed.

C.  Resolution #6 – Retiring System

Councilman Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to approve the standard work day is six hours. Ayes – 4 Nays - 0

11. Report from all Liaisons for committees

A. Planning Board – Councilmember Duffy – Reported on installing turbines – Ronda Roethel stated that Waddington was looking to install turbines. They have found that it is not possible to as they do not have a small area to push water through to get the speed that is needed, which Lisbon has. Ms. Roethel is now filing an application for the Town of Lisbon to laid claim on this project. When all applications are completed and in place, we then put it out for entrepreneur. Councilmember Duffy also stated that they are looking into getting grants for this project. Councilmember Dailey asked if there were any other projects that are completed within the state that has turbines. Ms. Roethel stated there are three, one in Tupper Lake, one in Clifton and the other in Joe Indian that is close to us.

B.  Campground – Supervisor Armstrong stated that he has already started to hire people to work at the beach.

Supervisor Armstrong stated that the RVRA meets next week and hopefully we have an answer by then if we received a grant.

Town Clerk McBath stated that she has had many campground and pavilion reservations coming in and stated that she forwarded it onto Mike O’Neil by email and asked for him to reply as soon as possible to these people.

C.  Library Board – Since Mr. Shoen was the liaison for the Library and has resigned as Councilmember, Councilmember Dailey said he would take the position as liaison.

D.  Homecoming – Councilmember Duffy stated that she has talked with Angie Bigalow concerning Homecoming and stated that Angie would get back to her.

E.  Museum – No report as the museum was closed for the season.

Town Board Minutes / April 11, 2012 / Page 4

Con’t Report from all Liaisons for committee

F.  Recreation – Recreation Committee has requested for five new people to be brought on as members. Beth Bouchey, James Snyder, Jill Carr, Ryan Amo and Jason Bell.

The Recreation Committee is asking who is to receive the $20,000 that is in the budget. Supervisor Armstrong stated that the $20,000 was given for the expansion on the boat docks and DEC said we couldn’t put expansion on. Attorney Nash

stated that we should send a letter to the county and state that we would like to expand the parking lot at the boat launch and get there approval for it.

G.  Animal Control – Sue Siedlecki – attached.

12.  Recognition of Guest

Kenny Putney asked for assistance from the Lisbon Town Board to write a letter to the Power Authority and asked them to price a certain piece of land for a reasonable price. Supervisor Armstrong informed him that Mr. Putney needed to negotiate with the Power Authority concerning this land. Supervisor Armstrong and Councilmembers Putney and Duffy informed him that if he contacted these board members and they would in turn communicates with the Power Authority personally with him.

13.  Executive Session

Councilmember Putney made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Duffy to go into executive session for Real Estate and Contract Negotiation at 8:41 PM.

Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Putney to return to the regular meeting at 9:17 PM. Ayes – 4 Nays – 0

Real Estate Lot – Decision was made to sell the river lot on the land that Town of Lisbon owns at $39,900.

16. Adjournment

Councilmember Dailey made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Duffy to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 P.M. Ayes – 3 Nays – 0

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna McBath,

Town Clerk