Torrey Woods Estates Homeowners Association

Torrey Woods Estates Homeowners Association




of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors held

February 7, 1906


The meeting began at 7:05 p.m. and was held at the Wooden

Residence, 4459 Philbrook Square.

The following Board Members were present: Scott Wooden,

President; Peter Noll, Vice President; Joe Pacula, Treasurer; Bob

Hahn, Director.

J. D. Richardson Co. (JDR) was represented by Ann Elmore and

Jessica Skare.

HOMEOWNER DISCUSSION. {1743} No homeowners participated in

homeowner discussion.

MINUTES of LAST MEETING. [MINS] Upon a motion duly made Joe

Pacula, seconded by Peter Noll and carried, the Board unanimously

approved the minutes with following corrections:

Landscape Master Plan (second paragraph) - Page 2 of the

minutes, "work" should be "worked".

Events Committee - Page 3 of the minutes, should read Myra

Pelowski and Rosalie Pacula.

NEXT BOARD MEETING. [BDMT] The Board scheduled the next meeting

for March 8, 2006 at the Noll residence.

SOLICITOR SIGN. [0649] The Board discussed whether or not putting

put up "No Soliciting Signs" in the Community increased door to

door sales men in the Community. Upon a motion duly made by Joe

Pacula, seconded by Scott Wooden, the Board agreed not to put up

"No Soliciting Signs" at this time. Peter Noll opposed. The

Board agreed to put an article in the newsletter regarding

soliciting and informing homeowners that they contact the police

if they should feel threatened at any time by solicitors that

come into the Community.

CC&R - EXHIBIT D-2. [0398] Upon a motion duly made by Peter

Noll, seconded by Joe Pacula, the Board agreed to have JDR

contact Colrich to request a sight drawing that depicts the

common areas that should have been included in the CC&R's at

Exhibit D-2.

REAR FENCE PAINTING & MAINTENANCE [0134] Upon a motion duly made

by Scott Wooden, seconded by Joe Pacula and carried, the Board

agreed to have JDR obtain proposals to paint the perimeter rear


ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE. [0277] Peter Noll reported the


REAR FENCE ISSUES. [0028] Peter Noll handed out a "Rear Fence

Change Package" that was prepared by the Architectural Committee.

Upon final approval, Peter indicated that he would put the

package on a disk to be uploaded on the Torrey Woods Website, to

allow homeowners to download the entire package for their review.

The Board went through each page of the packet to make minor


Upon a motion duly made by Joe Pacula, seconded by Scott Wooden

and carried, the Board approved the Rear Fence Change Package as


Ann Elmore informed the Board the "Rear Fence Change Application

Process and Idemnity Agreement" will need to be sent to the

membership and given thirty days before the Board can officially

adopt the guidelines. Peter Noll indicated that he would make

the changes and email the package to JDR to be sent out.

LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE. [0276] Scott Wooden gave a brief report on

the Landscape Committee. Scott will be setting up a Landscape

Committee Meeting for next week. Ann Elmore gave copies of two

recent proposals given to JDR from Nissho. The first proposal is

to plant 35 flats of mixed color dianthus at the entrance and

fountain areas for $910. Upon a motion duly made by Joe Pacula,

seconded by Scott Wooden and carried, the Board approved the

proposal from Nissho for $910.00. The second proposal is to add a

sprinkler line to the small slope area at the corner of Philbrook

and Parkhurst and to plant 5 flats of Myoporum ground cover for

$243.71. Upon a motion duly made by Joe Pacula, seconded by

Peter Noll and carried, the Board approved the proposal from

Nissho for $243.71.

Joe stated that he will be assisting Lot 28 with their Solar

Panel package.

LANDSCAPING MASTER PLAN. [0133] Scott Wooden gave a brief

update on the Landscape Master Plan. The Committee has not

received all of the proposals and will be setting up a meeting to

review the proposals once they have been submitted. JDR to email

additional proposals to the Board, when they are received.

SWAN HILL OLIVE TREES BID. [0578] Ann Elmore gave the Board a

proposal from Nissho for the Olive Trees. The Board agreed to

review this proposal with the Landscape Master Plan proposals.

TRAFFIC CONTROL COMMITTEE. [0032] Bob Hahn indicated that the

Committee has not continued towing vehicles yet.

Bob also reported that Lot 86 has a new car that has received

several tickets for parking on the wrong side of the street.

Last ticket was given on February 2nd JDR to verify that the new

car is registered and to send violation letter.

Bob Hahn will call APG regarding a trailer parked in the

Philbrook Square cul-de-sac that needs to be ticketed, then towed

the next day if not removed.

Joe Pacula requested that the Traffic Control Committee put

together a plan in writing in case the existing parking

procedures are not effective and the association starts having

problems with parking.

FINANCE COMMITTEE. [0034] Joe Pacula informed the Board that he

contacted Beck & Company regarding reversing existing fines off

of the books. The fines will continue to be on the income

statements, in a separate line item called "Allow for Doubtful


FINANCIAL REPORTS. [FINS] Upon a motion duly made by Joe

Pacula, seconded by Bob Hahn, the Board approved the December


Joe directed JDR to stop transferring money into the Merrill

Lynch reserve account and to start transferring the money to the

First Centennial reserve account.

Joe directed JDR to have Rick Salpietra send a letter to Lot 6

requesting status for the front yard balustrades.

NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE. [0278] There are no current updates at

this time.

EVENTS COMMITTEE. [0581] There are no current updates at this


The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m.


Recorded by Approved by


Regular Session MinutesMeeting on

Torrey Woods EstatesFebruary 7, 2006