Bitterne Park School

Year 7 Homework Learning Tasks


Subject / Start
Wk Beginning / Deadline
Wk Beginning / Marked by
English 1 / 8 Sep 2014 / 29 Sep 2014 / 10 Oct 2014
Mathematics 1 / 8 Sep 2014 / 29 Sep 2014 / 10 Oct 2014
Geography / 15 Sep 2014 / 6 Oct 2014 / 17 Oct 2014
MFL / 22 Sep 2014 / 13 Oct 2014 / 24 Oct 2014
*Science / 29 Sep 2014 / 20 Oct 2014 / 7 Nov 2014
Art / 6 Oct 2014 / 3 Nov 2014 / 14 Nov 2014
History / 13 Oct 2014 / 10 Nov 2014 / 21 Nov 2014
Half Term / 27 Oct to 31 Oct
English 2 / 3 Nov 2014 / 24 Nov 2014 / 5 Dec 2014
* Technology / 3 Nov 2014 / 24 Nov 2014 / 5 Dec 2014
* Science / 10 Nov 2014 / 1 Dec 2014 / 12 Dec 2014
Mathematics 2 / 10 Nov 2014 / 1 Dec 2014 / 12 Dec 2014
Drama / 17 Nov 2014 / 8 Dec 2014 / 19 Dec 2014

* Students in these subjects complete only one of the HLT options available. This is either the subject or topic they are studying, eg Food in Technology or the appropriate language eg French/Spanish.



Homework is an essential and integral part of the learning process for students. It is a way of enhancing learning and allows parents to have regular input into their child’s education.

For any form of homework to be effective it is reliant upon consistent school practice combined with parental support.


At Bitterne Park School the aim of Homework Learning Tasks are to:

  • Consolidate, support or extend what students are learning in the classroom.
  • Assist teachers in assessing students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning needs.
  • Prepare students for the rigour required to complete GCSE coursework and study.
  • Develop students skills and understanding of the world around us.
  • Stretch and challenge students.
  • Develop a greater sense of individual responsibility and independence in learning.
  • Promote positive dialogue and involvement between individual students, parents and teachers.
  • Celebrate the successes and hard work of students.
  • Develop pupils literacy skills.

By working in partnership these objectives can be achieved and students will be prepared for the rigours of Key Stage 4 courses and beyond.

What are Homework Learning Tasks (HLTs)?

Homework Learning Tasks are project based homeworks which require students to focus on what they are going to learn and how they will ‘show’ what they have learnt. They will develop an independence to learning as well as give students a choice of how they complete tasks.

All HLTs will have a literacy focus to them as part of the school’s commitment to improving literacy standards.

HLTs are set in all subjects each term (twice in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science) and are required to be completed over a three week period. All HLTs are published a term in advance and each one has a fixed start and end date. Students are responsible for completing HLTs and will be given support and advice by their subject teachers.

How will HLTs be marked?

Each student will receive a grade for their HLT which they will record in their planner. These marks are then used as part of the overall assessment of a student’s individual progress. Parents can check these marks via the student’s planner and by attendance at the termly Individual Advice and Guidance Day.

HLT Marking Scale:


4-Very Good



1-Poor/Not completed

What happens if HLTs are not completed?

If a student does not complete a HLT they will be set a 45 minute detention by that subject. Parents will be informed of this via letter. If there are genuine reasons why a student cannot complete a HLT it is essential that the school is informed of this by letter, prior to the deadline date.

How can students gain support in completing HLTs?

Individual subject teachers will provide support for students. The school’s Learning Resource Centre is available until 4pm each evening. Here there is access to computers, books and a range of other resources to support students.

On Mondays and Thursdays there will be focussed support sessions appropriate to current HLTs that students are completing.

Additional Learning Tasks

Students may also be set Additional Learning Tasks by subject teachers. These will be written in the planner and 20-30 minutes in length. Additional Learning Tasks will allow for individual work to be set which is appropriate to the need of the student or group. These are short tasks and are compulsory.

Further questions, help or support

If you have any specific questions or concerns about HLTs please contact your child’s Progress Leader or the appropriate Head of Subject. Alternatively, you can contact

Miss Burr.

Bitterne Park is full of “vibrancy and highly motivating ethos”.

Ofsted 2009

Subject: English 1

Autumn Term - Year 7

Aim / To have an understanding of what makes a Great British writer great.
Outcome / A short biography of your chosen writer.
What do I have to do?
Choose a Great British writer from the list below:
Malorie Blackman
Ian Fleming
J K Rowling
Roald Dahl
Charlotte Bronte
William Shakespeare
George Eliot
George Orwell
Benjamin Zaphaniare
Start by researching some facts about your writer – there may not be answers available for all of them so pick the ones that suit your chosen writer:
Where were they born?
What was their childhood like?
Where did they live?
How long were they at school?
Did they do any other jobs than just writing? Did this help with their writing?
What types of writing did/do they create?
How many books have they written?
Which is their “best” book? What makes it “best”?
What inspires them?
How did they die? Where are they buried?
Arrange your facts into topic groups and then write a biography using the notes you have collected.
If you want to write about an author who is not on the list, please check with your teacher.
How can I stretch myself further?
Choose a writer who is more challenging (for example, George Orwell or George Eliot) and explore how their beliefs and the society they lived in affected their writing.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
  • Research a few authors who interest you and choose one.
  • Do research in more depth – find facts, images and stories about your chosen writer.
  • Start crafting your biography – think about whether to open it with their birth or a summary of what they are famous for.
  • Use headings to help you complete the biography – these might help but they won’t suit every author:
  • Birth / early years
  • Schooling / Inspiration / Other jobs
  • Information about their writing / best book
  • Summary and your judgement about the writer.

Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc
  • Use Google or another search engine. Type the name of your writer in and see what information it gives you back. Be cautious using the internet for results – try to look for websites ending in -net or -org or -gov (these should be reliable).
  • Try searching Wikipedia for your writer.

How will my work be assessed?
Your teacher will look at your report to see how long you worked on the exercise, which sections you excelled at and what you need to do to improve.

Subject: Mathematics 1

Autumn Term – Year 7

Aim / Practice key skills and methods for Number and Algebra
Outcome / Improved key skills and found efficient methods.
Be able to use these key skills to answer test questions successfully
What do I have to do?
Complete a weekly MyMaths online homework.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
  • Login is bitterne
  • Password is rhombus
  • You must use your own personal password and login number which will be issued by your class teacher
  • The online homework will be set by your class teacher. The tasks will appear on the page once you have logged in.
  • When you have complete the online homework remember to Markit then go to Checkout

Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc
  • With each online homework task there is a supporting lesson which can be accessed if required
  • Many of these tasks will require written calculations on paper in order to support the answers that you submit

How can I stretch myself further?
  • You can have a go at any tasks on ‘mymaths’ and send them to your teacher, so if there is a topic you feel you need more practice on then have ago.
  • Have a go at the booster material (If you are a level 5 try the level 6 booster material).
  • Get ahead of the game by asking your teacher for some higher level topics and independently work through the online tutorials.
  • Try some of the ‘mymaths’ investigations, which challenge you to think and see if you can solve any of the problems.

How will my work be assessed?
  • Your work will automatically be marked and a % given when you press the Mark it button and go to Checkout
  • The online homework can be repeated as many times as possible in order to reach a successful % of correct scores
  • You can comment on the task and your class teacher can track your progress and make comments in return

Subject: Geography

Autumn Term – Year 7

Aim / To develop my map skills.
Outcome / I will use my mapping skills to create a treasure island, then make directions to help find the treasure.
What do I have to do?
You should use a key, map symbols, compass points and grid lines to create an island with hidden treasure. Once your island is made you need to prepare a description of how to find the treasure if you landed at the island. This description needs to include grid referencing, distance, direction and symbols of the features that you have included on your island.
Preferred Learning Style / You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
Visual / Generate a computer model/diagram of your island. Your map description can be as slides on a PowerPoint presentation or through an adventure you created on movie-maker. You could even film yourself hunting treasure somewhere outdoors.
Auditory / You will need to draw your island out with grid lines, symbols and a compass point, but instead of writing map instructions you can record a 3 minute spoken documentary that describes your route as you walk around your island trying to find the treasure. You still need to include grid references and talk about the human/physical features you pass.
Kinaesthetic / Build a 3-D island and instead of symbols you should make the feature (eg make trees rather than drawing them etc). Your directions can be shown through clues stuck on different parts of your map as signposts or hidden in objects. You still need to use compass points and grid references.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
  • Generate/draw/build your island first so that you have something to describe.
  • Describe how to find the treasure in your chosen learning style.
  • Your symbols could include Rivers, Trees, Volcano, Settlement, Swamp, Bridge, Path, Dangerous animals and of course Treasure.
  • Test your instructions before you decide on the finished draft.

Preferred Learning Style / How should I submit my work? - This will depend on your choice of task
Visual / This depends on your choice of learning style. You will have the opportunity to present your work to the class on the Interactive Whiteboard, talk about your project or simply display it on the table with other projects so that the class can walk around and assess what you have done.
How can I stretch myself further?
Ensureyou use 6-figure grid references when writing directions.
How could I use ICT in my HILT?
  • Designing your island.
  • Voice recording of your map description/adventure.
  • Filming/creating a movie.
  • Digital photography.

Are there any supporting documents – PowerPoint’s, images, pictures, website links, etc
Previous examples form your teacher
Useful Websites:

Recent class work and ‘Foundation’ text book (school use only)
How will my work be assessed?
Your peers will have a chance to assess your work in class and offer opinions.
Your teacher will give you an effort grade from 1 (do it again!) to 5 (outstanding).
Merits will be awarded and letters sent home to projects that are exceptional.
You will assess your own work too and we will consider what we can change for the next HLT
Need Some more support or help?
Speak to your classroom teacher as soon as possible
Use the LRC for research

Subject: MFL (French and Spanish)

Autumn Term – Year 7

Aim / To learn key vocabulary that will support and consolidate your classroom learning.
Outcome / I will learn ten words/phrases a fortnight on the topic of ‘French/Spanish for Beginners’.
What do I have to do?
  • Every 2 weeks, your MFL teacher will set you a list of words or phrases that you have been studying in your MFL lessons.
  • You will need to learn the vocabulary for your vocabulary test.
  • In order to prepare thoroughly for your test, it is best to learn the words little and often – for about 10-15 minutes every 2 days.
  • During the first week, aim to learn the English translation (French to English).
  • Then, when you are confident you have learnt the meaning of the words, during the second week, aim to learn the French spellings (English to French).

Preferred learning style / Different people learn vocabulary in different ways. Pick one of the methods below to help you learn your words. Or you might want to try a combination of the three.
Visual / Create a mind map or poster of the words and display it somewhere where you will see it every day. Or you might like to go on and create a word cloud.
Auditory / Record yourself saying the words/spelling out the words and the English translation and save it on your MP3 player/phone.
Kinaesthetic / Make flashcards of the words with the French on one side and the English/a picture on the back and get someone to test you.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
  • You should not just be looking at your list of words; you need to be actively learning them.
  • Get someone at home to test you to see how you are getting on.

How will my work be assessed?
Every two weeks you will have a vocabulary test in your lesson. You will have to maintain a good average score over the term in order to get a grade 3 or above on your HLT.
We will be monitoring your scores both within the class and across the year group and there will be a ‘Top Scorers’ league table! Look out for your name on the leader board!
What other help can you find?
Ask your teacher for further help.
Come to Key Stage 3 Club. (See your MFL teacher for details about this.)
Where can I get my vocabulary list from?
  • Your MFL teacher will give you the vocab list in lessons every 2 weeks – put this somewhere safe (perhaps in your planner) so you don’t lose it. Make sure you write down the date of your test – there will be a space for this next to your words.
  • If you are absent from your MFL lesson when the vocab list has been set it is your responsibility to find out from your MFL teacher when your test is and what the vocab list is.
  • If you lose your vocab list, the vocabulary will also be updated every 2 weeks on the school website. You can also ask your MFL teacher for another copy of the list.

How can I stretch myself further?
Are you a Gifted student within MFL? Then read below to see what you can do to challenge yourself:
  • Use the word in a sentence as well as learning the spelling of the word.
  • Research 10 more words to do with the topic using and make a note of them in a separate vocab book to show your teacher every 2 weeks.
  • Create a vocab quiz using the words using

When will my vocab list be set?
List / Dates to learn / Date of test
1 / Week beginning 22nd September – 3rd October / Week beginning 6th October
2 / Week beginning 6th October – 17th October / Week beginning 20th October
3 / Week beginning 20th October – 31st October (including half term) / Week beginning 3rd November
4 / Week beginning 3rd November – 14th November / Week beginning 17th November
5 / Week beginning 17th November – 28th November / Week beginning 1st December

Subject: Year 7 Science - Particles

Autumn Term - Year 7