Health and Emergency Contact Information

The County Extension office will collect and review each participant’s SD 4-H Member Enrollment Form prior to the start of the program annually. A copy of the enrollment form, which includes health and emergency contact information, will be provided by thecounty office for the Butte County 4-H Shooting Sports records. This copy will be retained in the instructor’s binder for each participant.

A signed and completed “Parents Or Guardians Agreement of Waive of Liability, Indemnification and Medical Release” will also be required from each participant prior to the start of the program. The originals will be retained at the County Extension Office and a copy provided for the Butte County 4-H Shooting Sports records.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Ambulance: 911

Fire: 911

Butte County Sheriff Dispatch: 892-2737

Person responsible to call: Certified Instructor on Duty

In the event of any incident, accident, near miss or emergency following will also be immediately notified.

• Butte County Extension Educator: TJ Swan, Office 892-3371, Cell 210-1778

• The parent(s) of the youth(s) involved

Person responsible to call: Certified Instructor on Duty.


• A minor first-aid kit will be present at all program activities

• The first aid kit will be checked for supplies and re-stocked as needed.

Person responsible: Certified Instructor on Duty

Safety Equipment

• Eye protection will be worn by all participants, leaders and observers whenever there is live fire.

• Rifle and shotgun participants, leaders and observes will wear ear protection when there is live


• Archery participants, leaders and observers will wear ear protection when the archery range is

located near to a gun range when there is live fire.

Minimization of Lead Exposure

No persons will eat or drink until washing hands after being on the range. If water is not available

Instructors will provide anti-bacterial moist towel-lets, water-less soap, or similar product for wipinghands once shooting has concluded.


Permission has been secured to use the Newell City Hall, Newell, SD, and the Center of the Nation Sportsman’s Club, Belle Fourche, SD, for meetings and live fire exercises of this 4-H club. Responsibility for the following items has been determined:

• Evacuation of the site in an emergency

• Fire extinguisher(s)

• Garbage collection

• Toilet facilities

• Telephone/Emergency communications – The certified instructor on duty will have a cell phone available to place any emergency calls.


A safety inspection of the range will be completed before the club meets for the first time each year and throughout the year as needed. Safety procedures (signage, berms, and safety lines) will be reviewed with the site owner. All hazards, both natural and man-made, will be identified and eliminated or reduced.

Person responsible: Certified Instructor on Duty


A calling tree will be implemented at the beginning of each year for all participants and volunteers in the program. In the event of inclement weather or other occasion, the certified instructor on duty will determine if a scheduled class or meeting will be cancelled or postponed. Once this decision is made, the instructor will notify the people at the top of the calling tree who will then be expected to complete the calls on their list.