May 1, 1999

Tossups by My Right Lung

1. This disease is caused by trypanosomes which destroy white blood cells and infects other tissues when in the body. Symptoms of the infection include fever, chills, and skin rash, and then the disease attacks the nervous system. Once in the nervous system, infected individuals become extremely weak and fall into unconsciousness. FTP, name this disease which is carried by the Tsetse (TSEET-see) fly.

Answer: African Sleeping Sickness

2. Although it was practiced, there is little known about this religion before the 700 CE, because there were no scriptures written until that time. A loosely organized religion with its basic belief system laying in animism, it wasn’t until Buddhism became popular and threatened the religion to oblivion that it became organized. There are eight million gods called “kami” which are divided into two groups: gods of the sky and gods of the soil. It is through the interaction of these gods that history was formed. FTP, name this national religion of Japan.

Answer: Shinto(ism)

3. This novel begins and ends with and epistolary section in which Walton describes to his sister Margaret Saville his adventures in trying to reach the North Pole. It is not until he meets the title character that the plot truly begins to form, as the his story is the bulk of the novel. The titular character develops a fascination with alchemy, and a scary obsession with reanimation. He finally achieves his goal, only to turn his back on what he has created, and he is haunted for the rest of his life by that decision. FTP, this is a description of what novel based on a nightmare of Mary Shelly?

Answer: Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus

4. This order founded by Kind Edward III was originally limited to 25 knights and the king. The insignia is a dark blue ribbon edged with gold bearing the motto which translates "Shame to him who thinks evil", and an emblem of St. George. England's highest order of knighthood, it now includes the queen and other women. FTP, name this order which permits member to put the abbreviation "K.G." after their name.

Answer: Knights of the Garter

5. When this word is placed before "auction" it describes the event as if the bids were to go down instead of up. When placed before "courage" it describes courage brought about by consuming alcohol. When it follows "double" it describes a type of jump-roping with two ropes. FTP what is the word used both to describe going on a date with each member paying his or her own way, and to describe something from Holland.

Answer: Dutch

6. Know also as Nimue or Vivien, this woman, according to Tennyson, "hated all knights" except for Sir Lancelot, whom she raised. To Merlin she is both his greatest love and his greatest downfall, since she trapped him in a tower. One of her better deeds include giving excaliber to King Arthur. FTP, name this woman whose place of residence is the reason why Lancelot acquired the surname "du Lac" (doo-lock).

Answer: Lady of the Lake

7. After the United States acquired this territory under the guise of the "Open Door" policy, there was much concern about the rights as citizens of the inhabitants. This was soon solved by the Supreme court in the series of Insular Cases, and they decided that the people did not have rights. In 1916, the Jones Act gave this nation complete control over domestic affairs, and in 1934 the Tydings-McDuffie Act made for a provision to grant the nation independence within ten years. FTP, name the country acquired by the US in the Spanish-American war which gained independence on July 4, 1946.

Answer: the Philippines

8. This type of dancing dates back to the 1600s when dancing masters of the sean (shawn) nos style would travel to various villages to teach moves and sets to the people. In order to attract more attention, these dancing masters would gather together in one particular town and hold a "feis" (fesh) to compete as to who was the better dancer. As the moves became more complicated, nails were driven into the shoes to create a sort of tap sound. When that occurred, the popularity of the jig declined, and the reel became the more prominent dance, which still holds true today. FTP, what is this style of dance which was recently made popular by Jean Butler and Michael Flatly in Riverdance?

Answer: Irish Step Dancing (accept equivalents)

9. Born in Newark, New Jersey, the youngest of fourteen, this author later spent a semester each at three colleges where his propensity for baseball outweighed his prowess as a student. As a correspondent for New York Papers, he traveled to Greece where he wrote War is Kind, Active Service: A Novel, and The Monster and other stories. He traveled to Cuba in 1896 where he most likely contracted the illness which killed him, and he died in a health spa in Badenweiler, Germany with his wife Cora. FTP, name this author of The Open Boat, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, and The Red Badge of Courage.

Answer: Stephen Crane

10. One of the plans to save this woman from execution was to wear nothing under a fur coat, which she would throw open in front of the firing squad. Born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, she lived as a drab housewife. Studying the Vedas and other eastern books introduced her to ancient sexual arts as well as to the ritual Javanese dances called "hayas" which would be the skill to bring her to infamy. She then burst on the Parisian scene as a dancer claiming to be South Indian and using a name which meant "The eye of dawn". FTP, name this woman who became one of the most famous German spies in 1907, only because the French didn't ask her first.

Answer: Mata Hari

11. Name's a homophone. One is a novel written by Aphra Behn about an African prince who is sold into slavery and pines over his love Imoinda. The other is a river on which can be found Ciudad Bolivar and Ciudad Guayana near to which Sir Walter Raleigh believed that he would find El Dorado. FTP, name either the title of the novel of the river in Venezuela.

Answer: Orinooko or Orinoco

12. This statesman rose early every morning to research his project to create a uniform system of weights and measures for the U.S. After denouncing the right of searching ships claimed by the British government in 1806, he lost favor with the Federal party and his seat in the Senate. For ten points, who is this politician who later became Secretary of State under Monroe and the sixth president in 1825?

Answer: _John Quincy Adams_

13. The most important feature of this substance is that there are small nodes between adjacent sheaths, which enables an impulse to move from 1 meter per second to 200 meters per second. It is composed of 80% lipid and 20% proteins, a combination which allows it to fully cover axons. FTP, name this substance which speeds the travel of impulses from one axon to another.

Answer: Myelin

14. In this, the playwright exploits what he believes to be the most erroneous crimes to existentialism: cowardice and fatalism. Three characters are in a room decorated in the style of Napoleon III which represents life in the beaugosie. As the play unfolds, the tension caused by the love triangle between Garcin, Ines, and Estelle thickens, and erupts when each discovers that they are in the room to be the tormentor of the other. FTP, identify this work of Jean Paul Sartre, title Huis Clos (WEE-CLO) in French.

Answer: No Exit

15. This philosopher's experience as an envoy for the Florentine republic provided him with firsthand knowledge of Italian political squabbles. In 1512 the return of the Medici family left him unemployed, but he was able to write his second most famous work,, _Discourses_. His comedy _The Mandrake_ is renowned as one of the best produced in the renaissance. FTP, name this author, whose earth-shattering first work was, _The Prince_.

Answer: Niccolo Machiavelli

16. Another one of these women who requires some type of test before she will marry, this lady was tricked by an Achilles-type hero into marrying a man who was less than her physical equal. She is wary of her new husband's strength, so she ties him to a wall, where he is saved again by the hero, Sigfried, who steals her girdle and ring. FTP, name this woman who figures prominently in the Volsunga Saga and the Nibelungenlied epic.

Answer: Brunhilde

17. In the middle of the 17th century, a German alchemist named Hennig Brand was looking for the secret of long life. In this he did not succeed, but what he did discover was a glowing waxy substance which fascinated him. He didn't realize that he had discovered an element later to be grouped in VA. FTP, name this element, number 15 which means "light-bearer".

Answer: Phosphorus

18. The first African American woman to conduct the San Francisco Trolley, this author demonstrated her strength of spirit in such works as Swingin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas. Growing up in Arkansas in the 1930s proved difficult for her since she was raped at eight and bore a child at sixteen. FTP, name this woman who recited her poem “I Shall Not Be Moved” at President Clinton’s inauguration in 1992, also the authoress of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

Answer: Maya Angelou

19. Also called Medicago Sativa, this plant can grow up to 45 to 100 cm high. The stems are erect, smooth and sharply angled and bear upright branches, the leaflets are thorny -tipped and dentate toward the front. It produces flowers which can be yellow to violet-blue, and the fruit is a spiraled pod with 2-3 twists. But it is not as a full-grown plant that people are familiar with this. FTP, name this plant which is usually eaten in its sprout form and shares its name with a member of the Little Rascals.

Answer: Alfalfa

20. An example of how this painter's works have infiltrated into everyday life is on any bottle of a hair product made by Studio Line by L'Oreal. He authored Le Neo-Plasticisme in 1920, which later had influence on the Bauhaus group. He followed cubism to the extreme, and his paintings became just simple squares and lines at ninety degree angles. FTP, name this Dutch painter who is more famous for his Cosmopolition series and for cofounding the De Stijl.

Answer: Piet Mondrian

21. His love for the daughter of the Baron gets him kicked out of the kingdom. He is impressed into the Bulgarian Army where his astounds the commanders by surviving the gauntlet. He meets with his former mentor in Lisbon, where the pair are to be burned, but an earthquake saves him. After other various adventures, he reunites with his true love Cunegonde only to discover that her beauty has faded to ugliness. FTP, name this ill-fated character of Voltaire.

Answer: Candide


May 1, 1999

Boni by My Left Lung

1. Yay! Eugene O'Neill! TPE

A. This work is autobiographical disguised as the Tyrone family

Answer: Long Day's Journey Into Night

B. This is a modern retelling of the murder of Agamemnon by Clytemnestra set in antebellum New England.

Answer: Mourning Becomes Elektra

C. This takes place in the End of the Line Cafe and tell the tale of a teetotaler turned sober who returns to his old haunt to sober his friends. It is now on Broadway with Kevin Spacey and Tony Danza.

Answer: The Iceman Cometh

2. Answer the following about Maureen's aunt's cats, TPE.

A. She is the calico, transgenderedly named for one of the men who was crucified with Jesus. She acquired her name because, like the "penitent thief" she would steal food off the table.

Answer: Dismas

B. She is the petite gray cat, named for the wife of Orpheus who was killed by a snake, which prompted the actions that are now the celebrated tale of Orpheus descending into hell.

Answer: Eurydice

C. She is the white and orange striped cat, called after the eldest daughter of Oedipus. She is the subject of a play by Sophocles in which she defies laws to bury properly her brother Polynices.

Answer: Antigone

3. Name the fairy tale from a brief description 15PE

A. This is the story of an ass who decides to go to town to find work. Along the way, he meets a dog, cat, and a cock. Once they arrive to town, they interrupt a robbery attempt in such a way that the robbers are convinced that the combination of the animals is a witch. The robbers flee and the house now belongs to the four animals who live happily ever after.

Answer: The Bremen Town Musicians

B. When a poor man tries to receive a flinch of bacon from his brother, he is instructed to "Go straight to Hell" in order to receive it. True his word, the poor man ventures to that place where he is promised by the devil a quern which will grind fortunes. When the poor man's wife attempts to put seasoning on her food, she looses control of the quern, which explains why something is why it is today.

Answer: Why the Sea Is Salt

4. Answer the following about seeds, five points each with a bonus five for all correct.

A. This is the name for the area in the seed leaf where food is stored. Most plants have either one or two.

Answer: cotyledon

B. This is the length of stem above the cotyledon, which will develop into the plant's stem.

Answer: epicotyl

C. This is the length of stem below the cotyledon

Answer: hypocotyl

D. This is the base of the hypocotyl which will become the roots of the plant.

Answer: radicle

E. This is the outside of a seed.

Answer: seed coat

5. Answer the following about a heinous crime FTSNP

A. These two nineteen-year-olds from the University of Chicago shocked the nation with the senseless killing of a fourteen-year-old. One was the son of a millionaire vice-president of Sears Roebuck, and the other was the son of another famous millionaire. Name them for five pts each.

Answer: Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb

B. Four fifteen, named the boy they killed.

Answer: Bobby Franks

C. Name the lawyer, who also figured in the Scopes monkey trial, who defended them for another five.

Answer: Clarence Darrow

6. Answer the following about a man FTPE

A.This American critic and writer gained fame for his columns and his critiques of American life. He was considered the yankee George Bernard Shaw. When asked why he lived in the nation he seemed to so despise, he replied, "Why do men go to zoos?" He also published The American Language in 1919 which opened up a new field of study.

Answer: Henry Louis Mencken

B. From what city was H.L. Mencken?

Answer: Baltimore

C. H.L. Mencken was the editor of this publication from 1923-1933, which became known for its "debunking" articles. Among its contributors were, Sinclair Lewis and Carl Sandberg.

Answer: The American Mercury

7. 30-20-10 name the King

30- Before gaining the crown, he published a book setting forth his ideas on the divine right of kings, and he believed that Parliaments existed only by favor of the monarch

20- He made a bad impression on the way to his coronation when he ordered a thief to be hanged without trial. Before being crowned king of England, he was king of Scotland.

10- He was the first Stuart king

Answer: James I

8. Answer the following about a novel, FTSNP.

10- This novel written in 1848 tell the tale of an orphan's doings with the Crawley family, the Osborne family and the Sedley family. The novel takes its title from a place in _The Pilgrim's Progress_

Answer: Vanity Fair

5- Who wrote Vanity Fair?

Answer: William M. Thackery

15- In the introduction, Thackery refers to the characters as though they are dolls. F5PE, who was:

The PuppetAnswer: Becky Sharp

The FigureAnswer: Dobbin or Bill

The DollAnswer: Amelia Sedley

9. Answer the following about a cave FTSNP:

15-This cave was discovered by Jim White who was perplexed to see a dark funnel-shaped cloud rising from the ground. On closer inspection, he discovered the clouds to be bats, and found the cave.

Answer: Carlsbad Caverns

10- This is the kind of rock which makes up Carlsbad Caverns.

Answer: Limestone

5- Carlsbad Caverns can be found in what state?

Answer: New Mexico

10. 30-20-10 Name the scientist

30- After traveling to many universities, he finally settled as the head of Cavendish Laboratory in 1919.

20- Some of this scientist's greatest achievements were to publish in 1902 with Frederick Soddy the idea that radioactivity is caused by the breaking-down of atoms