Westchester County, New York

Zoning Board of Appeals Tel: (914) 763-3822

PO Box 725 Fax: (914) 533-0097

Cross River, New York 10518 Email:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Town Offices @ Cross River

7:30 P.M Cross River Plaza, Cross River

I. Review and adoption of the Minutes of May 28, 2014


Cal. #11-14-BZ

Application Kevin Daley, 170 Lake Kitchawan Drive, South Salem, New York 10590 (Owner of Record: Kevin J. & Elizabeth O. Daley, 170 Lake Kitchawan Drive, South Salem, New York 10590) for a [1] variance of Article III § 220-9D (2) and [2] Article IV § 220-23E of the Zoning Ordinance in the matter of an increase in non-conformity other than use due to the proposed addition that will be closer to the side line than permitted (5’ 6” proposed where 12’ is required) in an R-1/4A, Residential District.

The property is located on the west side of (#170) Lake Kitchawan Drive, designated on the Tax Maps of the Town of Lewisboro as Sheet 42D, Block 10281, Lot 7, in an R-1/4A, Quarter Acre Residential District.

CAL. NO. 12-14-BZ

Application of Robert & Jamie Turriago, 21 Tri-Brook Drive, South Salem, New York 10590 for a variance of [1] Article IV, §220-23D (11) of the Zoning Ordinance in the matter of an “As-Built” expansion of an existing accessory building totaling 1932 square feet where 600 square feet is permitted in an R-2A, Two Acre Residential District.

The property is located on the north side of Tri-Brook Drive and designated on the Tax Maps of the Town of Lewisboro as Sheet 47B, Block 10060, Lot 24, in an R-2A, Two-Acre Residential District.

CAL. NO. 13-14-BZ

Application of Peter & Jo Ann Ehnes, 13 Hall Avenue, Goldens Bridge, New York 10526 for a variance of Article IV § 220-23E of the Zoning Ordinance in the matter of a proposed addition that will be closer to the side lot line than permitted (25’ 3” where 30’ is required) in an R-1A, One Acre Residential District.

The property is located on the north side of (#13) Hall Avenue, designated on the Tax Map as Sheet 7C, Block 12668, Lot 13, in an R-1A, One Acre Residential District.


Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to facilitate the provision for affordable housing to the following Sections:

·  Chapter 220-24 – Permitted Principal Uses

·  Chapter 220-26 – RMF Multi-Family Residence District

·  Chapter 220-40 – Accessory Apartments

·  Further Amendments to Chapter 220 to allow for a Model Ordinance to encourage development of “fair and affordable housing”