New Financial Access Frontier: Including People with Disabilities
June 18th, 2010
World Bank
Entrance 700 18th Street NW
Please bring valid photo ID
Meeting Room MC2-800
Washington DC 20005
7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Cocktail/Dinner
Logan Tavern
1423 P Street NW
Washington DC 20005
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Participant registration with Coffee and Light Breakfast will be provided outside the meeting room
1818 H Street NW
Meeting Room MC2-800
Washington DC 20005
9:00 – 9:15 a.m.Welcome from the World Bank and Introduction to the Work of Disability and Development Team
Aleksandra Posarac, Disability and Development Team Leader, World Bank
9:15 – 9:45 a.m. Welcome from the CFI and Meeting Overview
Josh Goldstein, Principal Director, Center for Financial Inclusion and Disability Inclusion Project Manager
Brian Clancy, Chair, CFI Advisory Council and Meeting Moderator
Session I. Disability and Microfinance: Getting on the Same Page
9:45- 10:40 a.m.Microfinance in light of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities
Michael Stein, Harvard Law School Project on Disability (HPOD)
Comments: Kate Druschel Griffin, Grameen Foundation and Monica Brand, Frontier Investments, ACCION International
Coffee will be available outside the meeting room
10:30 – 11:25 a.m. What have we learned from Inclusion of Disability in Microfinance Pilots?
Anne Leymat, Handicap International
Flavia Bwire, Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda
George Mukasa, National Union of Disabled People in Uganda
Roy Mersland, University of Agder(by phone)
Comments: Rosita Najmi Mercy Corps and Venus Ilagan, Secretary General, Rehabilitation International
11:25- 12:20 a.m.Perspectives on Microfinance: Where is the MF Industry Headed?
Marguerite Robinson, Harvard University(emerita) MF Consultant
Gareth Evans, World Relief
James Kurz, Fonkoze
Comments: Susan Sygall, Mobility International.
12:20-1:00 p.m. Lunch (participants will have access to the WB cafeteria)
Session 11 Making the Concept paper a Reality: 3 Key objectives
1:00 – 1:20 p.m.Summary of findings from morning session
Brian Clancy, CFI Advisory Council Chair
Coffee will be available outside the meeting room
1:20– 2:15 p.m.Objective 1: Promoting Inclusion of Disability throughout MFI networks
- Making a business case for including persons with disabilities in microfinance
- Educating and sensitizing MFI staff to the potential of persons with disabilities
- Equipping disability organizations to partner with MFI
- Hiring staff with disabilities
Moderator: Bill Tucker. SEEP Network
Panel: Nora Groce, University College London
Janet Lord, Blue Law International
Katharine McKee, Senior Advisor at CGAP
Jorge Alberto Ramirez Ramirez, Compartamos
2:15- 3:00 p.m.Objective 2: Promoting Reasonable Accommodation and Universal Design
Moderator: Dan Goldstein, Brown Goldstein and Levy, LLP
Panel: Marie Trottier, Harvard Disability Coordinator
Felicity Rawlins, Human Ability and Accessibility Center
IBM, Kevin McGuire, McGuire Associates, Inc.
Steve Estey, Chair Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Michael Morris, CEO, Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University
3:00- 3:45 p.m.Objective 3: Creating Pilots that lead to lasting institutional change
Moderator: David Morrissey, Executive Director, United States International Council on Disabilities
Panel: Rhonda Neuhaus, Making It Work, Handicap International
Anne Leymat, Handicap International
Flavia Bwire, AMFIU
Jason Fairbourne, Brigham Young University
Anne-Rivers Forcke, Human Ability and Accessibility Center, IBM
Session III. Next steps
3:45 – 4:30 p.m. Next Steps
- Creating working groups to advance the three key objectives
- Disseminate our conclusions to our colleagues, beginning with a side session at the next UN Conference of States Parties for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 9/1-9/3 in NYC
- Kicking off Disability Inclusion Advocacy Campaign
Brian Clancy CFI Advisory Council Chair
Katharine McKee, Senior Advisor at CGAP
Michael Stein HPOD
Josh Goldstein, Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION