Application Packet for the
Academic Year
Applications due to the Office of Student Lifeby:
Monday, February 19, 2018 by 12:00 PM
1601 N. Benton Ave.
Helena, Montana 59625
2018 – 2019 Community Advisor APPLICATION
The information to be provided on the following pages will be essential in your overall evaluation as a candidate for Community Living Staff.
General Description
Community Advisors (CA) are responsible for administrative duties, conduct, and community development.
To be considered for selection as a Community Advisor you must:
- Be familiar with the programs and facilities at Carroll College and the surrounding community.
- Have a grade point average of at least 2.5/4.0at Carroll College.
- Completed the equivalent of two semesters of post-secondary education by end of spring semester.
- Be enrolled as a student at Carroll College with a maximum of 18 credits per semester and a minimum of 12 credits per semester. More credits may be taken with the permission of the Supervising Assistant Director and the Director of Community Living.
Community Advisors will receive a room and stipend for the 2018-2019 academic year. Please be aware that the CA compensation may affect your current scholarships or financial aid and it is YOUR responsibility to check with financial aid prior to accepting the position, if offered. Failure to meet the terms of the CA contract can result in termination and loss of all compensation.
Community Advisor Selection Timeline
Tuesday, January 16th:Applications are available
Monday, February 19th:Applications are due by 12:00 PM to Assistant Director of Community Living Michael Ames at or to the Student Life Office (O’Connell 208)
Tuesday, February 20th: Interview times emailed to Applicants
Saturday, February24th:Interview Day (Group Process and Individual Interviews)
Monday, February 26th: :Positions offered (via Email Letter)
Wednesday, February 28th ::Statements of acceptance/commitmentdue by 5:00pm
Community Advisor Info/Q&A Session:
(CA candidates arestronglyencouraged to attend one CA Info/Q&A session)
Tuesday, February 13th 1:00 – 2:00pm – Trinity Lounge
Thursday, February 15th 1:00 – 2:00 pm – Maronick Board Room (Upper Cube)
Communication: Email
The primary means of communication throughout this process will be through your Carroll e-mailaddress. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that all applicants check their Carroll e-mail account regularly.
Requirements, if selected as a CA
All CAs are required to attend spring and fall training. A 2018-2019 CA meeting will be onTuesday, April 17th,2018 in the Trinity Lounge. Fall CA training startsAugust 9th, 2018 and goes through opening of the halls. CAs are expected to be at all training sessions. Spring CA training starts January 12, 2019 and goes through the opening of the halls.
CA Application
Please complete all fields: Gender: ______
Last Name First Name Middle Initial Student ID #
Home Phone #: ______Cell Phone #:______
Hall/Room: ______Email:
Mailbox #: ______Date of Birth: ______
Address if currently off-campus:______
Current Year at Carroll: 4thyear or above 3rdyear 2ndyear 1styear T-shirt size______
Major: ______Expected Graduation Date: ______
Last Semester GPA: ______Cumulative GPA: ______
Please choose one of the following:
_____I am applying for a CA position for the 2018-2019 academic year.
If applying for the position, but not available for the whole year please explain: ______
1. Will you be student teaching, in an internship or holding an outside job for the Academic Year 2018-2019? Yes No
If Yes, Please specify where and when you would be involved for the commitment.______
2. Total semesters lived in the residence halls by the end of Spring 2018. ______
3. List all activities/leadership positions in which you have participated in during college (or high school if you have no applicable college experience) and list your prior work experience (or attach a resume with this information to the application.
4. List all extracurricular commitments you hope to keep and/or add next year and approximate weekly time commitment (e.g. sports, theater, internships, music, student teaching, work hours, student organizations, etc.).
Essay Questions
Please answer the following questions in a typed format and submit them with the application.
- Tell us what skills and attributes you bring to the Community Advisor position and what skills and experiences you want to gain from the position.
- Describe your experience working with people who are different from yourself, perhaps as a student leader or with a peer group. How might this translate to the Community Advisor position?
- Describe the best floor/building program you have attended. What went well and what could have been improved?
Letter to Future Residents
Please compose a letter to incoming residents. Your letter should not be longer than one page. The introduction letter to your future residents welcoming them to the community should include:
- An introduction of yourself
- An explanation of your role as an RA
- The attitudes, behaviors, and relationships you hope to see develop in your community
- Other information to welcome residents to the community.
Please list two people you have asked to prepare references. The first must be a College employee (but cannot be Community Living Staff). The second reference should be a professional (non-student) either within or from outside the College who can highlight your ability to relate to others. Applications WILL NOTbe considered complete until thesereferences are received.Completed references can be emailed directly to Assistant Director of Community Living Michael Ames at .
Reference 1: Carroll College Employee:
Name: ______Phone: ______Relationship: ______
Title: ______E-mail Address: ______
Reference 2: Professional within or from outside the College:
Name: ______Phone: ______Relationship: ______
Title: ______E-mail Address: ______
Current Community Advisor:
Name: ______
I have read and understand the position requirements.
My signature authorizes the Community Living Office to verify application information including contact with other campus offices, confirmation of references, and use of electronic records.
The information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that submitting any false information on the application materials could void my application.
SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______
Community Advisor Candidate Reference Form
The purpose of this form is to assist the selection committee in evaluating applicants for the Community Advisor position. The primary responsibility of the position is facilitating community development among a group of residential students. Characteristics such as approachability, consistent role model behavior and a genuine concern for others are crucial to success in this position. Your candid evaluation of the applicant, based upon your experience with her/him, serves as an important part of the selection process. Please complete the form as completely and honestly as possible. If you are unable to answer a question, please write “N/A.” Please return the form to the Carroll College Student Life Office by MondayFebruary 5th, 2018. Fax (406) 447-4533 or Mail: C/O Michael Ames, Community Advisor Search, 1601 N Benton Ave, Helena, MT 59625.
Applicant’s Name: ______Date: ______
Perceptions of Applicant – please check your perceptions of the applicant.
1. ResponsibilityExcellentdiligently follows through on tasks
Goodfollows through on tasks
Averageusually follows through on tasks
Poorfollows through when convenient
2. Work Ethic
Excellentputs forth the extra effort
Goodwill put in a fair day’s work
Averageworks enough to get by
Poorworks below minimum expected
3. Leadership
Excellenta leader of leaders
Goodcontributes positively
Averageusually well balanced
Poor__ passive; __ negative influence
4. Attitude
Excellentconsistently has positive attitude
Goodusually displays positive attitude
Averageoccasionally has negative attitude
Poorfrequently has negative attitude
5. Judgment
Excellentconsistently makes wise decisions
Goodmakes good decisions
Averagemakes fair decisions
Poor__ hasty decisions; __ indecisive
6. Cooperation
Excellentalways willing to help others
Goodgenerally concerned for others
Averagecooperates when convenient
Poordifficult to work with / 7. Integrity
Excellentconsistently trustworthy
Goodgenerally honest and true
Averagemay stretch the truth
8. Communication
Excellentarticulates in all groups
Goodusually gets thoughts across
Averagehesitant to communicate
Poordifficulty articulating thoughts
9. Initiative
Excellentwill look for things to do
Goodwill do what needs to be done
Averagewill do the obvious
Poorneeds to be told what to do
10. Motivation
Excellenthighly self-motivated
Goodeffectively motivated
Averageusually purposeful
11. Time Management
Excellentbalances all commitments
Goodgenerally balances commitments
Averagedifficulty balancing commitments
Poorunable to balance commitments
12. Team Participation
Excellentoutstanding group member
Goodcontributes positively in a group
Averageusually contributes positively
Poordifficulty working in a group
In what capacity and for how long have you known this applicant?
What impresses you about this applicant?
What factors might limit the candidate’s performance in the Community Advisor position?
Any additional information about the candidate you would like us to know about?
Signature: ______Date: ______
Print Name: ______Title: ______
E-mail address ______Phone Number ______