Tophat Little Hatter Referee Information

Requirements: Whistle, Stopwatch, Tophat referee jersey, Tennis Shoes – Completing the class and training.

Referees sign in at the concession stand 10 minutes before game timeand pick up their referee jersey. Please note that being a referee is your responsibility, your parents may watch but they are not allowed to help. Refereeing requires your full attention. You are not allowed to socialize during the game.

If you must cancel, email us at no later than 9am Saturday morning. If you do not show up for your games with no warning, we will not hire you again. Remember there are a lot of girls who are training so we will assign the girls we can rely on.

(Throughout Saturday I will be walking around evaluating my refs. If I evaluate you, you will receive a copy of what I would like for you to work on.)

First referee of the day will pick up their game balls at the concession stand. Next referee help collect balls and clean up the area for your game. Last referee of the day brings balls back to the shed. Before every game put all the balls back into the bag and synch down the bag!!! When balls are not put up they get lost throughout the day.

Start the gameon time!!!!! ***Games can start before all the players arrive since we have extra players.*** Also try to ensure that the players and coaches stay on the opposite side from the parents.

Little Hatter games have 20 minute halves with a 5-minute half time. During the Little Hatter games, the referee will announce subs every 5 minutes until half time or game is over. Use your whistle by blowing it LOUD to get the coaches attention and then announce subs. Blow the whistle twice and announce half time. Blow the whistle three timesto announce the game is over. Very important that you make sure the players shake hands after the game. We are always teaching sportsmanship!

Substitution rules require that all the players on the sideline must sub in at the whistle. If all players are at the game, then there will be a complete change of team. If players are absent, then one or more players will have to stay in the game. Let Laura or Cy know if any coach is leaving one player in for the whole game.

The Goal kick should be taken from the spots marked on the field. If they are not visible, then please place ball 2 feet to the side of the goal post. Corner kicks are taken from the corner. Please remind all defenders to stand 3 yard (3 huge steps) back form a corner kick.

Remember: NO goalies, NO double touches, NO off-sides, NO penalty kicks, NO time-outs. If a player gets injured, have the coach put another player in the game and carry the injured one off. Try to always keep the game going.

Whenever the ball goes out of bounds or in the goal, blow the whistle loud and make your call. Do not be concerned about making a bad call and don’t let the coaches try to change your mind. As a ref, you must always stay with your first call.

Important! The referee is in charge on the game, not the coaches. If you have any kind of trouble with a coach or parent, report to Cy, Laura or Stevi. Parents and coaches have been instructed to leave the referees alone, so if you do your job seriously and courteously, we will not expect any problem.

Referees will be paid at the concession stand after they complete their two assigned games. Refs who show up unprepared (no whistle, stop watch, or shoes) will be deducted pay. You may not buy any candy when you are on the job.

Have all of these rules memorized so if a coach asks you a question you can confidently answer it. Bring this packet to every game to refer to and show the coaches if they have a question.