Position applied for:
Global Coaching Apprenticeship (Full-Time)Closing date for applications: 5pm on Friday, 3rd January 2014
Interview dates : TBC at White Hart Lane Stadium
Position Commences : January / February 2014
Please read the supporting information provided, then complete and submit your application to: thf
This is a position of authority and trust - it involves day-to-day management and supervision of individuals carrying out Regulated Activity relating to children (U18s) and is subject to safer recruitment protocols, including DBS Disclosure at Enhanced level with Children’s barred list check.
It is a criminal offence to apply for this post if you are banned under the Protection of Children Act.
Any previous names you have been known by (eg, maiden name) or any other names used:CURRENT ADDRESS :
Postcode : / At present address since (MM/YYYY):
If you have lived at your current address for less than 5 years, please provide a continuous five year address history:
From (MM/YYYY): / To (MM/YYYY):
Address 1 :
From (MM/YYYY): / To (MM/YYYY):
Address 2 :
From (MM/YYYY): / To (MM/YYYY):
Address 3 :
CONTACT DETAILS: Day: / Evening:
Email: / Mobile :
PLACE OF BIRTH: Town/County: / Country :
Right to work: National Insurance Number:
Do you have the legal right to work in the UK? YES NO
Is this subject to having a work permit? YES NO
Special Arrangements/Reasonable AdjustmentsDo you require any special arrangements or adjustments for this interview or selection process?:
Any family or relationships to existing employees or employers at the Club?:
Yes No If ‘Yes’, please declare:
UK Driving Licence: Do you hold a Full UK Driving Licence? YES NO
EDUCATION – School, Further Education and Higher EducationSchool / College /
University / From
(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Qualifications and Grades / Date
Please give information relevant to the position that you are applying for and include awarding body and name of institution.
If shortlisted and invited to interview, you will need to produce the original certificates in relation to the qualifications that you have stated below.
GENERAL: Current First Aid Certificate Date:
Safeguarding Children Certificate Date:
DEGREE:Subject Awarding Body Date (MM/YYYY)
Certificate Level (1, 2, 3) Awarding Body Date (MM/YYYY)
Professional Membership:
Any other accredited or certified qualifications/training that may be relevant to the position:PART C – EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
We need a full and continuous history of what you have done since you left school, please give a summary of all employment and include: gap years, travelling, employment breaks and illness.Employment relates to both paid and unpaid (volunteering) work. Any information you provide which is unclear or vague will be explored in the interview (if you are successful to the short-listing stage). Incomplete information or any omissions will result in the form being returned to you for completion.
We ask that you:
- provide full information from when you finished school.
- provide the name and address of employers, with dates of employment (month and year) and
whether: full-, part-time or sessional.
- provide us with your reasons for leaving each job.
From(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Employer
Address and
Contact number. / Position
Brief nature of duties / F/T
P/T / Reason for leaving
From(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Employer
Address and
Contact number. / Position
Brief nature of duties / F/T
CAREER HISTORY (most recent job first)
From(MM/YYYY) / To
(MM/YYYY) / Employer
Address and
Contact number. / Position
Brief nature of duties / F/T
P/T / Reason for leaving
This section asks you to demonstrate how your experience, skills and abilities match the competences listed below from the Person Specification.Please answer the questions briefly and clearly. If shortlisted and invited to interview, your statements may be explored more fully.
PERSONAL STATEMENT – Tell us about yourself:
Why have you applied for this apprenticeship and what makes you suitable for the role?
Please be concise.
What experience do you have organising events? Please give examples
What experience do you have coaching children? Please give examples and detail the activities and age groups you coached.
Safeguarding Children (under 18s)
How would you promote the welfare of children and keep them safe as part of your role?
Commitment to equality, challenging discrimination and creating environments which foster respect and trust.
How have you promoted equality in your coaching or previous work?
Integrity and Values
Sets and maintains the highest standards in personal, professional relationships and behaviour with children, vulnerable people, colleagues and other professionals.
How have you set and maintained professional relationships and boundaries with children?
Referees provide supporting evidence for your application.Provide the names and addresses of two people from different organisations whom you give permission for us to contact. Business/organisation addresses are preferable to home addresses:
- one referee should be your current/most recent employer;
- one or more referees should have knowledge of you working with children/regulated activity
in a role related or similar to this position.
Where possible we take up references on all short-listed applicants before interview – unless you give us reasons as to why we should not do this.
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr MrMrsMissDr First Name: Last Name:
Post code Contact No.:
How is this person known to you?:
Can we approach prior to interview: Yes No If ‘No’, reason?:
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Dr MrMrsMissDr First Name: Last Name:
Post code Contact No.:
How is this person known to you?:
Can we approach prior to interview: Yes No If ‘No’, reason?:
References are part of our recruitment and selection practices. We reserve the right to take up additional references to those you have provided, but will seek your agreement before doing so. We will contact your most recent employer if they are not given as a referee. We also reserve the right to phone your referees and discuss your reference with them.
As professional courtesy, please:
- make your referees aware that we will contact them in writing, and perhaps by telephone, and
- ask for their co-operation in responding to our requests for information - we require a prompt reply.
Referees who do not respond within two weeks of writing will be contacted by phone – so a contact number must be provided.
Do you have any unspent convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings? Yes NoYou do not have to disclose any offence which is spent.
A Criminal Record is not a bar to employment. Any information you supply will be treated in confidence and will not necessarily prejudice your application.
If successful at the application stage and short-listed for interview:- I agree to complete and submit a Self-Declaration Form.
- I consent to the Club contacting the referees for references.
- I consent to the Club retaining and processing the information contained in the form.
If successful at the interview stage:
- I consent to an Enhanced Disclosure with Children’s Barred List check through the DBS (formerly
CRB) and on-going/random DBS checks as part of the Club’s vigilance.
- I agree to subscribe to the DBS’s Update Service.
- I accept and commit to the Club’s safeguarding, equal opportunities and health & safety policies.
- I agree to abide by the Codes of Conduct which the Club and the Foundation have in force.
- I agree to notify the Club of any pending prosecutions / cautions / warnings / reprimands
or convictions whilst I remain in post.
I declare that the information given in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and correct. I confirm that I am in good health and capable of carrying out the duties of the post. There is no reason I cannot work with children (under 18s) or adults at risk. I understand that any false, incomplete or misleading information may, in the event of employment, lead to dismissal.
Signature : Date:
Print Name:
If applying by email, your typed name and attached email will be deemed to form an electronic signature. Candidates applying for employment via email will be required to sign and date this form if invited to attend an interview.
Form updated: June 2013
Updated: June 2013
Tick box once read:
1. Have you ever:
- been convicted of any criminal offence(s), or
- received a caution, conditional caution, reprimand or warning; and/or
a Bound Over Order;
that are relevant to working with children?
2. Are you currently subject to pending criminal prosecutions or criminal
investigations in relation to animal cruelty, children or child abuse?
3. Are you disqualified or barred either by the Courts, the Disclosure & Barring
Service (formerly the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) or by any other
means in the United Kingdom or by any overseas equivalent from working with
Children (under 18s)?
4. Are you a person known to any in the UK or overseas as being an actual
or potential risk to Children?
5. Have you had a disciplinary sanction relating to child abuse?
6. Has a child (under 18) made an allegation against you involving bad
practice, abuse, professional misconduct or any other similar concern?
7. Have you ever been dismissed or removed from a role or post (voluntary
or paid) due to your conduct towards children?
8. a. Have you ever had a child for whom you were caring placed on a Child
Protection register or removed from your care or otherwise had a Child
removed from you by a statutory authority in the UK or overseas?
9. Is there a current employment disciplinary finding against you and/or are
you currently the subject of an employer’s disciplinary investigation in relation
to children? / YES NO
At interview, we will ask you for further details or to clarify information in your application.
I have read and understood the information provided to me by the Club. I confirm there is no reason why I cannot work with children (under 18’s) and/or vulnerable adults.I give consent to Tottenham Hotspur Foudation to record and process the information contained in this form. I understand that this information is used only for this purpose, and my consent is conditional upon Tottenham Hotspur Foundation complying with their obligations and duties under the Data Protection Act 1998.
I confirm this is a true and accurate record and to withhold information would be seen as Breach of Trust by the Club. I understand that to give false information, failure to disclose information may result in disciplinary action and dismissal. I agree to notify the Club of any pending prosecutions / cautions / warnings / reprimands or convictions whilst I remain in post.
Signature : Date:
Print Name:
For candidates applying by email: your typed name and attached email will be deemed to form an electronic signature. If invited to interview, you will be required to sign and date this form.
Reviewed: June 2013
Which best describes you:
Male Female / AGE:
15 or under 16-17 18-20 21-24 25-29
30-44 45-59 60-64 65-74 75 and over
ETHNICITY: What is your ethnic group?
White Mixed Asian or Black or Chinese or
Asian British Black British Other Ethnic Group
British White and Indian African ChineseIrish Black African
White Other White and Pakistani Caribbean
Greek/Cypriot Black Caribbean
Turkish White and Bangladeshi
Turkish/Cypriot Asian
Kurdish East Asian African
Irish Traveller
Other Other Other Other Any other ethnic
(please specify (please specify (please specify (please specify background
below) below) below) below) (specify below)
Under the Equality Act 2010, a person is considered to have a disability:
‘if she/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on her/his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
Do you have any of the following conditions which have laste/ expected to last for at least 12 months?
Deafness or partial loss of hearing Blindness or partial loss of sight Learning disability
Developmental disorder Long term illness or condition Mental ill health
Physical disability Other disabilities No disabilities
Christian Muslim Jewish Buddhist Hindu Sikh Rastafarian No Religion Other (please state): Prefer not to say
Heterosexual Bisexual Gay Lesbian Prefer not to say
How did you become aware of this position?
Word of mouth Spurs Website (www.tottenhamhotspur.com) www.apprenticeships.org.uk
Other website or publication - please specify:
Tick box once read:
Tottenham Hotspur, Bill Nicholson Way, 748 High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 0APThe application form and recruitment protocols are designed to enable applicants to be assessed for shortlisting purposes and to help us monitor our Equal Opportunities employment policy.
Your completed application form is the basis for considering your initial suitability for the post.
Please read this information before completing your application form.
The application form and recruitment protocols are designed to enable applicants to be assessed for shortlisting purposes and to help us monitor our Equal Opportunities employment policy.
The application form must be completed in all cases. A Curriculum Vitae will not be seen as a substitute for a properly completed application form - DO NOT ATTACH A CV.
Tottenham Hotspur Foundation is committed to providing a safe environment for children (under 18s) and adults at risk (aka: vulnerable adults) and operates active Safeguarding Children and Adults policies. We expect all our staff – including this position – to have personal responsibility to contribute to our policies and practices to safeguard children/ adults and promote their welfare.
We aim to deliver a transparent and fair recruitment and selection process. We aim to deter and identify those who wish to harm children/adults, as well as those who do not have an aptitude to work with children/adults or do not reflect the values and ethics associated with working with these vulnerable groups.
Therefore, we ask that you co-operate with our requests for information. We have provided guidance notes – so please read these and complete all the text boxes. If you would like guidance on completing the forms, contact Angela Seymour, Head of Safeguarding, on 020 8365 5012 or email: .
Tottenham Hotspur Foundation will treat all applications fairly throughout the recruitment process. We actively promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records.
Equal Opportunities
Tottenham Hotspur is an equal opportunity employer. The aim of Equal Opportunities policy and Recruitment of Ex-offenders & Equality of Opportunity policy is to ensure that no job application or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, or belief, trans-gender status, or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which have a disproportionately adverse affect on his or her racial group and which cannot be shown to be justifiable on other than racial grounds. Selection criteria and procedures are intended to ensure that individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.
All information provided by Applicants will be treated as confidential. Nevertheless, the organisation reserves the right to provide a satisfactory medical report from a Medical Practitioner nominated by the organisation on the health and suitability of the preferred Applicant as part of the appointment procedure.
Please return the Equality Monitoring form and Self-Declaration form with your application.
We operate an effective and fair recruitment and selection process which reflects good practice. We do this with the best intentions of:
- safeguarding vulnerable groups whom parents/carers and organisations entrust to us,
- selecting the most suitable applicant(s) for the position.
If you would like to give feedback on our recruitment and selection process or if you feel you that your application has not been treated fairly, please write to Ann Vetere, HR Manager, at White Hart Lane within 10 working days of the incident. We will reply within ten working days of receiving your letter.
Page 1 of 2 January 2013
Tick box once read: