‘Seeking and finding’ - Luke 15:1-10

STARTER; (in pairs) What is the most important thing you’ve lost or ‘temporarily lost’? How did you feel?

WORSHIP. Perhaps an act of thanksgiving for the way in which God looks for us.


QUIETLY RE-READ PASSAGE AND COMMENTARY (reflect on these and the personal focus questions in silence. Making notes may help to focus your thinking and facilitate sharing later)


Luke keeps assuring his readers of God’s amazing acceptance of sinners. This conviction is central, of course, to all New Testament writings. God makes the first move, even before the sinner is ready to return. Luke recounts parables to respond to the snobbery of some of the Pharisees and scribes. Jesus directs these parables at the self-righteous people, the people who think God must follow their rules. Such people think they determine whom and how God will forgive. But Jesus says God follows God’s own rules. Christians are being told not to imitate the religious ‘snobs’ of Jesus’ day. They must let God be God and not presume to tell God who can be saved and how people must be saved. (Baranowski)


1. What thoughts come to mind as you read this passage? What might God be saying to you?

2. Have there been times when you felt your Christian friends didn’t ‘come looking’ for you when you felt low? How did you feel? Has that experience helped you to ‘look out’ for those who feel low?

3. How have you experienced God looking for you?

4. Has there been an occasion when you had an experience of acceptance or forgiveness you never thought possible? If possible, write a short prayer expressing your sense of thankfulness.

(When you have reflected alone, share what you are able together in threes.)

LIFE FOCUS QUESTIONS.(Discuss in the whole group)

  1. St. Augustine wrote ‘my soul is restless until it finds rest in thee’ - in what ways do people today exhibit that spiritual ‘restlessness’ until ‘found’ by God. How can the church relate to those experiences and offer the gospel message?
  1. How can your group positively look for those who are ‘lost’?

REVIEW TIME. Recall anything from previous weeks, which needs attention.

PRAYER TIME. Put in the centre of the group as a focus for prayer a small cross as a symbol of God’s forgiveness. Also place in the centre the prayers written earlier. In silence reflect upon and receive the forgiveness offered to everyone, pray for those who anxiously search for meaning in life.

Luke 15 a C 2016For Sunday 11th Sept 2016P S Ede