October 3, 2016 & October 4, 2016
Continue with Group Presentations—Period 2, Chapter 2
Reminder: Read the Key Concepts Mr. Crossen gave you!
What is Colonialism, colony, colonial?
Homework for Monday, October 10 & Tuesday October 11
Read Chapter 3, “Colonial Society in the 18th Century,” to page 51-or 55 (2015 edition) and stop at the heading “Education.”
Homework for Thursday & Friday: Finish Chapter 3!! Be ready for a quiz
- Period 1: 1491-1607 (Continued & into to Period 2)
Period 2: 1607-1754 Why?
- Know – Protestants, Roman Catholics—Church of England, or Anglicans—Puritans, dissenters, “Pilgrims” or Separatists
- Vocabulary: Lots of it!
- Look at Overview “The British took pride in their tradition of free farmers working the land”?
Emphasis on Agriculture = Emphasis on Slavery & Atlantic Slave Trade = Slave Society
- Read Alternative View always. What does that mean? What does this Alternative View say?
- Know these:
- Corporate Colonies:
- Royal Colonies:
- Proprietary Colonies:
- What made the English different than the French & Spanish
- What does “English brought a tradition of representative government” mean?
- Like what?
- Early English Settlements:
- Jamestown:
- Transition to a Royal Colony—
- Why?
- Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay:
- Know – Protestants, Roman Catholics—Church of England, or Anglicans—Puritans, dissenters, “Pilgrims” or Separatists
- Massachusetts Bay Colony:
- “More moderate dissenters”? Who are they?
Getting ready for Period 2, 1607-1754, and getting reading for Chapter 2, “The Planting of the British Colonies, 1500-1733”
Remember! You must know the Key Concepts from Period 1 in order to understand the rest!
PERIOD 2: 1607–1754
Europeans and American Indians maneuvered and fought for
dominance, control, and security in North America, and distinctive
colonial and native societies emerged.
Key Concept 2.1: Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and the North
American environments that different empires confronted led Europeans to
develop diverse patterns of colonization.
I. Seventeenth-century Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers embraced
different social and economic goals, cultural assumptions, and folkways, resulting in
varied models of colonization. (WXT-2) (PEO-1) (WOR-1) (ENV-4)
WXT-2 Analyze how innovations in markets, transportation, and technology
affected the economy and the different regions of North America from the
colonial period through the end of the Civil War
PEO-1 Explain how and why people moved within the Americas (before
contact) and to and within the Americas (after contact and colonization)
WOR-1 Explain how imperial competition and the exchange of commodities
across both sides of the Atlantic Ocean influenced the origins and patterns of
development of North American societies in the colonial period
ENV-4 Analyze how the search for economic resources affected social and
political developments from the colonial period through Reconstruction
A. Spain sought to establish tight control over the process of colonization in the
Western Hemisphere and to convert and/or exploit the native population.
B. French and Dutch colonial efforts involved relatively few Europeans and
used trade alliances and intermarriage with American Indians to acquire furs
and other products for export to Europe.
C. Unlike their European competitors, the English eventually sought to establish
colonies based on agriculture, sending relatively large numbers of men
and women to acquire land and populate their settlements, while having
relatively hostile relationships with American Indians.
II. The British–American system of slavery developed out of the economic,
demographic, and geographic characteristics of the British-controlled regions of theNew World. (WOR-1) (WXT-4) (ID-4) (POL-1) (CUL-1)
WOR-1 Explain how imperial competition and the exchange of commodities
across both sides of the Atlantic Ocean influenced the origins and patterns of
development of North American societies in the colonial period
WXT-4 Explain the development of labor systems such as slavery, indentured
servitude, free labor, and sharecropping from the colonial period through the
end of the 18th century
ID-4 Explain how conceptions of group identity and autonomy emerged out
of cultural interactions between colonizing groups, Africans, and American
Indians in the colonial era
POL-1 Analyze the factors behind competition, cooperation, and conflict
among different societies and social groups in North America during the
colonial period
CUL-1 Compare the cultural values and attitudes of different European,
African American, and native peoples in the colonial period and explain how
contact affected intergroup relationships and conflicts
A. Unlike Spanish, French, and Dutch colonies, which accepted intermarriage
and cross-racial sexual unions with native peoples (and, in Spain’s case, with
enslaved Africans), English colonies attracted both males and females who
rarely intermarried with either native peoples or Africans, leading to the
development of a rigid racial hierarchy.
B. The abundance of land, a shortage of indentured servants, the lack of an
effective means to enslave native peoples, and the growing European demand
for colonial goods led to the emergence of the Atlantic slave trade.
C. Reinforced by a strong belief in British racial and cultural superiority, the
British system enslaved black people in perpetuity, altered African gender
and kinship relationships in the colonies, and was one factor that led the
British colonists into violent confrontations with native peoples.
D. Africans developed both overt and covert means to resist the dehumanizing
aspects of slavery.
III. Along with other factors, environmental and geographical variations, including
climate and natural resources, contributed to regional differences in what would
become the British colonies. (WXT-2) (WXT-4) (ENV-2) (ID-5) (PEO-5) (CUL-4)
WXT-2 Analyze how innovations in markets, transportation, and technology
affected the economy and the different regions of North America from the
colonial period through the end of the Civil War
WXT-4 Explain the development of labor systems such as slavery, indentured
servitude, free labor, and sharecropping from the colonial period through the
end of the 18th century
ENV-2 Explain how the natural environment contributed to the development
of distinct regional group identities, institutions, and conflicts in the precontact
period through the independence period
ID-5 Analyze the role of economic, political, social, and ethnic factors on the
formation of regional identities in what would become the United States from
the colonial period through the 19th century
PEO-5 Explain how free and forced migration to and within different parts of
North America caused regional development, cultural diversity and blending,
and political and social conflicts through the 19th century
CUL-4 Analyze how changing religious ideals, Enlightenment beliefs, and
republican thought shaped the politics, culture, and society of the colonial era
through the early Republic
A. The New England colonies, founded primarily by Puritans seeking to
establish a community of like-minded religious believers, developed a
close-knit, homogeneous society and — aided by favorable environmental
conditions — a thriving mixed economy of agriculture and commerce.
B. The demographically, religiously, and ethnically diverse middle colonies
supported a flourishing export economy based on cereal crops, while the
Chesapeake colonies and North Carolina relied on the cultivation of tobacco,
a labor-intensive product based on white indentured servants and African
C. The colonies along the southernmost Atlantic coast and the British islands in
the West Indies took advantage of long growing seasons by using slave labor
to develop economies based on staple crops; in some cases, enslaved Africans
constituted the majority of the population.
October 7& 10
- FINISH presentations
- Quiz!!
- John Green Crash Course American History Video #2, Colonizing America
- Take notes!
- Practice, if time permits—AP short answers
Chapter 2, American Pageant, “Planting of the British Colonies.”
Before you do anything—read and know your Period/Content Standards! Take notes according to them—not the chapter.
APUSH Period 2: 1607-1754
Standard 2.1: Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and the North American environments that different empires confronted led to Europeans to develop diverse patters of colonization.
??? Discuss all of this! What do these separate words really mean—like colonization?
Fun but difficult part—you read, talk about and try to understand the Content Standards—and then—you try to apply them to the content of the chapter! Difficult stuff? Yep. YOU can do it.
Chapter 2,“Planting of English America, 1500-1733,” American Pageant, 25-42
- England’s Imperial Stirrings– as we learn—we need to ask ourselves on all of our Period Standards, “Why the dates? Why does Period 2 start at 1607?”
- Paragraph #1—page 25—just review of Chapter 1. Talks about the Spanish influence . . . then shifts to North America
- #2—“feeble” comparison between England & Spain—overseas empire
- Protestantism in England—know it—King Henry XIII made England a Protestant nation instead of Catholic—big deal—Anglican Church established—Anglican? Take a guess at it.
- Irish resisted? Irish Catholic? England “crushed the Irish uprising with unspeakable atrocities upon native Irish peoples.”
- England “planted” Protestant lords and confiscated lands from Irish Catholics and the Church—especially monasteries.
Crucial last sentence on page 26—right before Elizabeth Energizes England. Most important item that goes with Content Standard 2.1. I A & B and 2.2. II B—as well as most of the Period Standards of Period 1. Read that sentence together!
In the 1500s,Notice the date? Do we really need to pay a lot of attention to this? NO! Trust K. Hall & Z. Crossen . . . Britain had made only feeble efforts to colonize America. There was a rash of problems hinging on a mix of religion and politics…
- Elizabeth Energizes England
- Francis Drake, Sir Humphrey Gilbert & Sir Walter Raleigh DON’T REALLY MATTER IN THE LONG RUN!
- Raleigh-- Roanoke Island Colony—The Lost Colony—“History’s Mysteries . . .”
- Spain “England’s Foe”—why? Used their new world wealth for—wait for it—remember? To build a navy! But it doesn’t work—1588 Spanish Armada attacked England—lost big time= A Big Turning Point … for US future history—how so? Well with Spain defeated,
- Britain was not afraid to cross Atlantic—establish colonies—play with the big boys—get some of the loot, piece of the pie, booty, treasure, bounty—whatever you call it . . .
- England’s victory= “Golden Years” & started them on their naval world dominance for 300 years. Empire, big time.
- Strong government/popular monarch. What’s that mean and who is it?
- Unity—National pride and purpose.
- Golden age of literature—And others . . . Shakespeare. Elizabethan Literature You will read Willy this year--- remember the background of this time—makes sense when you read R & Juliet.
- Britain and Spain peace treaty 1604=? You figure it out
- England on the Eve of the Empire 2B—I WAS WRONG, THE “SCEPTR’DISLE” IN THIS SENSE IS ENGLAND- NOT IRELAND—SO SORRY! Any guess out there for meaning?
- 1500s-1600s population boom. Why?
By the way, if we were to label the above years as ______century and ______century, what would we say?
- Landlords “enclosed” land—less or NO land for poor.
- Please read quote on page 27, penultimate paragraph, “forcing many small farmers into ‘precarious tenancy’ or off the land altogether.” What does that mean? Explain by making a small flow chart that shows the connections from the New World—to tenancy and the ‘poor house.’
- “Oh NO!” We have a surplus population! What do we do? Oh Holy Cow! They are poor and may want to take our places! Help us! We are but humble English Gentry—blah blah”
- Poor could use a plan . . .
- Some manufacturers, like the ‘woolen districts’ had an economic downturn. Workers lots jobs and also wanted a solution.
- Primogeniture— firstborn son inherits ALL of the father’s land.
- Add a, b, c, & d together above, with all that you learned about the New World and it equals? ______(Share what you think with your table mates)
- 1600s,joint-stock company got better.
- What the heck is this? We are student centered and students show caring for one another. We cannot move on until EVERYBODY at your table knows this concept. No exception! If I ask this on a quiz and Kelly B. doesn’t answer correctly—I will take points out of her tablemates’ scores! Get it? Help out!
- What were the benefits?
- What were the drawbacks of the earlier stock-joint ventures? (Think early Jamestown . . .)
- Today’s business
- England Plants the Jamestown Seedlings: History’s Mysteries opyright © 2010 by WikiNotes.wikidot.com
- 1606, King James I –Virginia Companytocharter to establish a colony in America.
- Joint-stock company—quick profits; short term. The goal to turn a quick profit to investors who’d sell out after a year or two.
- Charter guaranteed colonists (those coming to make $$ for the company) same rights as Englishmen. Ironically, later this guaranteehelps “fan the flames” of independence movement.
- May of 1607—100 or so Englishmen try their luck at Jamestown, Virginia.—not so much a place Virginia—but a name for the “Virgin Queen.” Natives had their own names for places in the New World—some stuck, some didn’t. Michigan?
- Troubles for the colony came early and often…
- Forty would-be settlers died on the boat ride over.
- Problems then emerged including (a) the swampy site of Jamestown meant poor drinking water and mosquitoes causing malaria and yellow fever, (b) “gentlemen” wasted time looking for gold rather than doing useful tasks (digging wells, building shelter, planting crops), and (c) there were zero women on the initial ship.
- A supply ship bound for Jamestown in 1609 wrecked in the Bahamas.
- Their fortune began to change in 1608 when Captain John Smith took control and instituted a strong measure of much-needed discipline.
- According to legend, Smith was once kidnapped by local Chief Powhatan and then his life spared at the last moment thanks to his daughter Pocahontas.
- This act may well have been staged, but was intended by Powhatan to show good intentions between Indian and the whites.
- John Smith’s main contribution was that he gave order and discipline, highlighted by his “no work, no food” policy.
- Still, the Jamestown settlers died in droves, and resorted to eating “dogges, Catts, rats, and Myce.” One fellow wrote of eating “powdered wife.”
- Understandably, this was known as the “starving time” in Virginia.
- The colonists’ next stroke of good fortune came when Lord De La Warr intercepted a ship of settlers who were abandoning the colony. He forced them to return, brought more discipline, and brought much-needed supplies.
- By 1625, only 1,200 out of nearly 8,000 settlers had survived.
- Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
- The whites and Powhatan held a Jekyll and Hyde relationship—they waffled between good relations and bad relations. They raided one another, traded with one another, and fought one another.
- The First Anglo-Powhatan War ended in 1614. It was sealed by the marriage of Pocahontas to colonist John Rolfe.
- Together, Pocahontas and Rolfe would develop a sweet tobacco. This would become the cash crop that would save Jamestown.
- In 1622, the Indians struck again, killing 347 whites, included Rolfe ironically.
- The Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1644-1646) saw the Indians defeated soundly. The results were…
- The Indians were effectively banished from the Chesapeake.
- The notion was born that Indians and whites cannot live together peaceably—the beginnings of the reservations system were brewing.
- The Indians fell due to the “three D’s”: disease (smallpox was the worst), disorganization (since they were not united, the whites could fight one tribe at a time), and disposability (since the whites had no use for Indians, they were simply pushed out).
- The Indians’ New World
- The Europeans’ arrival in the New World shocked Native American and induced unprecedented changes.
- Horses altered Indian lifestyles, especially the Sioux who used the horse expertly on buffalo hunts.
- Disease was by far the greatest change.
- Indian blood, since they’d never been exposed to such bacteria, lacked any natural resistance to the white’s diseases.
- Tribes were devastated. The Catawba of piedmont Carolina, for example, was formed out of remnants of several other tribes.
- Native Americans wanted firearms, eventually got them, and thus heightened tensions with other tribes and with whites.
- Indians tried to engage in the trans-Atlantic economy, but had little to no success.
- Indians along the Atlantic coast were effectively pushed out by war and disease. Those further inland, traded space for time.
- Virginia: Child of Tobacco
- Jamestown’s salvation was found in the form of tobacco.
- John Rolfe’s sweet tobacco was sought as a cash crop by Europe. Jamestown had finally found its gold.
- Tobacco also had negative effects…
- Its success caused settlers to scramble for more land to cultivate. It also encouraged “land butchery”—farmers would cultivate the land ‘til it gave out, and then just move on.
- It boosted the plantation economy and created a demand for cheap labor. At first this labor was filled mostly by white indentured servants, and then as the 1600s turned into the 1700s, by black slaves.
- It built Virginia’s economy on a single item, tobacco. Their economy was thus susceptible to the whims of having “all their eggs in one basket.”
- Three major things happened in 1619…
- Representative self-government came to America when Virginians created the House of Burgesses, a basic legislature to work out local issues.