Town of Concrete

Special Meeting

December 9, 2016

8:00 a.m. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order.

Council Members Present: Rob Thomas, Mike Bartel, and Marla Reed with Ginger Kyritsis arriving at 9:07 a.m.

Staff Present: Clerk Treasurer Andrea Fichter and Deputy Clerk Chaun Watrous.

Signed In: None.

Agenda Item: Town Council Applicant Interviews: Mayor Miller reported that one applicant, Denny Blakenship, will not be able to make it today due to work and will attend Monday evening’s council meeting instead.

Mayor Miller called upon Elizabeth Easterday.

Elizabeth stated that she goes by Beth and that she has been a part of the upriver community for the last 3 years. She stated that she previously lived in Shoreline and was involved in the PTSA, and the soccer association there. She stated that she currently works for the Skagit County Assessor’s office and also worked for Snohomish and Whatcom counties in the past. She reported when attending public hearings on different items, she found the public comments interesting with the different views from residents on different issues. She stated that she believes with her background she can contribute to the Town Council. She stated that she is also already familiar with projects and other items that are occurring throughout Skagit County, such as Janicki Industries and its plans for expansion.

Rob Thomas stated that she has only lived on Duffy Street for the last 6 months and asked where she lived prior to that. Beth stated that she lived in Rockport for the last 3 years, but that her family has been in that area for the last 13 years. She stated that her sister owns the pub in Rockport which has served as a hub for the upriver community. She stated her sister has been seen helping people with their computers and allowing locals to use her Wi-Fi when needed.

Ginger Kyritsis asked what PSTA stood for. Beth stated that Parent Student Teacher Association. She stated that in Shoreline students also make up the committee and provide input, which is a little different to how Concrete’s is set up.

Marla Reed asked if she had ever attended a council meeting. Beth stated that she has not attended one in Concrete, but has in other places. She stated that she has attended and been involved in many different Skagit County community meetings. She stated that she also has background in grants and grant management.

Mayor Miller stated that he can attest to seeing Beth at many different meetings throughout Skagit County.

Marla Reed stated that she finds it interesting when people apply for a council position, but have never actually attended a council meeting.

Mike Bartel asked what her vision for Concrete would be. Beth stated that she is aware of the research that Andrea and Jason have to do for grants so the town has funding for things like parks and roads, and she would like to be able to assist with that. She stated that she sees different funding opportunities go across her desk at work that she believes Concrete could also benefit from. She stated that she completely understands Marla’s concerns, but she does have experience in municipal government.

Marla Reed asked what she believes to be the roles and responsibilities of a council member and asked if she realized this council is for town business not all of the upriver communities. Beth stated that she realizes that and she believes her role would be to listen and learn, and then to help with different roles the council members have. She stated she believes she could be an asset for the town.

Rob Thomas stated that beginning in January, council meetings will start at 6 p.m. and asked if she would have any conflicts with that. Beth stated that she gets off work at 4:30 and should have no problems making a 6 p.m. meeting time.

Mike Bartel asked if there is one thing she sees for Concrete. Beth stated that public transportation is key for this area and bus service to areas downriver. She also stated that efficient housing is also something Concrete is lacking. She stated that more apartment type housing and short-term housing for when projects like the one Janicki will be starting soon, which will have temporary workers.

Mayor Miller agreed that housing options are definitely an issue.

Mike Bartel stated that she spoke about grants and asked what ideas she has for increasing revenue for the town. Beth stated that she is aware of grants for drainage and ditches, as well as funding sources for recreational projects. She stated that she sees a lot of different funding options come across her desk that Concrete would most likely qualify for.

Rob Thomas thanked her for being the first one to interview and stated that he realizes that is not always easy.

Marla Reed asked what she believes to be her primary strength. Beth stated that she is a good public speaker, is bright and diligent, but that she believes her biggest strength is her ability to follow through with projects. Marla Reed asked what her greatest weakness is. Beth stated that she can sometimes be goofy and sometimes speaks out of turn. She stated that she speaks clearly and will get irritated if she does not receive a clear response to a question so this could be considered a weakness.

Beth thanked the council for their time and excused herself to go to work.

Mayor Miller called upon Jason Driver.

Jason stated that he has lived in town going on 11 years and has been on the Planning Commission, where he served as chair, as well as a Parks Committee member, and has been involved with numerous community events in town. He stated he knows a lot of people in town and is able to communicate with them on their ideas for the town.

Marla Reed asked what he believes are a council member’s roles and responsibilities. He stated that communication with the community is key.

Mike Bartel asked what his vision for the town is. Jason stated to get sustainable businesses in town, which will help to create sustainable housing, as well as create a future for the kids.

Marla Reed asked what his greatest strength is. Jason stated that he is patient and is able to listen to people’s wants and needs, and then follow that up with research. Marla Reed asked what his greatest weakness is. Jason stated that he has a hard time asking for help when needed.

Rob Thomas stated that he is aware of Jason’s commitment to the community and stated that is very much appreciated and asked if he would have any conflicts with meeting times. Jason stated no, he would not have a conflict.

Jason stated that he has great compassion and loves to see the town going the direction that it is right now. He stated that he believes with his knowledge and previous involvement that he has something to contribute and wants to be a part of where the town is going. He thanked the council and excused himself to go to work as well.

Mayor Miller called upon Jude Dippold.

Jude stated that his son is a naval officer and pilot who is stationed on Whidbey and he had come out here to visit him a couple times and then decided he wanted to be closer. He stated that he looked in Skagit County for housing starting in Anacortes and Mount Vernon before he began looking in Concrete. He stated that he had been in the Concrete area with his son on hiking trips and was looking for less expensive housing. He stated that he found a house he really liked and while trying to decide for sure if this was where he wanted to be, he and his daughter-in-law and granddaughter took a drive around town. He stated they visited the Silo Park playground and the Community Garden, which they were very impressed with. He stated they then drove through Main Street by the library and Resource Center, and he was impressed that this small community could provide the things that it has. He stated that he is from a similar small rural community in Warren, PA.
Jude spoke to his past experience and ventures that he has been involved with. He stated that he sees unlimited potential for Concrete, especially with the Skagit River and various lakes near here. He also stated that he has an extensive grant writing background, as well as other skills he picked up in the newspaper business and corporate communications. He stated he is currently retired.

Mayor Miller asked for examples of corporate strategies that he spoke to in his resume for dealing with businesses. Jude stated that he worked for a clothing company that was geared toward women over 65 years of age and offered clothing lines at a less expensive cost. He stated that when he started with the company during the 2008 recession, the business was declining. He stated they worked to counter that and implemented a catalog and advertising that was geared more toward a younger audience, which assisted in increased sales. Mike Bartel asked how long he was with the company. Jude stated a little over 4 years.

Rob Thomas asked if he could elaborate on an item in his resume regarding marketing and the management of a recall issue that resulted in deaths. Jude explained the incident that was reported and the follow-up, research and legal matters that had to be resolved. He stated that he was charged with resolving the legal cases. He stated he had to communicate with the legal department and then report to different news agencies on the matter. He reported that most of those cases were settled out of court.

Rob Thomas referenced Jude being at his current address for about a year and half, and asked how the transition from Pennsylvania to Washington has been and how he sees himself fitting into the council. Jude stated that he believes his biggest contribution could be his experience from other places. He stated he would listen and then be able to contribute to the council with things that he has seen work or not work. He stated he would be able to do this from past reporting that he did on 20 or so different municipalities and the programs that he has seen work in Warren, Penn. He stated Concrete is in a good position right now with the eco-tourism boom. He stated he believes that Concrete needs to be a destination point, a place for people to come. He also stated that on the economic development side, overnight stays are key and that Concrete should be aiming for that. He stated this is an incredible town and area.

Jude stated that he believes canoes and kayak rentals would be great for the town. He also stated that he realizes some things are out of the council’s hands, but that business growth should be encouraged.

Rob Thomas asked if there are any issues that he has followed from reading past council minutes. Jude stated that he was surprised at the amount of time and effort it took to get the Lorenzen Creek project approved and completed. He also stated he believes that road improvements are another issue for the town and realizes that most of these can happen only with outside funding.

Mike Bartel asked about his visions or thoughts for improving the quality of life for the kids in town. Jude stated sidewalk improvements as well as things for them to do beyond just parks and what is being provided by the school. He stated that some of the items he has already discussed such as canoes, kayaks and mountain bike trails would be great for the kids and people here. He stated the old saying, “if you build it they will come” is true. He stated the town will probably never see another hardware store or a large factory come in, but what the town needs is small sustainable businesses and the town can assist by promoting and advertising for these businesses.

Discussion ensued on the town’s recently adopted Economic Development Plan and the points that Jude spoke to already being discussed within that plan.

Jude thanked the council for their time.

Rob Thomas asked the rest of the council what their thoughts were on the candidates that they spoke with this morning.

Marla Reed stated that she believes Jude was impressive; talkative, but very knowledgeable. She stated that Jason does not have a lot of the necessary experience, but he has willingness and wants to be involved with the community. She also stated that she doesn’t believe that Beth’s goals and purposes belong on the council, but she would be great for some of the other committees and groups in town.

Ginger Kyritsis stated that she believes Jude would be great on other committees and groups in town, especially the Economic Development Commission and the Chamber, and that Beth would be great for the council. Marla Reed stated that she believes Beth’s focus is farther upriver from reading her application.

Rob Thomas stated that Jason has great heart and commitment, Jude has an outside perspective, and Beth has roots in the community. He stated that Beth brings other things as well, but her roots in the community is what stands out for him. He stated that right now he is asking himself which of those things is most important to him for who should take the council seat. He stated as for Jason, he believes even if he doesn’t get chosen for council he will still have the involvement and commitment to the community and doesn’t believe that will change whether he is on the council or not on the council. Rob stated that he does not believe he would be able to make a decision today and is thankful he has time to think it over and is interested to see what the fourth candidate has to offer.

Mike Bartel stated the council works for the people and he wishes he would have heard more from Jude on the kids in town and how they will benefit in the future. He stated the town has a lot of potential and is moving in the right way right now and wants to keep the kids involved.

Ginger Kyritsis stated that she had met Beth once before today and was very impressed with her knowledge and how personable she was.