Town of Beausejour

2012 Centennial Committee Meeting

Monday April 27, 2009

Sun Gro Centre

Present: Ed Dubray-Councillor -Town of Beausejour

Irene Hudek, Citizen

Linden Demarco, Citizen

Susan Bonner, Citizen

Len Kolton, Museum

Greg Puhacz, Masonic Lodge

Staff: Bruce Schade

1)  Call To Order

The meeting was called to order by the chair at 7:10pm

2)  Adoption of Minutes

Motion by: Greg Puhacz

Seconded by: Irene Hudek

That the minutes from the March 23, 2009 meeting be adopted as circulated


3)  Centennial Book-(Historical Sub-Committee)

The Committee has a number of community people who said they would help work on a History Book but are presently searching for a Chair for this Committee. Len Kolton said he would think about chairing such a group and give a decision by next meeting.

4)  Centennial Calendar

Still waiting to hear back from the Beausejour Lions Club if they would be prepared to produce a Centennial Calendar for 2012.

5)  Canada Day Celebration

Have not received information yet on exactly what is involved in hosting a Canada Day Celebration and Citizenship court so tabled until we receive further information.

6)  Centennial Banners

Banners are part of the 2009 Centennial Budget and Committee will look into this once the Town Budget has been approved. The idea is to get a few banners made so they can be moved to various facilities and functions in the community to help advertise the upcoming Centennial.

7)  Youth Entertainment

A discussion was held on possible youth entertainment and suggestion that we start to compile a list of possible entertainers (local and around the area) who could possibly perform as part of the Centennial Celebrations. For next meeting Committee members are to come back with names of possible people that they know who could be part of the Centennial year


Irene is to look into possibility of having rides as part of the Centennial Weekend in August and what companies might be available

8)  On-Line Registration

Karen Mason was not at the meeting but reported that she has made some progress towards getting information on setting this up. The discussion on the website issues and it was decided that any and all information should go under the Town of Beausejour website and if need be, could be linked to any other sites from the Town site

9)  Previous Community Celebrations

There was a discussion regarding past community Celebrations did (50th and 75th Anniversaries) and can we take some of their ideas for the 2012 event?

Action: The Chair will look into what happened in the past two celebrations and report back.

Action: Linden will check with the Library if they have some information on this

10)  Advertising/ Promoting the Event

There was a discussion on how do we get the word out about this Centennial, especially to people who used to live in the community but now live in other communities and possibly other Countries or Provinces. Suggestions were:

§  letters to community groups informing them of the event and asking them to let others know

§  Town website;

§  Travel Manitoba brochures and magazines;

§  Town water bills;

§  Placemats in businesses;

§  Chamber;

§  Possible banners off of light standards sponsored by businesses;

§  Town sign

§  Possible highway signs

11)  Community Involvement:

The Committee has agreed to send letters to the community groups to see if they would put on an event in 2012 as part of the Centennial (eg-Centennial Curling Bonspiel)

Action: The Chair will write a letter and Irene has volunteered to send it to community groups to get their involvement in the 2012 event, with this being done prior to May 15, 2009.

12)  Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

13)  Next Meeting:

Monday May 25, 2009

7:00 pm

Sun Gro Centre