Project Update: April 2014


Beekeeping training (livelihood component of the project)

The training brought together 21 participants, 18 of whom were from the two project and adjacent communities. Of the remaining three, one is a beehive technician and two are members of the project team. The 18 participants were trained as trainers to replicate the training in their respective communities.

Two beehives were constructed and installed. However, tools such as hammers, hand saw, zinc and nails were provided by the project team to support village level training to be conducted by villagers who benefited from the training of trainers workshop.

Workshop attendance

No. / Name / Sex / community
1 / Stanley Smith / Male / Zahnway
2 / Moses Sando / ‘’ / ‘’
3 / Cecelia Kortee / Female / ‘’
4 / Sarah Sando / ‘’ / ‘’
5 / Hawa Sando / ‘’ / ‘’
6 / John Garpue / Male / Garpue Town
7 / Sylvester Lianjay / ‘’ / ‘’ ‘’
8 / Nathan Ziankan / ‘’ / Porkor Town
9 / Moses Kaysaynee / ‘’ / Porkor Town
10 / Mason Darsaw / ‘’ / Pohoe Town
11 / David Darsaw / ‘’ / Pohoe Town
12 / Lucy Davis / female / Pohoe Town
13 / Sarah Flahnboy / Female / Pohoe Town
14 / Felecia Darsaw / Female / ‘’ ‘’
15 / Solome Kaysaynee / ‘’ / ‘’ ‘’
16 / Timothy Davis / Male / ‘’ ‘’
17 / Arma Turay / ‘’ / ‘’ ‘’
18 / Daisee Yardolo / ‘’ / Gbahn Town
19 / Elijah Davis / ‘’ / Pohoe Town
20 / Augustine Laveleh / ‘’ / Monrovia
21 / Joseph N. Flomo / Male / Monrovia


Three photos are attached. One shows theoretical aspect of the training, the other shows hive construction while the last indicates hive installation.