Thursday, August 24, 2011
- Open Special Meeting to Order: -Mayor George Whitt opened the Special Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present: Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins, Trustees Lawrence Bartley, Leroy Herrera, Ena Millich, Ray Larsen and Marie Zeller. Town Staff: Kirk Phillips, Interim Town Manager; Pat Senecal, Planner;Georgann Valdez, Town Clerk; Attorney Dirk Nelson; James Brown Maintenance Supervisor and Miriam Gillow-Wiles, Planner. Public: Kenneth Bray and Kasey Correia.
- Resolution 03-2011 – Authorizing the Sale of Real Property known as Tract I, Rock Creek III Subdivision and Authorizing Officers of the Town to Execute Appropriate Documents to Complete the Purchase and Conveyance to Grown Fund Division of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. Attorney Dirk Nelson stated this was slightly revised to the legal description and to add ‘a Colorado Limited Liability Company’ describing the Growth Fund Division and the resolution was a formality for the Title Company designating the signers on the documents. The action to approve the real estate contract had been approved by the Board some time ago. Trustee Zeller wanted to state for the record that she had opposed the transaction years before when she sat on the Planning Commission when the Town first became interested in the land. She felt the Town should not be in the real estate business. Trustee Lawrence Bartley moved to approve Resolution 03-2011Authorizing the Sale of Real Property known as Tract I, Rock Creek III Subdivision and Authorizing Officers of the Town to Execute Appropriate Documents to Complete the Purchase and Conveyance to Grown Fund division of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. Seconded by Trustee Leroy Herrera. The motion passed by a majority vote 5-2, with Trustees Ena Millich and Marie Zeller voting no.
- Resolution 04-2011 – Removing Balty Quintana as signer on all Town Accounts. Grammatical errors were pointed out on the document. Trustee Lawrence Bartley moved to remove Balty Quintana as signer on Town Accounts, including but not limited to Wells Fargo, ICMA, CIRSA, CSAFE, FPPA, Pine River Valley Bank, Mancos Valley Bank, CEBT, AFLAC and any other accounts and contracts associated with Town of Ignacio where Jose B. Quintana was a signer as Town Manager, with corrections. Seconded by Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote. Mayor Whitt asked if the contract with the State was all approved. Pat said the State approved all the exhibits the Town prepared and should be signed by Friday. Mayor Whitt asked who would be signing on other Town Accounts other than himself. Dirk clarified that those signing on the real estate contract will be Becky, Kirk Phillips and Mayor George Whitt. As for other town accounts, Becky will be working on changing signatures.
- Miscellaneous:
- Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins stated her reason for voting in favor of the sale of the property was due to the urgency from the State.
- Trustee Ena Millich stated having different opinions is a good thing as long as we can talk about it and respect each other, but I will not be bullied into a vote.
- Pat Senecal reported the Town would be getting the CHI Property on Romero back.
- Mayor Protem thanked maintenance and Town Staff for their hard work and participation in the Ignacio Bike Week.
- James Brown reported the Chamber’s MOU failed to address the use of the baseball bleachers for events at Richard Olguin’s property. Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins stated that last year the Chamber gave the Town a $100 deposit per set of bleachers (7 sets). Maintenance will take them and pick them up at the end of the weekend. A check for $350 is being held as deposit, to be returned to the Chamber when the bleachers are returned undamaged.
- Mayor George Whitt confirmed Southwest Ag will be lending the Chamber the golf carts and Trolley cart for the bike rally weekend and James will go get these.
- Executive Session – Conference with Town Attorney to Receive Legal Advice under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)b. Trustee Ray Larsen moved to go into Executive Session under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)b to receive legal advice. Seconded by Trustee Leroy Herrera. The motion passed by unanimous individual vote. The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
At 7:45 the executive session concluded. The meeting was held for the purpose previously stated. No action resulted from the executive session.
- Adjournment: With no other business, the Board adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Mayor George WhittDate
Attest: Georgann Valdez Town Clerk
Special Town Board Meeting August 24, 2011 1