Laboratory #13

Topographic Survey

ASM 215

Purpose: Introduction to procedures and calculations used in topographic surveying.

Objective:Perform a topographic survey of the Pickett Park hill using a total station and develop a contour map.


Total Station


Prism Pole or Range Pole


Chaining Pins


Procedure:The instructor will set a benchmark at the northwest base of the hill which we will assume to have an elevation of 100.00 ft. Each crew will set up over this benchmark using the total station and set their own turning points which they will move to and begin the topographic survey.

Each crew is responsible for two traverses over the hill 50 feet apart and shots recorded every 50 feet (see attached image). Points should be in a rough grid. Work with other crews to keep points the appropriate distance apart.

Record Northing, Easting, and Elevation information from the total station display in your survey book.

In order to close the traverse, crews should take a final shot back onto the original benchmark to determine their compounded error. This may require setting another turning point.

Calculations: Calculate closure error (the difference between 100.00 and the elevation you obtain from measuring the benchmark at the end of the survey). Allowable error is not applicable for this exercise.

Include a sketch of your crew’s area with location of the benchmark and approximate location of turning points. Include appropriate land features, labels, and a benchmark description.

Requirements: Submit survey books with all required information and calculations. Email data to TA (one email per group) in spreadsheet form by 5:30pm the day of lab. Data will be compiled and emailed back to students. Using this data, each student is responsible for creating a 3-D plot using Surfer.

Survey books and the 3-D plot are due on Monday following lab by 5:30pm.

Please place your plot inside your book and put them in the box outside ABE 301.

Surfer Instructions:

  1. Logon to a computer in ABE 105 (using provided login information)
  2. Navigate to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Golden Software\Surfer7

  1. Open the executable file “Surfer7”

Worksheet (copy and paste data from spreadsheet provided by TA, do not

include text headers!)
Save file in a location where you can find it again

Plot Document
Data -- Choose your file you created
Review the Data filler report and then close, do not save
New Contour (choose the grid file)

Wireframe (choose the grid file)

3-D view (Rotate the wireframe to see different views)