Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster

Membership Registration Form


This information will be kept in line with the YFCU Confidentiality Policy

Date of Birth / / / / / Gender (M/F)
Post Code
Religion / Protestant / Catholic / None / Other
I have a Disability / Yes / No
Ethnicity / White / Non white
If non white please describe ethnic background

I have enclosed my membership fee of (please tick appropriate category)

Age Group / Fee (including insurance)
12-14 / £16.00
14-16 / £18.00
16-18 / £23.00
18-21 / £26.00
21-25 / £33.00
25-30 / £33.00
Over 30 / £30.00
Transit / £15.00
Associate / £15.00

If you wish to Gift Aid your membership fee please tick


I the above, in registering as a member of a Young Farmers' Club affiliated to the Young Farmers’ Clubs Of Ulster, understand that so long as I remain a member I am obliged to abide by the YFCU articles of association and to adhere to the code of conduct (overleaf) which I have read and fully understand. I acknowledge and agree that if during my membership I offend against either the articles or the code I render myself, and my club with all its members, liable to be suspended and, subsequently, expelled from the association.

SIGNED (MEMBER) :______DATE:______


*IF the above member is UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE ONE OF THE WITNESSES MUST BE AN Adult with parental responsibility who must also sign the parental consent below

Parental Consent (please see definition on the back of this form): I am aware of the ethos and general nature of activities undertaken by the Young Farmers' Clubs of Ulster and agree that the above can participate in activities organised by Associated Clubs and YFCU Headquarters. I understand that I can seek more information about YFC activities from Club Officials (who are fellow club members elected annually at the Annual General Meeting) or YFCU Headquarters Staff who may be contacted at (028) 9037 0713. I also understand that any extraordinary activities and events for members under 18 years will require appropriate parental consent which will be dealt with separately by the Club. I consent to my child’s photograph being used for the purpose of being reprinted onto their Membership Card.

Signed ______(Adult with parental responsibility)


The policy of The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster is to safeguard the welfare of all young people who come into contact with the Association by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. The Association is truly committed to safeguarding the well being of its members and young volunteers who should at all times show, and be shown, respect and understanding regarding their rights, safety and welfare and should conduct themselves in a manner which reflects the principles of the Association. It is also the Associations policy to develop staff, elected officials and volunteers awareness of child protection issues and to review the Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster Child Protection Policy Annually.

  1. In order that all members and the community at large may obtain maximum benefit and enjoyment from the activities of The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster every member shall conform to all the association’s properly prescribed rules and bye-laws, act responsibly, be prepared to undertake a share of duties and co-operate with fellow members and with duly elected or appointed YFC officials.
  2. Members shall not permit the interests of a Club, a County Committee or the Association to be adversely affected by personal feelings, prejudices or relationships and so conduct themselves as to uphold and enhance their own reputation and the reputations of their Club, their County Committee and the entire Association.
  3. In pursuit of these objectives on all YFC occasions a member shall not display unsportsmanlike behaviour, engage in rowdy or unseemly or illegal behaviour, interfere with anyone’s person or property or use abusive or offensive language and shall make every effort to prevent fellow members from committing such offences.
  4. A member shall submit to and honour such rules and conditions as are prescribed by the organisers for admission to and for participation in any event for YFC members - for example, the production upon request of a valid Membership Card and/or ticket or voucher legitimately acquired - and the organisers shall give by appropriate means reasonable advance notice of such rules and conditions.
  5. A member participating in any event for YFC members shall at all times submit to the supervision and authority of suitable mature personnel carefully selected and duly appointed by the Club for the purpose; and such personnel shall have power to initiate disciplinary proceedings if and when they judge such a course to be appropriate. However, when this Code is violated the Club concerned shall ensure that such measures are taken as will, in its view, avoid the necessity for the Executive Committee to be asked to consider suspension under the terms of the Association’s Articles.
  6. As the Insurance Policy of The Young Farmers’ Clubs of Ulster does not cover damage to property or injury to personnel if wilfully caused, a member guilty of either shall be required to pay full compensation whether or not the incident leads to suspension or termination of membership.
  7. A member shall follow normal standards of personal courtesy and conduct when using the Internet and Email as laid out in the YFCU Internet & Email Policy (including computer usage).

Failure to comply with the above code of conduct will result in informal or formal disciplinary proceedings outlined in the YFCU Sanctions Policy (Members, elected officials or volunteers) which may result in sanctions which may be imposed by the appropriate Club, County, or Central Committee. Any Sanctions will be in line with the YFCU Sanctions Policy (Members, elected officials or volunteers) Parents of members, elected officials or Volunteers under 18 years of age will be informed and given right of representation throughout processes outlined in the policy document.


In today’s world some confusion always exists as to who can sign a parental consent form. The Children (NI) Order 1995 (Article 6(i)) defines specifically who has parental responsibility

In law, the natural mother has parental responsibility.

The natural father has parental responsibility

  • If he is married to the mother at the time of birth, or subsequently marries her.
  • Through a formal, written agreement with the mother, witnessed by a solicitor
  • Through being granted a Parental Responsibility Order by a Court (Article 7)
  • From 15th April 2002, by jointly registering the baby’s birth

Step fathers, step mothers or partners may not have parental responsibility unless granted by a court. Other members of the family, such as grandparents, can apply for parental responsibility through the same court process.


Any member of parent wishing to have a copy of the YFCU Sanctions Policy (Members, elected officials or volunteers), YFCU Confidentiality Policy, YFCU Internet & Email Policy or YFCU Child Protection Policy may request them from YFCU Headquarters or download them from