Central Indiana Chapter MarchMeeting
Topic: “Motivating Physicians to Document for ICD-10”
Speaker: Carol Hoppe, CPC, CPC-I, CCS
This program has been approved for 2.0 CEUs
Date:March 13, 2014
Time:7:30am to 10:00am
Meeting location: Westview HealthPlex, 3660 Guion Rd, #101, Indianapolis, IN 46222. Phone 317.920.7400
Link for directions to facility:
Please complete one form for each person even if paying for all with one check.
Name ______
Address ______
City______State ______Zip ______
Phone Number: ______Fax ______
Organization ______Job Title ______
E-mail address ______
Are you an AAPC member? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, AAPC Member # ______
Indicate certification: [ ] CPC [ ] CPC-H [ ] CPC-P [ ] CIRCC
Other certifications: ______
Early Bird Registration fee due by 3/7/14: $20
Registration fee after 3/7/14: $30 Members and Non-member price is $35
Payment option: ☐ Check enclosed☐ Pay via PayPal
Mail your registration and check to: NEW!! PAYPAL Credit/Debit Payment Option:
AAPC Central Indianapolis Chapter Mail or email your registration form.
C/O Kim Dickerson & Cindy Stephenson See page two for additional payment instructions
PO Box 252
Whitestown, IN 46075
Make check payable to Central Indiana Chapter of AAPC Amount enclosed $ ______
Please Note: Handouts will be emailed to paid registrants prior to the meeting. Handouts will not be provided at the meeting.
For questions contact:
Ellen Risotti-Hinkle
We are pleased to offer you a new payment option this year via PayPal! You may pay for meetings and other chapter events using a credit/debit card or through your bank account. Please note that there is a small transaction fee for utilizing this service, $1.00 per meeting or $5.00 for all meetings for the year. This transaction fee will need to be added to the amount of the cost of the meetings you are registering to attend.
To make payment via PayPal, follow these steps:
1. Go to PayPal (
2. Login to your account (or create an account if you don’t have one yet)
3. Click on the tab at the top that reads “Send Money”
4. Enter payment information:
- To:
- Amount: enter the total amount you are paying including additional processing fees ($1.00 per each meeting or $5.00 for all meetings)
- Choose: “I’m paying for goods or services”
5. Click “continue”
6. Select payment method (you can enter credit/debit card information or attach a bank account, etc.)
7. Choose “no shipping required” for shipping address
- Please note: we will not ship any materials to you, handouts will be emailed prior to the meeting
8. Complete the Email to Recipient section as follows:
- Subject: Early Bird Chapter Meeting Payment
- Message: Payment for early bird chapter meetings
9. Click “Send Money”
10. Mail or email completed registration form to:
AAPC Central Indianapolis Chapter
C/O Kim Dickerson & Cindy Stephenson
PO Box 252
Whitestown, IN 46075
For questions contact:
Ellen Risotti-Hinkle