Board Members and Officers for 2017

The officer positions for board members for 2017 are:

President – Jack Neal

Vice President – Jon Ey

Treasurer– Shawna McGee

Secretary – Sue Hanlon

Architectural and Landscape – Jon Ey

As a reminder, any homeowner who would like to serve on the Board, please contact Tami Riddle at AMI.

HOA Financial Statements Available and Annual Report Update

The Board encourages all homeowners who would like to know the financial status of Tumble Creek to request the current Profit and Loss Statement and the Balance Sheet. The Profit and Loss Statement was provided to those homeowners who attended the Annual Meeting, but not the Balance Sheet. If you would like a copy of these documents, please contact Tami Riddle at AMI, 208-385-9650 Ext 217.

The Board would also like to thank all the homeowners who attended the 2016 Annual Homeowners Meeting. We know that homeowners are busy, but we encourage you to attend so you can meet the Board, get information about your subdivision, and share your concerns with the Board.

No Increase in Dues for 2017

The board is pleased to announce that the annual dues will remain at $175 per year. Your 2017 statement is included with this newsletter, and all payments are due by Jan. 31. When paying your HOA dues, don't forget to make your check payable to Tumble Creek HOA and mail it to AMI at 1310 N. Main Street, Meridian, Idaho 83642. You can also pay online by going to and if you use online bill pay, please make sure to update AMI's address. Any mail sent to AMI's old Boise address will be returned by the post office and could result in your payment missing the deadline.

AMI Office Closure during Holidays

The AMI office will be closed Christmas Eve through January 4, 2017. If you need emergency assistance during this time, you may call our 24-hour emergency line at 208-385-6950 and dial 1. Happy Holidays and all the best in the New Year! As a reminder, regular office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm. The office is closed from 1pm to 2pm daily for lunch. There is a payment slot in the door.

2016 Christmas Lighting Contest Winners

Three winners were selected by the HOA Board members, and each winner received a $50 Home Depot gift card.

The 2016 Christmas Lighting Contest winners are:

Honorable Mention goes to:

The Board congratulates the winners and honorable mention designees. Your efforts to decorate your homes so beautifully definitely made our subdivision more festive. And we are already looking forward to next year’s competition.

Winter Home Maintenance Reminder

Don't forget dead leaves need to be raked and removed, and miscellaneous lawn tools should be stored out of sight for the winter. The City of Meridian code requires that homeowners shovel their sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall. Remember to use de-icer on any ice on sidewalks. Homeowners that live on a corner are required to shovel all sidewalks around the property, including sidewalks on the side of the home.

Please heed the 25 mph speed limit and be on the alert for pedestrians. Don’t forget road conditions can be especially slick this time of year. Leave extra time to reach a destination and slow down. Homeowners should use their garage and driveway for parking so that the streets can remain clear and safe for winter driving.

Contact Information

If you have questions, suggestions, concerns about Tumble Creek Neighborhood, our first line of contact should be with AMI, our management company.

Association Management, Inc.

1310 N. Main Street Meridian, ID 83642

Telephone: 385-9650 Ext 217 Fax: 381-0252

Neighborhood Manager: Tami Riddle


Happy Holidays from your Tumble Creek HOA Board of Directors.

Holiday Trivia!

1. Name the three reindeer whose names begin with a “D”? Dasher, Dancer and Donner.

2. Every elf has this ornament on the tip of their shoes. Which ornament are we talking about? A jingle bell

3. How many sides does a snowflake have? 6

4. If you received all of the gifts listed in "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song how many presents would you get? 364

5. What is the most popular holiday plant decoration in America? Poinsettia