TotaleReceipts for Fiserv: XP2

Pre-Install Survey

Please complete the following form then e-mail it back to . If you have any questions please contact our Support Team or 800-836-4750 x3 for assistance.
Customer Information
1)Financial Institution Name
2)Main Branch Address
3)Will installation take place at any other branches? / ... choose one ...YesNo
4)Have you provided a high quality CU Logo? / ... choose one ...Yes, that is done.No, I need to do that.If you still need to send a logo, please ensure it is a high quality TIFF or PCX (JPEG is also acceptable only if TIFF or PCX are not available) and e-mail it to or send Camera Ready Art to IMM, 330 Dalziel Rd, Linden, NJ, 07036.
Contact Information
Please ensure that we have a cell phone for the project lead (at least). It is very important that we be able to reach the project lead for setup questions. Delays in getting information can interfere with the implementation schedule.
1)Technical Contact at CU (IT Administrator)
This is the project lead / Name:
2)Operations Contact at CU (Decisions maker of the check design)
This is the project lead / Name:
3)If your network work is outsourced, please provide contact info for the company handling your network. / Name:
TotaleChecks Server
Please note: The server may not be a domain controller
The installer will need to be logged on to the server as an Administrator.
1)OS / ... choose one ...Windows 2003 ServerWindows 2008 ServerWindows 2008 R2 ServerWindows 7Windows XP Proservice pack
2)OS licensing / ... choose one ...We have We have NOT verified that there are enough client licenses on the server to cover the increased connections.
3)Server Name (no spaces, dashes or underscores can be used)
4)Server Hardware Configuration / # of CPUs
CPU model (e.g. Xenon, Opteron, etc…)
CPU speed GHz
Free HD space GB
5)Has the server been configured? / ... choose one ...YesNoif “no” when will it be?
6)What drive will TotaleChecks be loaded on? / (may not be the C: drive)
7)Are other IMM products are running on this server? / TotaleAtlas
8)If other software is running on this server, please describe it?
9)How do branches connect to the server / ... choose one ...T1Fractional T1FrameISDNOtherif “other” please describe
10)What antivirus software runs on this server?
Will you exclude the IMM program and data directories from virus scanning? / ... choose one ...Yes we will exclude the iMM directoriers.No, we won't exclude the iMM directories. If “No” please describe why.
11)Do you have a test environment that you want to install TotaleChecks in? / ... choose one ...YesNo(A test/training server requires an additional license be purchased as well as a separate Physical or VMware server is provided to install the test/training license on.)
12)Do you want to include TotaleChecks in your DR facility/service? / ... choose one ...YesNo(A DR server requires that a separate Physical or VMware server is provided to install the DR license on.)
Other Systems
1)Do you have an Imaging System? / ... choose one ...YesNoIf “Yes”, what system?
Core Information
1)Core Information / Name:
Version: Service Pack:
Are you live on the platform?
If not live, what is your live date?
2)Is your core In-house or On-line? / In-house
3)Are you a Datacenter Client? / Yes
Printer Connectivity
Printers may connect via an internal Ethernet port, external HP JetDirect print server, USB or LPT. Please note that printers attached directly to a PC may not be shared.
1)How many printers will be attached via each method? / Internal Ethernet port (recommended solution)
External HP Jet Direct
Directly attached to PC via USB
Directly attached to PC via LPT
Check Printers
Each printer should have its own Queue in TotaleChecks Setting Manager. If you require each PDF in the queue to be printed from a different printer, this can be configured in the TotaleChecks Setting Manager as well.
  • Please make sure that all Check Printers are setup and ready to test prior to our installation.
  • Printer Location is a description to help identify the printer (e.g. Fifth St Branch, Loan dept)
  • Be specific in the type of printer (e.g. HP LaserJet 4014n)
  • Path is the Windows printer connection path (e.g. \\Servername\printername) where the printer is shared.
  • MICR toner is required to print the MICR line
  • Install the PCL5e or PCL6 type driver for your model printer. Do NOT install Universal Print drivers.

1)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
2)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
3)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
4)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
5)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
6)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
7)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
8)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
9)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
10)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
11)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
12)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
13)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
14)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
15)Printer location / Memory
Check types for this printer
Check Information
Review the following required information in order for IMM to begin your check design:
The layout of standard check format generated via TotaleChecks

Check Paper Stock/Envelope Information
Check Paper Stock - TotaleChecks allows you to use blank check paper stock. That means the complete check image can be generated by TotaleChecks including logo, signature, or any required verbiage. Check number and MICR line will also be a part of the check data passed from your core system to IMM so they do not have to be pre-printed on your check paper stock.
  • In order to supply you with an accurate proof, IMM requires 10-20 sample sheets of the check paper stock that you will be using. IMM requires the original paper stock printed on security paper. Do not write anything on this paper stock. Please mail them to us as soon as you can.
  • For your check paper and MICR toner needs, please call our Comply division at (800) 836-4750, X 115. They are experts in check paper solutions and will make sure your checks are check 21 compliant. They offer a wide variety of stock as well as custom options. If you decide to use them, then you do not have to mail check paper stock.

1)Do you have pre-printed check stock? / Yes No
2)Where should the check print? Each check may be set up for the middle or bottom 1/3 of the page. This answer depends on your current and future check paper stock. / ... choose one ...Middle of the pageBottom of the page
3)Are you ordering check stock from Comply? / ... choose one ...YesNoIf “No”, we need 10-20 sample sheets to test the check designs.
4)What is the envelope size for mailing checks?
Do you use envelopes with a window to show member’s mailing address? / ... choose one ...Standard #9Standard #10Standard #11Custom. Please mail sample to Lesa.
Yes No If yes, which stub should fit the envelope window? ... choose one ...TopMiddleBottom
5)Are you ordering MICR toner from Comply? MICR toner is REQUIRED to print the MICR line via TotaleChecks. / ... choose one ...YesNo
  • IMM requires data file for each check type that will be printed via TotaleChecks. Review and confirm that you have submitted data for each check design and origination platform.

6)Overlay – Standard file extension is .dat. It reflects the print out and visually reflects how it would print. Data extraction is configured reading the exact position (X and Y coordinates) of the data.
The length of each record can be decided by any of the following.
  • Form Feed Character – The ASCII value is normally 12
  • 44line – normally starts on the 5th line. This will be two part check.
  • 66line – normally starts on the 27th line. If the check sample shows three parts check then its 66 line.
7)XML – Data extraction is configured reading the field name (using X-Path expression).
8)CSV –Character Separate Values, between each set of data there is a character to separate data (such as tab or comma). Data extraction is configured reading the exact position (Column #) of the data. / IMM Installer will configure your host system with the TotaleChecks server, so that the data file connection can be established. Once this connection is established, please provide a few sample data files with dummy data for each check type.
Check Types
  • IMM requires the voided check for each check type.
  • Confirm the MICR line # for each check type that you have submitted as a voided check.

Are you planning to use one check design for different types of check data? Ex: Use “Official Check” design to print accounts payable, teller or loan checks. one check design Different check design for each check type (if checked, IMM requires sample of voided check for each type)
9)Select the check types that you will be printing from your host system. One package may include all the check types. Separate packages can be provided if required.
  • The Check types that are delivered from your core are included in the base software price. If additional check designs are requested after initial installation, a new proposal* will be provided.
/ General Ledger/Accounts Payable/Expense Check(Separate PDF with trigger is required due to detailed check stub)
Teller Check (Over the counter checks generated by Teller)
Loan Check (Generated by Loan department)
Batch Check (Back office checks, ex: dividends check)
Official Check/Cashier’s Check
Money Order
Audio Response Check (Home Banking)*
Batch Check*
Other Check Type*:
10)Select the check types that you will be printing from other 3rd party systems. Each 3rd party system requires a separate package. / IPS Prologue – Accounts Payable system**
Wisdom – Accounts Payable system**
EPICOR – Accounts Payable system**
FICS – Mortgage System**
Great Plains – Mortgage System**
Other 3rd Party Check Type**:
11)Do each of your check types have the same or separate MICR line? / Same MICR line on all check types
Separate MICR line on each check type* (Based on the host system and the queue configuration, we can decide the best option for packaging)
12)Do each of your check types print the main branch address (headquarter) OR separate branches? Each check type in each package can only be mapped to one address. Separate addresses require separate packages. / Main Branch Address on all check types
Separate Branch address on each check type*

*If request for an additional check design comes in after initial installation, the check design/revision/changes will be billed at $60/hr with a base price of $500 for Annual Maintenance.

**There is an additional charge of $1500 per check type for each third party system check type.

13)Check Customizations* / IMM can provide check customizations such as the following. If you require any of the customizations on any of your check design then discuss them with your IMM designer.
Duplex Printing for Loan Checks to print disclosure on the back of the check
Member Number Masking on Member Copy
Obfuscate the signature image on the Archived Copy
Display “amount in words” from the numerical amount, if needed
Additional Index field, other than the four standard index fields (Check Type, Payee Name, Check Number, Check Amount, Archived Date, Archived Time)
Re-formatting/designing of the Check Stub Design
Signature Image
  • The check generated via TotaleChecks can include the signature image of the authorized party or it can require a wet signature. If you prefer to have the signature image embedded in the electronic check design IMM requires at least 3 signature examples for each signature that will be digitized on a separate sheet of paper. Signatures should be in black pen that is dark (not skipping or light ink). Please mail (or express mail) these signature sheets to us (not faxed). Optionally, you may securely e-mail a high resolution TIFF image of the signature that you want used.

1)Do you want IMM to embed the signature image? / Yes No
Signature Logic
  • Checks can be signed automatically (or not), per logic that you provide. Please specify at what dollar amounts you wish to have what signatures embedded. Build the logic for each check that we will generate for you.
  • Please enter a “check type” description that will allow us to identify the voided check that this logic will attach to.
  • Enter the dollar amount for the trigger logic, then specify what signatures will be printed and give us a good description of those signatures.
  • For example: “Check type Loan Check $0 to $2500, sign with Two Automatic Signatures, describe signatures: John Smith and Sally Jones”

2)Do you want IMM to apply signature logic?* / Yes No
3)Check type / $0 to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
up to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
4)Check type / $0 to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
up to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
5)Check type / $0 to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
up to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
6)Check type / $0 to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
up to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
7)Check type / $0 to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures
up to $ , sign with ...choose one...Manual (no) signatureOne automatic signatureOne automatic and one manual signatureTwo automatic signatures , describe signatures

Proof for each check type - IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY – The designer will email the proof of each check type. The proof is submitted for your approval oftext, graphic and general content. Every effort has been made to create the proof accurately.Since there is always a possibility of incorrect interpretation and errors, we request that you review this proof carefully.Please checkthe proof for correct spelling, graphics, routing and transit numbers (when applicable) and account numbers (when applicable). We will not proceed until we receive back an email confirmation of proof approval.

Proofing Revised Checks Procedure

Please note that each check type install includes a 45 day warranty period from the live date. Corrections will be completed at no additional charge but additional revisions beyond the original scope will be billed at the hourly rate at $60/hr. Once 45 days from the live date of TotaleChecks has passed, a new proposal* will be provided for all future changes or revisions.

New/Revised Check Package Delivery and Rush Fees

Standard delivery time is 30 to 45 days from the day the signed proposal is received. A rush delivery fee will be charged to orders as follows: delivery in one week – 40%, delivery in two weeks – 30%, delivery in three weeks – 20%. Rush charges are calculated based the total amount of the order.

*If request for an additional check design comes in after initial installation, the check design/revision/changes will be billed at $60/hr with a base price of $500 for Annual Maintenance.

**There is an additional charge of $1500 per check type for each third party system check type.

Rev. 7/21/14800.836.4750

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