Logo on to MSW Logo in the usual way
You should see the following screen:
Task 1: What does it do?
Type the following under the Commander Box:
fd 25
What has happened?
Try :
rt 90
What has happened? What does the 90 mean?
Try out different numbers, what happens?
To clear the screen type CS
Task 2: Draw a Square
Using what you have found out, use a series of commands to draw a square.
Remember fd = forward, bk = back
rt = right, lt = left
Task 3: there must be a quicker way to draw a square?
In logo there is the command: repeat.
Try typing the following under the Commander Box:
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 45]
What happens?
How can you amend this to draw a square?
Task 4: Drawing triangles and other polygons
If you were to draw a regular polygon, in this case an equilateral triangle, what would be the angle that the turtle would need to turn each time?
So if the instructions started: fd 100
What would you turn? rt ??
Can you use the repeat command to draw a triangle?
Try drawing a hexagon, a pentagon, an octagon etc
Super challenge:
Try drawing a circle!!!
Task 5: Seeing stars...
How would you draw a zigzag?
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90 fd 50 lt 90]
What about
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90 fd 50 lt 45]
What about
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 150 fd 50 lt 105]
How would you change these to complete a star?
Can you rewrite these to draw different stars?
Task 6: Ok so what is the easy way to draw shapes?
Lets set up (define) how to draw a hexagon.
Click the button ‘Edall’ – see bottom right hand corner!
A window should open like this
Type in:
REPEAT 6 [FD 25 RT 60]
Then go into ‘File’ and ‘Save and Exit’
Test this out by typing hex into the command box.
Try this:
hex fd 25 hex
Try this:
repeat 12[hex rt 30]
Can you now define procedures for:
A square
A pentagon
An octagon
A star
Task 7: Now the fun your pattern
Using your defined procedures, changing the lengths of sides etc, can you design a ‘wicked whirly pattern’?
Save it NOW:
Click on Bitmap
Save as Desktop and give it a name: logo picture emily
Go to the Desktop by minimising all open applications
Double click on the icon that you have inserted of your logo picture
This should result in Paint opening
Colour/fill your design as you wish
Don’t forget to save your work, and email it to your teacher so they can print it out in colour!
Student Memory Sheet!!
Name / Number of sides / Turn (degrees) / Total turnequilateral triangle
CS Clear Screen
RT Right
LT Left
FD Forward
BK Back
PU Pen up
PD Pen down
PE Pen erase
Teacher help sheet:
Commands to draw polygons in MSW Logo
to arc :rad :angle
repeat :angle [fd :rad rt 1]
to circle :rad
repeat 360 [fd :rad rt 1]
to hex :size
repeat 6 [fd :size rt 60]
to pent :size
repeat 5 [fd :size rt 72]
to rect :ht :width
repeat 2 [fd :ht rt 90 fd :width rt 90]
to star :size
repeat 8 [fd :size rt 150 fd :size lt 105]
These are written for any size, the size, angle etc are defined when you input the command
Hex 50 will generate a hexagon of size 50.