Town of Grafton, New Hampshire

Budget Committee

Minutes of September 23, 2014

Present: Ed Grinley, Chair; Scott Smith, Catherine Mulholland, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).

Absent: Leon Dugan, Select Board ex-officio

Others present: Maureen O’Reilly, Kathy Lund, and Cindy Kudlik

Meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.

Minutes: The minutes September 9, 2014 were unanimously approved as submitted.

Ambulance: The Committee reviewed the proposed 2015 budget of $32,276 submitted by the Ambulance Department. Two Selectmen, Steve Darrow and Leon Dugan, recommended reducing the budget by $4,800. Selectmen Sean Frost recommended accepting it as submitted. Compared to the 2014 budget of $25,780, the foremost increase was the Fuel line item which increased from $1650 in 2014 to $6,219.55 for 2015. Other substantial increases over 2014 were in the categories of Radios and Training. As of September, 39.8% of the 2014 budget has been spent.

Kathy Lund came before the Committee on behalf of the Ambulance Department. She stated that the ambulance to date has received 70 calls in 2014; approximately 50% of what was received last year. She explained that the line item for fuel increased significantly because mileage is now being paid to members attending training. To date, the ambulance vehicle itself has used $137 in fuel in 2014.

Kathy stated that the department is low on responding EMTs and they are budgeting in 2015 in hopes of five new members. She stated that the TEMSIS reports (call summaries) are being submitted by the EMTs within the time limit but that revenue from them has not been received since the February billings because the reports have not been procedurally transmitted within 30 days to the insurance companies or Medicare. Cindy Kudlik said the Ladies Auxiliary offered to do the billing but has gotten no response.

Later in the meeting, the Committee revisited the Ambulance Budget. The Committee questioned the need for a new printer in the ambulance office because the present one appears to be working well. Catherine felt the budget as presented was in a disarray and that the total amount requested should be scaled back due to the lack of calls. Maureen stated that from the 2014 budget the following line item amounts are incorrect: $928.72 from Fuel should be in Training (mileage reimbursement); the Radios and Pagers amount of $263.91includes a monthly IPad service; $234.39 in Miscellaneous should be in Training; and a $122.40 plaque should be in Supplies instead of Training. She added that criminal background checks, of which $175 was spent, may possibly be provided at no cost from the Police Department.

After discussion, the Committee recommended sending the 2015 budget back to the Ambulance Department and request they submit a more accurate and practical version.

Highway: The Committee reviewed the proposed Highway Department 2015 budget of $360,215 submitted by Road Agent Bob Bassett. The Selectmen recommended cutting the $70,000 Sand and Gravel line item to $65,000 which would decrease the budget to $355,215. Proposed warrant articles for the Highway Department include Highway Equipment: $30,000; Ledgepack: $40,000; and Paving: $40,000. It was noted that the town is currently advertising for a Highway employee.

Library: Regarding the $2,480 submitted to the town by the Library Department but inadvertently not administered as a part of their overall budget, Ed stated he has remedied the bookkeeping error. It was noted that the Library is currently over-budget. Maureen stated that the 2014 budget did not take into account the two additional “quiet hours” per week.

Meeting adjourned 9:20 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Sandi Pierson