Topic 1. the Method and the Object of Economics

Topic 1. the Method and the Object of Economics

Political Economy Department

Subject: Microeconomics

Academic Year: 2017-2018


Topic 1. The method and the object of economics

1.1. Becoming of the economic policy

1.2. The study object of economics

1.3. The method in economics

1.4. The law characteristic of economics

Topic 2. The market system

2.1. The economic activity

2.2. Merchandise

2.3. Market economy

2.4. The market: concept and types

Topic 3. Consumer behaviour

3.1. The ordinal and cardinal theory of utility

3.2. Individual, total and marginal utility

3.3. Indiference curves

3.4. Economic calculus of the consumer

3.5. Income and substitution effect

Topic 4. Theory of demand

4.1. Demand

4.2. Elasticity of the demand

Topic 5. Producer behaviour

5.1. The company

5.2. Factors of production

5.3. Producer’s optimum

5.4. The productivity of production factors

Topic 6. The theory of costs and profit

6.1. Economic concept of production cost

6.2. Types and sizes of costs

6.3. The relationships between short time costs. Minimizing costs

6.4. The évolution of long time costs.

6.5. The profit. Concept and théories.

6.6. The amount and the profit rate. Amount and functions of the profit.

6.7. Break even and bankruptcy of the company

Topic 7. Theory of supply

7.1. Supply

7.2. Elasticity of supply.

Topic 8. Perfect competition market

8.1. The general environment of competition.

8.2. Perfect competition

8.3. Price formation on a perfect competition market.

8.4. Maximizing profit on a perfect competition market.

Topic 9. Monopoly market

9.1. The definition and the hypothesis of the model.

9.1.1. The causes of monopoly existence.

9.1.2. The demand and the income curve of a monopoly.

9.1.3. Total revenue, average and marginal revenue.

9.2. Short and long termn equilibrium on the monopoly market.

9.3. Inneficiency of resource alocation in the case of monopoly. Evaluation of the met losses causedby monopoly.

9.4. Monopolistic technique of establishing prices (price discrimination)

9.5. Reglemention of natural monopolies.

9.6. Monopsonic competition and bilateral monopoly.

Topic 10. Imperfect competition market

10.1. Monopolistic competition

10.2. Oligopoly


1. Paul Krugman, Microeconomics, ISBN-10: 1429283424, 2012

2. Robert Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfeld, Microeconomics with NEW MyEconLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (8th Edition), ISBN-10: 0132951509, 2012

3. N. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics, ISBN-10: 0538453044, 2011

4. Jeffrey M. Perloff, Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, 2nd Edition, ISBN-10: 0138008477, 2010

5. R. Glenn Hubbard and Anthony P. O'Brien, Microeconomics (4th Edition) (The Pearson Series in Economics), ISBN-10: 0132911981, 2012

  1. Stockman, Alan C., Economics, The Dryden Press, Rochester, 1996;
  1. Colander, David C., Economics, Fifth Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill Inc., Boston, 2006;
  1. Colander, David C., Microeconomics, Eight Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill Inc., Boston, 2009;
  1. Campbell, R., Connell, Mc., Brue, Stanley L., Economics, Thirteen Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1996;

Head of Department,Responsible of Subject,

Associate Professor Elena-Dana Bako, PhDAssociate Professor Octavian Jula, PhD

NOTE: This document represents an informal translation performed by the faculty.