Toshiba Invention Research Data for Feature Article and Web Page Designs
Audience: Populations and Toshiba Exploravision Judges with a similar dissatisfaction with the performance of a technology or wish the technology were invented to solve the problem.
Purpose: research technology functions and improve upon an aspect in order to conserve natural resources and assist the welfare of our community.
Method: Feature Article written in contest guidelines and design 5 web page layout (make a power point page with the imaginary abilities to move written below)
Bibliography – keep cite information Copy to a word doc. and save to thumb driveor your serve space. Everyone’s must be on one page at the end!
7 Tips for success:Win $$$ and Prizes, lap tops, trip:
1. Treat each section as a separate report with a thesis statement!
2. These mini reports are the presenter’s voice and the “Web Page” visual is the slide we will see as you speak. You will present to the class and I hope to the Judges in person.
3. The first “Web Page” is a Home page with Tabs that “link” to all the other parts and a really cool design of your futuristic invention/innovation.
*These are easy if you saved all your pictures and bibliographies on a thumb drive as you go, cut paste pictures and add Neat and simple focal point. It is not wordy, that is what the report is for.
4. Special # ## on every page, NO Personal names of any kind!
5. All “Web Pages” are to be made as a power point slide and saved as a picture (snip it) so in can be copied into the end of your teams 1 word document that is in order of the contest rules and in the same font and double spaced and same syyle of heading!
6. SAVE your 1 document as your special ####
7. Email it to me by the end of your class on Jan. 30 so it can be uploaded by 4:30 at the latest.
______1st page
“The Title”
Is a paragraph of less than 150 words to hook the judges and explain the reason and summary (highlights) for the project.
1. What problem are you planning to solve or improve?
______2. Who will it help?
3. What will it do?
4. Why should it be produced?
A Call to action, excite, inspire…
It’s like an infomercial (informative commercial)
______New page
“ The Title”
Present Technology
- What technology(s) already exist “Present Technology” the can be incorporated into your invention?
- Write Howit worksscientifically?
Science vocabulary and concepts must be used no general explanations, laws and principles will make the technology work; like Laws of Thermal Dynamics, Newton’s laws of Motion, Kinetic theory….
- Diagram – label parts and function of each: Illustration/diagrams
- Diagram how scientifically the energy transfers and transforms:
*start with the PE energy source ______
*Especially focus on wave energies to earn Target 6 of Wave Unit
______New page
“The Title”
Design a Brief timeline of the History of the technology(s) from their inception. Style of it can vary.
(Save to your serve space or zip drive, pictures and where you get them!!)
*Bibliography –write where you get the pictures and info______
__1. History time line:
The 1st one the Year and picture, who discovered: military, company or Individual
Next big change- Year &picture and how it changed and why the improvement
Next big change- Year &picture and how it changed and why the improvement
Today’s best one- picture and how it improved
______New page
“ The Title”
Future Technology
Your team’sinvention’s scientific functions and uses!
Explain in detail how your team’s vision for what this technology will be like in 20 years include what science concepts, laws and principles will make the technology work; like Laws of Thermal Dynamics, Newton’s laws of Motion and the Kinetic theory.
*Bibliography –write where you get the answers______
Diagram parts and arrows to show force and motions directions:
See Present technology to include all function parts, focus on waves
This is the Main Focus the Future!
*Bibliography –write where you get information ____
______New page
“ The Title”
- What has to change or be discovered for your technology to become a reality?
(Laws, society’s acceptance, other technologies or discoveries to help yours)
- Describe why your future technology doesn’t already exist.
- Chose one of your required breakthroughs and describe an investigation that would have to be planned and carried out to test your project; include the kind of data and measurements that would be collected in the investigation.
*Bibliography –save cite- where you get the answers and ideas ______
______New page
“The Title”
Design process
- TheDesign process describe with pictures and drawling how you all come up with ideas modified and ultimately came to a “consensus”, agreement, of what and how the technology should ideally work to solve the problem.
- KEEP RECORDES! Charts like this one works.
Designsketch dateexplain and diagram how your original idea was collaborated
New Design datemodifications were __________because ______
Best Design datemodifications were ______because ____
- Describe why your future design is better than the rejected ones!
______New page
“The Title”
Recognize and describe the all technologies have positive and negative consequences on our society and world.Counter Claim
*Bibliography –Save cite -where you get the answers and ideas