Annual Report on Research Degree Provision in 2015-16
Academic Discipline(s) / Faculty
Programmes included in this review
Overview of the delivery of Research Degree Provision in the past yearFocus on any changes to research degree provision, strengths and weaknesses, and key achievements over the reporting period. The overview should include information on all types of research provision within the faculty, including standard PhDs, integrated, professional, taught, CDTs, joint, split-site, distance learning and KTPs.

Feedback from External ExaminersGive an overview of feedback received from External Examiners during the year, including reflecting on any trends emerging from External Examiner reports.

Management Information relating to Research Degree ProvisionReport on faculty level management information on completion rates (key milestones including: time from start to submission, submission to candidature, candidature to award), examination outcomes (number of candidates who achieved PhD with no amendments, minor, moderate amendments, and a lesser award,) and whether these are in line with expectations.

Yes / No
  1. Does the Programme continue to conform to University of Southampton’s Higher Degree Regulations (including the Code of Practice for Research Candidature and Supervision)?
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  1. Are there any outstanding issues from the programme’s last annual report?
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  1. Are any significant changes planned ahead of the next annual report?
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  1. If there are taught modules associated with this programme, do any cause concern?
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  1. Has there been an appropriate Training and Development of PGR student in the Faculty this year?
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  1. Is the Research Environment appropriate? (See paragraph 2 of the Code of Practice).
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  1. Do all supervisory teams in the Faculty meet the requirements in the Code of Practice?
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  1. Are there suitable resources and facilities for research students in the Faculty?
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  1. Have all research students undertaking teaching or demonstrating activities received appropriate training this year?
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  1. Have all research students received appropriate training in the ethical conduct of research?
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  1. Are there any changes which need to be made in the light of any complaints, appeals, academic integrity procedures or comments from external examiners?
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  1. Are there issues from any collaborative provision relating to this programme?
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  1. Are there issues from any off campus learning related to this programme?
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  1. Are there issues from any placement activity related to this programme?
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  1. Is the Research Environment appropriate? (See paragraph 2 of the Code of Practice).
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Please comment on these issues, using the numbers to refer to specific questions.


How will research provision in the faculty be enhanced in the next academic year?
Please provide suggestions for next year’s University enhancement themes.
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