Town Board Regular Meeting

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This regular meeting was held at the Rondout Municipal Center and began at 7:00pm

Present:Supervisor Michael Warren and Town Board members Joe Borzumato, Douglas Adams, Patricia Clarke and Tim Sweeney

Absent:Patricia Clarke

Also, Present: Heather Moody; Town Clerk/Tax Collector, George Dimler; Highway Superintendent, Tom Konrad; ECC, Jill McLean; Assistant Rec. Director and Jodi LaMarco; Blue Stone Press.

Supervisor Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a welcome to all those in attendance.


Councilman Sweeney made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Warren, to approve the meeting minutes from 02/07/2017. 3-0 Aye, Councilwoman Clarke absent and Councilman Borzomato abstained from voting, as he was not at the 2/7/17 meeting, motion carried. Supervisor Warren directed Town Clerk Moody to post the approved meeting minutes on the town website.


Town Clerk Moody submitted the following vouchers for approval:

Feb. 2017 AmendmentsVouchersTotal Payment

General FundV#103$13,147.99

V#33 - #103$48,892.29

Highway FundV#12$175.82 VOIDED

V#13 - #66$67,317.45

A motion was made by Councilman Borzumato and seconded by Councilman Sweeney to approve this voucher.

4-0 Aye, motion carried, Councilwoman Clarke absent.

March 2017VouchersTotal Payment

General Fund#104 - #164$39,976.21

Highway Fund#67 - #111$56,002.35

A motion was made by Supervisor Warren and seconded by Councilman Adams to approve these vouchers.

4-0 Aye, motion carried, Councilwoman Clarke absent.

High Falls Water District#13 – 24$7,188.00

A motion was made by Supervisor Warren and seconded by Councilman Adams to approve these vouchers.

4-0 Aye, motion carried, Councilwoman Clarke absent.

RMC (Rondout Municipal Center)

Shared RMC #36 - 48$11,071.46

A motion was made by Supervisor Warren and seconded by Councilman Adams to approve these vouchers.

4-0 Aye, motion carried, Councilwoman Clarke absent.

LOCAL LAW #4-2017

  • Supervisor Warren made a motion, seconded by Councilman Adams to open the public hearing on proposed Local Law #4 – 2017. 4-0 Aye, motion carried, Councilwoman Clarke absent.
  • Supervisor Warren read the proposed Local Law #4 – 2017 “Revised Fee Schedule and Procedures (Remove all of the fees listed within the code.”
  • Supervisor Warren asked three times for any public comment on the proposed Local Law #4 – 2017. No comments from the public. The public hearing was closed by Resolution #26-2017.


WHEREAS, A resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Marbletown for a public hearing to be held by said Town Board on March 21, 2017 at 7:00PM at the Town Hall, 1925 Lucas Avenue, Cottekill, New York, to hear all interested parties on a proposed local law titled: “REMOVE ALL OF THE FEES LISTED WITHIN THE CODE.”; and

WHEREAS. A notice of said public hearing was duly advertised in the Daily Freeman, the official newspaper of the Town, on Sunday, March 12, 2017; and

WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held on March 21, 2017 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall of the Town of Marbletown and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed local law, or any part thereof; and

WHEREAS, the proposed local law was circulated to the Ulster County Planning Board and;

WHEREAS, said proposed local law was referred to neighboring Municipalities and the Town of Marbletown’s Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals for comments.


1. That the Town Board of the Town of Marbletown, upon a majority vote of the members hereof, amend the Town of Marbletown Code by removing the actual fees listed in Chapters A205-Fees and Chapter A103-Dogs; and

2. That the Town Board shall, in accordance with the provisions of the New York State General Municipal Law Section 239-m, within seven (7) days of the date hereof, file a report of the final action it has taken with the Ulster County Planning Board; and

3. That the Town Clerk is hereby directed to enter said Local Law in the minutes of this meeting and in the Local Law book of the Town of Marbletown, and to give due notice of the adoption of said local law to the Secretary of State of the State of New York.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows:

The following resolution was offered by Supervisor Warren, seconded by Councilman Sweeney to wit:

Michael Warren Voting: Aye

Patricia Clarke Voting: Absent

Joe Borzumato Voting: Aye

Tim Sweeney Voting: Aye

Doug Adams Voting: Aye


WHEREAS, the Marbletown Town Building, Clerks Office and Planning departments have fees for services; and

WHEREAS, the fees which were in Local Law have been removed; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Marbletown will continue the application of the current fees until further review by the Town Board.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows:

The following resolution was offered by Supervisor Warren, seconded by Councilman Sweeney to wit:

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows:

Michael Warren Voting: Aye

Patricia Clarke Voting: Absent

Joe Borzumato Voting: Aye

Tim Sweeney Voting: Aye

Doug Adams Voting: Aye


  • A list of current fees and proposed fees was distributed to the Town Board for review and discussion.
  • Councilman Sweeney would like further detail and would like to sit with Maggie Colan and Will Husta to discuss further. Councilman Borzumato requested to be included also.
  • Discussion of Marbletown fees will continue at the next town board meeting.


  • Superintendent Dimler stated that Highway Department will have approximately 13 miles of town roads blacktopped and chip sealed by the end of the year.
  • The recent snow storm, Stella, kept the Highway Department very busy. There were a couple

complaints about road shoulder damage, which will be repaired.

  • Town Clerk Moody reported that her office took a few phone calls thanking the Highway Department on a job well done for keeping the roads clear the day of the storm.
  • The ‘Agreement to Spend Town Highway Funds’ was presented to the Town Board. Two originals must be signed by the Town Board. Once the agreement is signed Town Clerk Moody will send to the UC Dept. of Public Works.
  • Superintendent Dimler and Scott Davis will be meeting to discuss the Mill Dam Road bridge.
  • Superintendent Dimler asked Supervisor Warren about the status of the Highway Shared Services Agreement. Supervisor Warren said the Supervisors were still discussing it, as all towns will need to be on the same page.



  • Tom Konrad, ECC Chairman, discussed Solarize Rondout Valley which Marbletown will be jointly sponsoring with Rochester and Olive and it is solely volunteered based.
  • A motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Sweeney for the Town Board to approve the cosponsoring of Solarize Rondout Valley with Rochester and Olive. 4-0 Aye, Councilwoman Clarke absent, motion carried.
  • The ECC will be meeting with and selecting the solar installers.
  • The ECC is still waiting on Central Hudson to review the order of LED streetlights.
  • The Clean Energy Communities grant is still moving along. The town would need to complete four out of the ten qualifying requirements.


  • Jill McLean; Assistant Rec. Director thanked the Blue Stone Press for the great article that ran in the last edition.
  • There have been some new programs at the Community Center; scrapbooking, Zumba Gold, Gunks Climbers Coalition, Church of Civic Duty and a children’s wellness class.
  • Summer camp registration is going on and they are hiring for instructors, counselors and lifeguards.
  • The park will be opening on April 1st. AYSO Soccer, RV Little League and Adult Softball will all take place at the park.
  • A new class that is being researched is a Ninja Warrior Class. This class would offer different types of obstacles for kids to take part in.

JUSTICE (Councilman Borzumato):

  • Justice Court report was read for the record.


  • The Historic Committee met briefly, nothing new to report.

ASSESSOR’S OFFICE (Councilman Sweeney):

  • Mike Dunham, Assessor, has been working on a data verification project since June 2014 and hopes to complete the project by the end of 2017.
  • Exemption applications will be completed by the end of March.

ZBA (Councilman Sweeney):

  • Monthly report from ZBA was provided to Town Clerk Moody for the records.

BUILDING (Councilman Sweeney):

  • No report was provided by the Building department.

Motion to adjourn: There being no further discussion Councilman Sweeney made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Councilman Borzumato; 4-0 Aye, Councilwoman Clarke absent, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Moody

Town Clerk/Tax Collector