Town of Clinton Board Meeting

December 10, 2013

Jim called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Jim Gores, Supervisor Bob Heil, Supervisor Larry Peterson, Treasurer Stephanie Schlosser, Clerk Melanie Miller, and Town Highway Employee Greta White werepresent as well as 4 other people.

Larrymade a motion to accept the minutes of November 12th. Jimseconded. All in favor, motion carried.

The treasurer’s report was printed out for the board. Larry made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Jimseconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Update on SSS:With the bad roads the trucks have not been hauling. Otherwise everything is going good. PM 10 monitor is looking good.

Amend 2013 Budget: Larry made a motion to accept the amended 2013 budget with the adjustments as presented by clerk. Jim seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Approve Election Workers:Jim made a motion to accept the following election workers for 2014-2015: Sharon Hammann, Carole Landro, Joann Kahl, Ilene Peterson, Karla Nevin, Jackie Fladten, Amy Keene, and Karyn Schauf. Larry seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Update on Road Maintenance Meeting:All the STOP signs must be replaced by reflective signs by 2015 and all other signs by 2018. The State will be holding the town liable if the signs are not reflective. Greta will make a list of what other signs we need to still purchase.

Bridges longer than 20 feet need reports by 2014 and the bridges shorter than 20 feet by 2015. Greta stated we have our bridge reports done.

Road Work for 2014:The boardwants to cut the hill down on 17th Avenue from County P East half mile to 7th St. Greta will get an estimate from the County. The board wants to focus on taking care of existing roads in need of repair.

Additions to Add to Website:The minutes will be posted after they are approved. Melanie will also add under Notices a notice for crops in town right away.

Road Signs:Refer to Update on Road Maintenance Meeting.

Clean up at the Community Center:The 4H group did not clean up after their pancake supper. Jim will write a letter to the 4H charging them a $35.00 fee.

Update on Fire Board Meeting:The Fire Board has approved for a new pumper truck with a new jaws spending about $313,745.00. This will be split evenly between the Towns of Clinton, Arland, Almena and Village of Almena. A 10 year loan will be utilized with payments evenly split between the 4 entities.

The board also approved to spend up to$30,000 for new chassis for the water truck.

Update on Swinging Mailboxes:Jim has talked the town residents.

Update on WTA Meeting:There is an opening for aSpecialized Traffic Position Proposal to scale trucks. There will be another meeting concerning this in January. Tabled

DOT Mileage Report:Done

Reflective Sign Driver:Marv Stovern can be the sign reflective driver with Greta to rate the reflective of the signs. This person has to be 62 or older and a 2000 or newer car. Marv is both. Larry made a motion to hire Marv and pay him $15 an hour and mileage. Jim seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Future Agenda: Road Work for 2014, Community Center, Reflective signs, Ordinance for Road Right Away

Correspondence was gone through.

Paying of bills – Larry made a motion to pay the bills. Jim seconded the motion. All in favor, bills were paid.

Minutes from the meeting will be e-mailed. The agenda will be e-mailed to the board by the Monday a week before the meeting. All additions can be e-mailed to Melanie before the agenda is posted on the Monday preceding the meeting.

Larry made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Jim seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned.

Action itemsfor next meeting:

Jim: Write letter for 4H



Melanie:Add to the Website

Respectfully submitted,

Melanie K. Miller