Positive Disclosure Decision Sheet

For use with Common Law Police Disclosures (CLPD) guidance

Background:The CLPD provisions relate to Police use of common law powers to disclose personal sensitive police information regarding an individual to third parties, usually an employer. The primary trigger for a disclosure to an employer under CLPD is the arrest or charge of an individual for a recordable offence. Common Law Police Disclosures complement but are separate from statutory DBS arrangements.

An example of a positive CLPD disclosure is where Police provide details of an arrest or charge where the individual concerned is in a role that involves working with children, young people or vulnerable adults.

How to use this form:you must use this form in conjunction with the CLPD guidance on the HR webpages (departments) or the Manual of Personnel Practice (schools)

  1. Discuss - The individualmust be offered the opportunity to discuss the content of the disclosure with the line manager prior to any decision being made. It is also important, as part of the discussion, to establish that the disclosure is for the identified individual.
  2. Risk Assess and Decide - This Decision Sheet must be used by managers, once discussion has taken place with the individual, to assess what impact the disclosure has on the continued employment of the employee, casual worker or volunteer.
  3. File - A copy of the completed Positive Disclosure Decision Sheetmust be kept as follows:

Employee – on the e-pf; Casual Worker – on the personnel / personal file; Volunteer – held by the Line Manager

Name of individual: ______

Question / Response / Notes / Manager comments – please provide a response to each question
What is the nature of the offence?
When did the offence occur?
Is the conviction relevant to the position? / Yes / No
Are there any safeguarding risks? If yes, please detail. / Yes / No / If “yes”, inform the relevant Safeguarding Unit. HR advice should also be sought.
Does the current role provide an opportunity for the employee to potentially re-offend? / Yes / No
What measures will be taken to mitigate any potential risk (for instance, level of supervision, training etc)
Does the disclosure show a pattern of offending behaviour, or was the offence a one-off? (Review of previous DBS or CLPD disclosures required) / Pattern / One-off
Does the post involve responsibility for finance, items of value or other high risk areas that require consideration in respect of the disclosure? / Yes / No

Decision ( *please circle):Continue to employ with adjustments to role* / Conduct an Investigation* / No further action required*

Please record the actions taken and the full reason for the decision, including listing any adjustments to the role if appropriate:

Line Manager Name :Signature :Date :

Senior Line Manager Name :Signature :Date :

Departments: please return to HR Operations,
Schools: please retain confidentially on personnel file.

HR Operations – CLPD - Positive Disclosure Decision Sheet – November 2017 - HF15245054Page 1