Minneola Elementary Charter School Inc.
Charter Board MeetingNovember 28, 2012Minutes
Scott Mizell called the November 28, 2012 meeting of the Minneola Elementary Charter Board to
order at 7:00 p.m.
The following were present:
Sandra Reaves Scott Mizell David HosmanLori Sokoloski Ruth SteckmanJoanne Merrill
Jerry Hatfield Mary Salter Sherry WattsLawanna Martinec Betsy Cohours
Lori Sokoloski reported a quorum of five Board Members present.
The minutes of September 19, 2012, were motioned by David Hosman to accept and approve as presented. Ruth Steckman seconds and the Board approves the minutes.
Public input included MES faculty member, Betsy Cahours presentat the meeting of the Minneola Elementary Charter Board onNovember 28, 2012.
Mary Salter reviewed theBudget Status Summaryending October 31, 2012 with the Board. Mrs. Salter issued an RFP and will take bids from audit companies for auditing services for Minneola. Advertising was listed in the local newspaper.
Mary Salter attended the Minneola Elementary faculty meeting this week and presented a power point that explained the Minneola budget and then entertained questions that the faculty may have had concerning the budget, fund balances, capital outlay, expenditures and fund reserves. Lori Sokoloski had confusion on interpreting the budget balance sheets and requested Mary Salter to present a Budget Workshop for all Board members to gain a better understanding of the accounting process at Minneola.
The Charter Board set a Budget Workshop with Mary Salter on January 14, 2013 at 5:00pm. All Board members will be notified by certified mail to attend the workshop.
Lori Sokoloski also stated that the faculty and parents at Minneola Elementary do not have a clear understanding of the purpose of being a Charter School.
Mrs. Reaves reported on Minneola’s recent Teacher/School evaluation dated October 16, 2012 by the State of Florida. Minneola Elementary earned the title of Effective School. All MES teachers earned Effective and Highly Effective status. Mrs. Reaves and Sherry Watts earned a status of Highly Effective Administrators. We are very proud of our faculty and staff at Minneola Elementary Charter School.
Mrs. Reaves will issue a request to LCS to clay part of the upper field for Minneola students to use as a kickball field.
Mrs. Reaves and Jerry Hatfield attend every Lake County School Board meeting/workshop to represent Minneola Elementary and to keep apprised of important issues that may affect the faculty, staff and students of our school.
Sherry Watts reviewed our accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Minneola has maintained accreditation for 5 years; we attend as part of the Lake County School District. The accreditation is a voluntary method of quality assurance developed more than 100 years ago by American universities and secondary schools, and designed primarily to distinguish schools adhering to a set of educational standards. The accreditation process is also known in terms of its ability to effectively drive student performance and continuous improvement in education.
This accreditation is a set of rigorous protocols and research-based processes for evaluating the school’s organizational effectiveness. All of our evaluations must be uploaded by February 1, 2013.
The next scheduled meeting of the Minneola Elementary Charter Board will be February 27, 2013.
Ruth Steckman moved to adjourn the meeting, David Hosmanseconds. Charter Board meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.