Towards Outstanding – A Governing Body Health Check
Section 1
Strength / Yes / No / Evidence/impactaction for improvement
No longstanding vacancies
Instrument of Government is up-to-date and fully understood
Governors’ terms of office have not expired
Committees/full GB have clear terms of reference
Skills audit relates to current governors and shows range of skills on GB which are effectively utilised
Agreed process for compiling agendas
Meeting time accessible to all governors so meetings well-attended
Meetings have timed agenda and are chaired effectively
Outcomes of committee meetings/training events are made known to all governors
All governors, including those with key roles (clerk/chair/safeguarding governor etc), have appropriate training
Minutes reflect key discussion points, decisions and actions
Confidentiality is respected and a code of practice for the GB in place.
Communication between governors is appropriate and effective
Clerk gives appropriate advice and support.
Tasks are shared among all governors
New governors are supported with a mentor/school information pack
All governors make a distinct contribution to the work of the GB
GB has a Link governor responsible for governor training/recruitment and a training and attendance record is kept
Towards Outstanding – a Governing Body Health Check
Section 2
Grading: 1 – outstanding; 2 – good; 3 – requires improvement; 4 - inadequate
Strength / Grade / Evidence/impactActions for improvement
GB ensures clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction, consulting with stakeholders as appropriate, so these are shared with all.
Governors have a rigorous performance management system, including performance management of the headteacher, linked to professional development, so to improve teaching, leadership and management
GB understands the school’s strengths and weaknesses, is involved in reviewing the Self-evaluation document and links this to the school improvement plan
Governors effectively support and challenge the school, robustly hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance.
GB regularly evaluates its own performance, adding priorities to a GB improvement plan (which may be part of the School Improvement Plan)
Governors are aware of the use of the Pupil Premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics
GB has a clear process for updating/reviewing policies and procedures, ensuring relevant information is available and a high standard is achieved
All statutory requirements are in place, including those relating to safeguarding and to the content of the school website
When monitoring progress of the school improvement plan, governors consistently ask for information, explanation and clarification, including that from external sources.
GB communicates effectively with parents and the local community, consulting them when appropriate and taking account of their views.
Governors ensure financial stability through highly effective, rigorous planning and controls, ensuring excellent deployment of staff and resources to the benefit of all groups of pupils
Governors are closely involved in the life of the school, are linked to areas of the school and work effectively with staff and pupils
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