Town Clerk/Treasurer’s Office 802-888-6370
P O Box 748 Fax 802-888-6375
Morrisville VT 05661
The Board of Civil Authority of the Town of Morristown is hereby notified and warned to meet in the Conference Room at the Municipal Office Building, 43 Portland Street in said town on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 5:30 P.M.
1. Changes and additions to the posted agenda
2. Oath/Term of BCA members
3. Elect Chairperson
4. Pursuant to Title 24 V.S.A § 1535, to consider abatement of real estate and personal property taxes assessed.
5:45 PM – Michael and Debra Diender (#11051)
6:00 PM – Nancy Ellen Simon Palmer (#16146)
6:05 PM – Connie LaBree (#08176)
6:15 PM – Sabrina Compagna (#90059)
6:20 PM – Miscellaneous abatements
5. Review changes to the Voter Checklist
6. Designate polling places and hours
7. Schedule Poll Workers for Annual Town and School District Meetings
8. Reminder of Biennial Purge - 2015
9. To do any other business
24 V.S.A., § 1533 states: The board of civil authority, with the listers and the town treasurer shall constitute a board for the abatement of town, town school district and current use taxes. The act of a majority of a quorum at a meeting shall be treated as the act of the board. (For Morristown, a minimum of 13 members must be in attendance to meet the quorum requirement.) The above requirement in respect to a quorum need not be met if the town treasurer, a majority of the listers and a majority of the Selectboard are present at the meeting.
Mary Ann Wilson
Mary Ann Wilson, Town Clerk
February 4, 2015
cc: B.C.A. Members posted: Town Clerk's Office
Listers Water & Light Department
Town Administrator Morrisville Post Office
Town Attorney
S:\common\TOWN CLERK\BCA\Notices\Abate 02.19.2015.doc