January 20, 2010
· Happy Birthday to Lina Pernaa! Lina is 104 years old today. As Ashby’s oldest citizen, Lina holds The Boston Post Cane. Thank you goes out to Sue Chapman who brought the cane to Lina at her birthday celebration on Monday, January 18th.
· The Schedule for the Annual Town Election is posted inside Town Hall. There are several positions available for the upcoming election to be held on April 26, 2010. Nomination papers are now available in the Town Clerk’s office.
· The Selectmen have received copies of the Chairman’s draft of the Board of Selectmen Annual Report for review (Dan Meunier received this document electronically).
· The Ashby Art History 2010 Calendar is available forpurchase at $12 each through the Ashby Market, the Ashburnham Country Store, McNabbs Pharmacy orSquirrel-Eze(both in Townsend), or at the Unique Boutique (inWest Townsend). Or you maycontact Paula Bogue at 978-386-7230. The calendar features original artwork depicting people, places, and scenes of Ashby drawn or paintedby local artists. A preview of the calendar can be seen at or at The funds raised would help in the restoration of the Ashby Historical Society building which badly needs a new roof and a coat of paint. While renovations to the building have been supported by a grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission Preservation Projects Fund, calendar sales will help provide the funds requiredto match that grant. The calendar project is supported in part by the Ashby Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
· The Selectmen have received the following mail, email, memos and faxes:
v Conservation Commission January 6th Minutes
v Memo from the Highway Superintendent regarding Union Compliance
v Copies of Resume Acknowledgement Letter to Town Administrator Applicant
v Copies of FinCom Minutes from the Finance Committee Chair and a Memo from the Finance Committee regarding the RFT for the Police Vehicle Engine Replacement
v Emailed MIIA Risk E Business Newsletter
v Copies of CDBG Housing Rehab Grant Disbursements and Expenses from the Treasurer
v Faxed NMRSD Notices of Next School Committee Meetings
v NMRSD Annual Financial Statements
v Invitation to NRWA Workshop on Preserving Land and Clean Water for Future Generations
v MRPC’s Montachusett Today
v MART Advisory Board Tentative Agenda
v Brownfields Redevelopment Fund from MassDevelopment
v Emailed DOR’s City and Town
v Emailed Advances for the Week from Representative Gobi
v Emailed Massachusetts Recovery Updates
v Invitation to MMA’s Statewide Legislative Breakfast Meetings and Annual Meeting
v Invitation to Regional Economic Summit with Lt. Governor Murray
v Letter from Comcast regarding Price Adjustments
· Public Service Announcements:
+ All eligible individuals (seniors and ADA qualified) wishing to participate in the Meals on Wheels Program should contact Angie Godin at 386-6800. Meals are only $1.00 and are now delivered Monday through Friday around noon.
+ MART Shuttle Service is available to all eligible (60 years or older, ADA qualified) individuals. Ashby residents may use the van on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for medical appointments and shopping. Interested residents should call Jennifer Collins Monday through Thursday at 386-2501, ext. 11 to apply and schedule use.
+ Current Board, Committee, and Department Vacancies: Cultural Council, Finance Committee, Historical Commission, Senior Tax Work-off Program and ZBA