LKS2 Topic: Modern Europe Block G: Norway
Study the geography and winter sports of Norway in preparation for a ‘top trumps’-based briefing of sports executives for the winter Olympics - consider forces and investigate friction challenges using scientific methods, processes and skills.
Block G: NorwayModern Europe
[4 sessions] / Main outcome: Geography
Other outcomes: Science, PE and Maths
By the end of this block you will have achieved the following outcomes: / · Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe.
· Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region in a European country.
· Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography including climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, and mountains.
· Describe and understand human geography including types of settlement and land use and economic activity.
· Ask relevant questions and use scientific enquiry to answer them.
· Set up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests.
· Make systematic and careful observations and take accurate measurements.
· Gather, record, and present data to help in answering questions.
· Compare how things move on different surfaces.
· Notice that some forces need contact between two objects.
· Take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges.
· Use running and jumping in isolation and in combination.
· Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics].
· Measure and compare lengths; interpret and present data using bar charts and tables; solve comparison questions using info presented in scaled bar charts.
Session 1 Geography and PE
The landscape, climate and winter sports of Norway
Take part in a training camp that develops certain skills and muscles to succeed in a range of winter sports and find out about some of the winter sports popular in Norway. Identify geographic reasons for Norway’s suitability to host these sports. / Children will:
· Take part in a ‘training camp’ for Norwegian winter sports
· Create a winter ‘sports map’ of Norway linking climate and landscape to sports
Session 2 Geography and PE
The geography of summer and winter sports
Discover how seasons within the Norwegian climate impacts on the sports played. Play a fun, high-octane climate sports game and create your own infographics for the Olympic Committee and prospective sports enthusiasts. / Children will:
· Play Seasonal Sports game to develop specific strength and balance skills and to reinforce understanding of the landscape and land-use in different seasons
· Create sports infographics for a range of winter and summer Norwegian sports
Session 3 Science and PE
The science of sport: forces
Take part in an obstacle force course designed to develop fitness and agility for winter sports, and discover the forces in action for these sporting endeavours. Play ‘sports force’ and highlight the objects that need to make contact in order to create certain forces. / Children will:
· Watch a video clip to consolidate and reinforce understanding of push, pull and twist
· Take part in a sports obstacle course, noting the forces (and contact required to make the forces) used to overcome each obstacle
· Play ‘sports force’ game, collecting the forces used in a range of Norwegian winter sports and saying what objects made contact to create the force
Session 4 Geography, Science and Maths
The science of sport: friction
Use a range of sports equipment, ground coverings and a Newton Meter to investigate and measure the effects of friction on various sports. Then create your own set of sporting ‘top trumps’ cards with all your Norwegian sports knowledge and discoveries and present them to winter Olympics executives. / Children will:
· Investigate and compare the impact of friction on stopping distances for a range of surfaces
· Present and interpret data in bar charts
· Create Norwegian sports trumps cards using all of the information gleaned throughout the block
· Use all resources developed during the block to brief Olympics executives on Norwegian sports
Session 1
Provided: Information sheet on Norwegian winter sports (covering: Winter sports training camp; Mystery destinations & clues, Maps of Norway & Ski resort maps.
You will need: Access to the internet; Atlases.
Session 2
Provided: Information sheet on Trysil sports (covering: Trysil (Summer); Trysil (Winter); Trysil sports (Summer or Winter?); Seasonal Sports game; Infographic images; Sample infographic design images & Sample infographic).
You will need: Access to the internet.
Session 3
Provided: Information sheet on The science of sport: forces, (covering: Obstacle force course set up and guidance; Sports force game; Guidance on forces & Sports force game cards).
You will need: Access to the internet.
Session 4
Provided: Information sheet on Friction in sport, (covering: Investigation question (for whole class); Investigation question (for pair work); Friction investigation; Results tables; Sample Trumps cards & Trumps cards template).
You will need: Access to the internet; Cars, ramps, access to carpet, lino and floor tiles.
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