April 2005

Tourism Planning Good Practice Guide Launched

Planning Minister, Baroness Andrews and Tourism Minister, Shaun Woodward launched the new Tourism Planning Good Practice Guide on 16th May 2006.

The good practice guide sets out a new planning framework for tourism - identifying which national planning policies are most relevant to the tourism industry and offering advice to local authorities and the tourism industry on effective working practices to achieve attractive tourism developments.

The new guidance, which the Tourism Alliance has been working on with the ODPM for the last nine months, has been widely praised as being a considerable improvement on previous tourism planning guidance in seeking balance between tourism development and the sustainable management of the natural, historic and cultural resources upon which the industry is based.

As a next step, the Tourism Alliance will be sending a copy of the guidance to Local Authorities with a cover letter highlighting the importance of the new document.

Click here for a copy of the Guidance and the Tourism Alliance Press release

Bed Tax Lobbying

The Tourism Alliance has joined forces with Travelodge, BHA, VisitBritain and Visit London to lobby the Lyons Inquiry team and Government against introducing a bed tax as a means for local councils to gain additional revenue. The campaign to prevent the recommendation of a bed tax being included in the Sir Michael Lyons’ final report (due in December) has drawn support from across the House with both Malcolm Moss and Don Foster backing the industry. It was also heartening to read in the Times on 30th March 2006 that “Tessa Jowell, the Culture Secretary, is leading a campaign inside the Government to derail plans for a bed tax on British holidays

As a next step, the Tourism Alliance is meeting with Phil Woolas MP, Minister for Local Government at the new Department of Communities and Local Government on the 28th June 2006 to brief him on the importance of tourism to local communities and the impact that a bed tax would have on local economies

New Consultations: Ports and Outdoors

Two new consultations that will have an impact on the tourism industry have recently been released.

First, the Department for Transport has released a discussion document seeking views on its review of Ports Policy. While most of the document deals with freight related port capacity and development (passenger shipping was outside the remit of the consultants who undertook the research on which the document is based), we did manage to have the ferry and cruise industries included in pages 24-25. That the DfT give due consideration to the cruise industry is especially important bearing in mind its considerable growth over the last 5 years and the need for more and better

turnaround facilities at regional ports to provide a foundation for the industry to expand in future.

The deadline for submissions is 1 September 2006.

Click here for a copy of the Ports Policy Consultation

Second, DEFRA has launched a consultation on their draft diversity action plan. The plan aims to encourage "under-represented groups" to visit the countryside and get involved in outdoor recreation. It includes sections on the development of plans and strategies at both national and regional levels, the provision of information and marketing to encourage people to participate in outdoor activities, undertaking research on participation and improving the provision of outdoor recreational services.

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2006

Click here for a copy of the Outdoors for All: Draft Diversity Action Plan

Comprehensive Spending review

The 2007 Comprehensive Sending Review is now underway and the Tourism Alliance has been writing to DCMS and HM Treasury officials and Ministers to raise their awareness of the need for the Government’s to;

  1. Provide Sufficient Funding to Maximise the Tourism Legacy of the Olympic Games
  2. Maximise the Benefit of Government Expenditure on Domestic Tourism
  3. Improve Tourism Statistics

The need to increase expenditure on tourism marketing in the lead-up to the Olympic games is particularly important part of the 2007 CSR as the review will determine how much funding VisitBritain receives between 2008 and 2011. If no increase is granted, there will not be another opportunity for increased funding until 2011/12. The Government has stated that it wants to use the Olympic games to generate an additional £2bn in tourism expenditure for the UK – the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review is the time to invest to ensure that this target is met.

Click here for a copy of the Tourism Alliance letter sent to DCMS and HM Treasury

Meeting with John Whittingdale

The Tourism Alliance met with John Whittingdale (Chairman of the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee) to discuss a range of issues currently facing the industry. These ranged from the need to protect the historic and cultural environment on which the country’s tourism industry is based through to the role of Universities in developing a highly skilled workforce.

One of the main outcomes of the meeting was hearing that the Select Committee was considering holding a session on tourism in the not too distant future. It was suggested that this session be used to consider the UK’s competitive position in the international market place, determine what can be done to remove the fiscal and regulatory barriers facing the industry and ascertain how more funding can be directed to overseas and domestic tourism marketing.

Government’s Priorities for DCMS exclude Tourism

In the aftermath of the Ministerial reshuffle, the Prime Minister has written to Tessa Jowell to outlining the Government’s seven priorities for her and her Department.

These priorities are to;

  1. Ensure that the Olympic Games are delivered on time and within budget, and that provide a legacy of sports facilities for young people
  2. Renew the BBC’s Charter and agree the License Fee
  3. Ensure the success of the digital switchover
  4. Continue to give a high priority to the creative economy
  5. Support the Department of Health on a strategy to maximise sporting participation and fitness
  6. Continue her stewartship of the culture sector to ensure it continues to be the best in the world
  7. Continue as Minister responsible for supporting victims of terrorist attacks and major emergencies.

Sadly, developing the tourism industry and increasing tourism to £100bn per annum by 2010 is not a priority. In fact, tourism only rates a brief mention under Priority 6 as one of the beneficiaries of an enhanced culture sector.

Click here for a copy of the Prime Minister’s Letter

TA AGM – 5 July 2006

The new Tourism Minister, Shaun Woodward has confirmed that he will be speaking at the Tourism Alliance AGM on the forthcoming 2012 Olympic Tourism Strategy consultation. Also confirmed to speak is VisitBritain Chairman, Lord Marshall, who will be talking on the future of the UK tourism industry.

The Tourism Alliance

The Tourism Alliance is the Voice of the Tourism Industry.

Established in 2001 with the support of the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, the Tourism Alliance comprises over 45 Tourism Industry Organisations that together represent some 200,000 businesses of all sizes throughout the UK.

The purpose of the Tourism Alliance is to identify and develop policies and strategies to raise standards and promote quality within the industry and work with and lobby government on all key issues relevant to the growth and development of tourism and its contribution to the economy.

Chairman: Brigid Simmonds

Policy Director: Kurt Janson


Telephone: 020 7395 8246 Fax: 020 7395 8178 Mobile: 07964428123


Tourism Alliance: Centre Point, 103 New Oxford Street, London, WC1A 1DU