2007 – 2009 Revenues Report

Legislatively Adopted Budget – As of June 30, 2009

2007-09 Legislatively Adopted Budget - Revenues Report

This report provides Revenue information for Oregon state agencies, organized by agency # and by fund type (e.g. General Fund, Lottery Funds, Other Funds, Federal Funds). Note: This report includes data from the Oregon University System, the Oregon Legislature, and the Oregon Judicial Department but does not include data from the Oregon State Lottery or Semi-independent boards and commissions.

(Source: DAS Budget and Management – Oregon Budget Information Tracking System – ORBITS)

Table of Contents(Clickor CTRL+Clickon agency name to jump to pie chart)

10000Human Services, Dept. of

10700Administrative Services, Dept of

10800Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists, Board of

10900Aviation, Dept of

11400Long Term Care Ombudsman

11500Employment Relations Board

11900Tax Practitioners, Board of

12000Accountancy, Board of

12100Governor, Office of the

12200Psychologist Examiners, Board of

12300Oregon Business Development Department

12400Clinical Social Workers, Board of

13100Oregon Advocacy Commissions Office

13700Justice, Dept of

14100Lands, Dept of State

14200Legislative Counsel Committee

14400Legislative Revenue Officer

14500Legislative Fiscal Officer

15000Revenue, Dept of

15500Legislative Assembly

15600Legislative Administration Committee

16500Secretary of State

17500Judicial Fitness and Disability, Commission on

19600District Attorneys and their Deputies

19800Oregon Judicial Department

19900Oregon Government Ethics Commission

21300Criminal Justice Commission, Oregon

24800Military Department, Oregon

25000Marine Board, Oregon State

25500Parole & Post Prison Supervision, State Board of

25700Police, Dept of State

25900Public Safety Standards & Training, Dept of

27400Veterans' Affairs, Dept of

29100Corrections, Dept of

33000Energy, Dept of

34000Environmental Quality, Dept of

35000Columbia River Gorge Commission

39900Psychiatric Security Review Board

40400Public Defense Services Commission

41500Oregon Youth Authority

42300Children and Families, State Comm on

42500Indian Services, Commission on

44000Consumer and Business Services, Dept of

44200Office of Private Health Partnerships

45900Public Employees Retirement System, Oregon

47100Employment Department

54300State Library

57500Student Assistance Commission, Oregon

58000Higher Education, Dept. of (Oregon University System)

58100Education, Dept of

58400Teacher Standards & Practices Commission

58500Blind Commission

58600Community Colleges & Workforce Development, Dept of

59000Oregon Health and Science University

60300Agriculture, Oregon Dept of

62900Forestry, Dept of

63200Geology & Mineral Industries, Dept of

63400Parks & Recreation Department

63500Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Dept of

66000Land Conservation & Development, Dept of

66200Land Use Board of Appeals

69000Water Resources Department

69100Watershed Enhancement Board, Oregon

73000Transportation, Oregon Dept of

81100Chiropractic Examiners, Board of

83100Oregon Health Licensing Agency

83300Health Related Licensing Boards

83400Oregon Board of Dentistry

83900Labor & Industries, Bureau of

84500Oregon Liquor Control Commission

84700Oregon Medical Board

85100Nursing, Board of

85500Pharmacy, Board of

86000Public Utility Commission

86200Racing Commission, Oregon

91400Housing & Community Services Department

91500Construction Contractors Board

91900Real Estate Agency

10000Human Services, Dept. of

10700Administrative Services, Dept of

10800Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists, Board of

10900Aviation, Dept of

11400Long Term Care Ombudsman

11500Employment Relations Board

11900Tax Practitioners, Board of

12000Accountancy, Board of

12100Governor, Office of the

12200Psychologist Examiners, Board of

12300Oregon Business Development Department

12400Clinical Social Workers, Board of

13100Oregon Advocacy Commissions Office

13700Justice, Dept of

14100Lands, Dept of State

14200Legislative Counsel Committee

14400Legislative Revenue Officer

14500Legislative Fiscal Officer

15000Revenue, Dept of

15500Legislative Assembly

15600Legislative Administration Committee

16500Secretary of State

17500Judicial Fitness and Disability, Commission on

19600District Attorneys and their Deputies

19800Oregon Judicial Department

19900Oregon Government Ethics Commission

21300Criminal Justice Commission, Oregon

24800Military Department, Oregon

25000Marine Board, OregonState

25500Parole & Post Prison Supervision, State Board of

25700Police, Dept of State

25900Public Safety Standards & Training, Dept of

27400Veterans' Affairs, Dept of

29100Corrections, Dept of

33000Energy, Dept of

34000Environmental Quality, Dept of

35000Columbia River Gorge Commission

39900Psychiatric Security Review Board

40400Public Defense Services Commission

41500Oregon Youth Authority

42300Children and Families, State Comm on

42500Indian Services, Commission on

44000Consumer and Business Services, Dept of

44200Office of Private Health Partnerships

45900Public Employees Retirement System, Oregon

47100Employment Department

54300State Library

57500Student Assistance Commission, Oregon

58000Higher Education, Dept. of (OregonUniversity System)

58100Education, Dept of

58400Teacher Standards & Practices Commission

58500Blind Commission

58600Community Colleges & Workforce Development, Dept of

59000Oregon Health and ScienceUniversity

60300Agriculture, Oregon Dept of

62900Forestry, Dept of

63200Geology & Mineral Industries, Dept of

63400Parks & Recreation Department

63500FishWildlife, Oregon Dept of

66000Land Conservation & Development, Dept of

66200Land Use Board of Appeals

69000Water Resources Department

69100Watershed Enhancement Board, Oregon

73000Transportation, Oregon Dept of

81100Chiropractic Examiners, Board of

83100Oregon Health Licensing Agency

83300Health Related Licensing Boards

83400Oregon Board of Dentistry

83900Labor & Industries, Bureau of

84500Oregon Liquor Control Commission

84700Oregon Medical Board

85100Nursing, Board of

85500Pharmacy, Board of

86000Public Utility Commission

86200Racing Commission, Oregon

91400Housing & Community Services Department

91500Construction Contractors Board

91900Real Estate Agency

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