Tower Hamlets Community Transport
Trustee Opportunity
A fanstastic opportunity to apply business skills and connect with the community in a practical way.
Tower Hamlets Community Transport (THCT) aims to alleviate social isolation and enhance well-being through the provison of transport where public or privately owned transport is not possible.
Our core services,currently provided from its base in Limehouse, are:
- Minibus hire to social care and leisure groups
- Maintainance and garage services
- Training in minibus driving, safety and passenger assistance
- Advice on vehicle purchase and contract management scheme
Community Transport is more than a bus service. It is a crucial connector for the vulnerable, disabled and others. Working with partners the potential for positive social impact is great.
Over the next years we aim to develop new business, expanding and diversifying from our current core business including potentially redeveloping our current or moving to new premises and finding new ways to deliver our service. Joint ventures with other organisations as well as establishment of a trading arm are real possibilities as well as strengthening our community offer.
We would love to talk to people who could join our trustee board. The following skills areas would be particularly useful: change management, influencing skills, enterprise/ business development, new venture design and feasibility, finance, communications/ marketing, partnerships/ joint ventures & legal.
Our current board members are experienced people who all have senior roles in local organisations who are members of Community Transport. We therefore welcome applications from people who are perhaps 'up and coming' & looking for their first non executive role as well as those with more experience. Knowledge of the local area or at least a sensitivity to the social issues would be advantageous.
This is an opportunity to join a well established local organisation ready to 'gear up' and 'drive forward' over the next few years. With our partners we provide a much valued service and we want to do more….
Company Membership
As well as being a Charity, THCT is a Company Limited by Guarantee. This means we have members rather than shareholders. Current membership is made up of Third sector organisations who use, or wish to use Community Transport. There are currently just over 100 members.
The Trustee Board (otherwise known as Management Committee/ Directors Board)
There are two ways that people can join the Trustee Board:
- Elected by the members. The Each member can nominate one candidate. The Committee may determine any criteria for appointment. Nominations need to be in 28 days before the AGM
- The Committee also has the power to appoint any person at any time (sometimes called co-opting) subject to that person being voted on at the next AGM.
Responsibilities of THCT’s Trustees
- Overall responsibility
Trustees have and must accept ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of THCT and for ensuring that it remains solvent, well-run anddelivers the charitable outcomes for
the benefit of the public in accordance its Articles of Association.
Together with the other Trustees, to hold THCT in “trust” for current and future beneficiaries by:
- ensuring that the charity has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused in achieving them;
- being responsible for the performance of the charity and for its corporate behaviour;
- ensuring that the charity complies with all legal andregulatory requirements;
- acting as guardians of the charity’s assets (both tangible and intangible), taking all due care over their security, deployment and properapplication; and
- ensuring that the charity’s governance is of the highest possible standard.
In addition, the Trustees are responsible for the recruitment of the THCT’s senior manager (s) and for on-going monitoring of his/her work in the day-to-day running of the organisation.
- Compliance
The Trustees must ensure that:
- THCT complies with all relevant charity law, and with the requirements of the Charity Commission;
- THCT prepares reports on what it has achieved as well as Annual Returns and accounts as required by law;
- THCT does not breach any of the requirements or rules set out in its governing documents and that it remains true to the charitable purpose and objects set out therein;
- comply with the requirements of all relevant legislation and regulations that govern the activities of the charity, including transport legislation and regulation; and
- act with integrity, and avoid any personal conflictsof interest or misuse of THCT Charity’s funds or assets.
- Duty of prudence
The Trustees must:
- ensure that THCT is and will remain solvent;
- use charitable funds and assets reasonably, and only in furtherance of THCT’s charitable objects as set out in the Articles of Association;
- avoid undertaking activities that might place THCT’s funds, assets or reputation at undue risk; and
- take special care when investing THCT’s funds orwhen borrowing funds for the charity to use.
- Duty of care
The Trustees must:
- use reasonable care and skill in their work as Trustees, and use their personal skills and experience as appropriate in order to ensure thatthe charity is well-run andefficient; and
- consider seeking external professional advice on all matters where there may be material risk to the charity, or where the Trustees may be in breach of their duties.
- Other duties
In addition to the statutory duties outlined above, Trustees are expected to use their specific skills, knowledge and/or experience to assist the Board in reaching sound decisions. This may involve:
- scrutinising board papers;
- leading discussions;
- focusing on key issues;
- providing guidance on new initiatives;
- taking advice from THCT’s key stakeholders, including transport scheme members, employees and/or key clients such as local authorities; and
- any other issues in which the Trustee has special expertise.
For further general information on the roles and responsibilities of a charity trustee, please refer to the Charity Commission’s guidance by pasting the following link into your browser:
Time Commitment
Terms of appointment: the company papers allow for Trustees to serve for a term of up to four years. After the first term they may be re-elected for another term.
Board meetings are held approximately six times a year,normally at the Charity’s base at Limehouse, East London. Each meeting lasts for 2 hours and is held in the afternoon at present. In addition to these Board meetings, Trustees may be expected to attend sub-committee meetings as well as comply with any Trustee duties that may arise from time to time.
The position of Trustee is on a voluntary-basis and is unpaid.
Trustees are required to sign a declaration of eligibility to act as a trustee, and upon appointment, sign a register of interests to declare any potential conflicts or interests.
How to apply
To express interest in the role please forward a CV and/or short note or email telling us why you are interested and what skills you could bring.
Please send this toDave Ahlquist, Business Development Manager.
Who would also be happy to meet with you and to answer any questions you may have.
Tower Hamlets Community Transport is a company limited by guarantee (company no. 01686399) and registered with the Charity Commission (charity no. 289827).
THCT is currently recruiting Trustees
Please note that THCT is an Equal Opportunities employer