Instructor nameStudent Learning & Patient Focus: Demonstrates basic knowledge of system, hospital, and department policies and procedures
Annual Instructor competency requirements are met by completing this form including the annually RN department competencies for the instructor’s clinical department site and as needed for any additional departments the instructor uses for clinicals.
Annual Orientation requirements have been met.
Instructor signature:______Date ______
(CORE Orientation test and Cone Health PP Acknowledgement form on file at school) / School
QO = Qualified Observer
Staff nurse, co-worker
SE = Self-Evaluation
/ LEARNING ACTIVITIES / METHODS OF Validation / QO/ SE Initials & DateDepartment Specific
Demonstrates knowledge of:
Scope of service & dept. mission, pt. pop.
Disaster Plan (general in annual Orientation)
Department Quality Improvement Initiatives
Fire Safety (general in annual Orientation)
Annual Department RN Competencies – see page4 / Review scope of service/dept. mission
Read department disaster plan/ department role
Discuss Department Quality Improvement Initiatives
Locate fire exits, fire extinguishers, pull stations, O2 shut-off valves / Verbalizes understanding of:
Scope of service/dept. mission ____/____
Department disaster plan ____/____
Verbalizes Department Quality Improvement Initiatives ___/___
Locates dept fire exits, fire extinguishers, pull stations, & O2 shut-off valves ____/____
Generic Clinical Resources
Patient Education Resources / Discuss use of Exit Care & Patient Education Network / Verbalizes how to instruct students about use of: Exit Care __/__ ;On-Demand Patient Education Network _____/___
Locate on Chart:
Advance Directives
Hall Pass / Review Hall Pass Instruction / Verbalizes how to instruct students to find:
Advance Directive information___/__
Hall Pass____/____
Demonstrates knowledge of Core Measures:
Myocardial infarction
Heart Failure
Surgical Care Infection Prevention (SCIP)
VTE / Review education material for Core Measures that are pertinent to your department. (Homepage ->Departments -> Quality Improvement -> Quality Informatics/Core Measure->Useful Links-> “At a Glance” for each Core Measure) / Verbalizes how to instruct students regarding nursing interventions related to Core Measuresthat apply to department. ____/____
Safely operates the following equipment:
Alaris IV pump
Electronic BP Monitor
Safe Patient Handling equipment used on the department
Zoll Defibrillator
Restraints / Practice Alaris IV Pump Functions: Programming
Primary/Secondary Infusions and Channel Labels,
Clearing Pump, Using Guardrails, Administering Boluses
Review operation of Electronic BP Monitor
Review how to use safe patient handling equipment used on department.
Review operation of the Zoll Monitor
Review restraint policy / Demonstrates proper operation of:
Alaris IV pump ____/__
Electronic BP monitor ____/____
Safe patient handling equipment ____/____
Zoll ____/____
Restraint Competency Check-off___/___
Improve the accuracy of patient identification
Improve the safety of using medications
Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers
Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls / Review the Nursing and Clinical Student Policy
Review Medication Safety and High Alert Medications Policy
Review Medication Administration and Bar-Code Scanning Policy
(Policies are in the Instructor Reference document.
Adverse drug event reporting and incident reporting/Safety Zone Portal (SZP)
Review the faculty communication requirements (Instructor Reference):
- Prior to beginning clinical rotation
- Beginning and end of shift
--Restraints policy & procedure and audit tool / Verbalizes understanding and importance of teaching students about the following Policies:
Nursing and Clinical Student Policy ______/______
Medication Safety and High Alert Medications Policy ______/______
Medication Administration and Bar-Code Scanning Policy ______/______
Safety Zone Portal (SZP) reporting ______/______
Verbalizes understanding and importance of teaching students:
--Patient identification process prior to medication
--Safe patient medication administration______/______
--Medication labeling ______/______
--Dating of multi-dose vial _____/_____
Verbalizeunderstanding of faculty communication requirements::
- Prior to beginning clinical rotation ______/______
- Beginning and end of shift ______/______
Demonstrates ability to review with students:
--Fall risk assessment ___/___
--Restraint Competency Check-off___/___
Discuss alternatives to restraints ____/____
Demonstrates process for involving patients/families in their care_____/______
Demonstrates knowledge of infection prevention
Reduce the risk of healthcare–associated infections (NPSG) / Discuss hand hygiene/cleaning of patient care equipmentDemonstrate infection prevention precautions (isolation types)
Contact (C. Diff)
- Contact (VRE, MRSA, Scabies, Chicken Pox)
- Droplet
appropriate hand hygiene______/______
infection prevention precautions ____/____
Demonstrates knowledge of early activation of Emergency Response Teams
Improve recognition and response to changes in patient condition (NPSG)- Code Blue
- Rapid Response Team (RRT)
- Code Stroke
Demonstrates operation of AED___/___
Annual Instructor Department Specific Competency Validation Form
Required annually and for every department the instructor uses within the year.
Name: ______School ______Campus / Department ______Date: ______
Competency / Method / Date / Staff Nurse / Qualified Observer/ Clinical Education Coordinator or Self-Eval / Comments1
Methods: DO= Department OrientationAS= competency met through instructor’s work at the Academic Site CHE= competency met as a Cone Health employee
PK = current Knowledge gained inPrevious instructor role NA=department competency is Not Applicable to the Instructor role
Staff Nurse / Preceptor/ Qualified Observer / or Clinical Education Coordinator (CEC) Comments:
Instructor Comments: ______
Signature of Staff Nurse / Preceptor/ Qualified Observer / or Clinical Education Coordinator:
Signature of Instructor:
Nursing InstructorAnnual Department Competency Pathway 8.15
Adapted from RN Orientation pathway.Revised-5-13